Sparks' Mission

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Written by TheActualCorgi and myself
-if you already read this chapter we posted the second chapter already😋

Sparks' POV
While I was walking Luna, I got a phone call from Nate. "ok Nate I'll be there soon. You know you could just text right?" I said as I hung up. "Well let's go Luna!" I cheered. Luna and I were heading over to Nate's house for a special mission. You see we've been trying to find a friend of ours for a long time now, and we think we have a lead.

*at Nate's house*
"Nate did you pinpoint her location?" I interrogated him as I popped up from behind. "Aaahhh!" Nate screamed in a high pitched girl scream. Trust me this is probably the highest he's screamed in a long time. "Oh it's just you Sparks," Nate sighs. "Who else would it be? Your mom," I reply. "Well this is pretty much a basement she doesn't know about so the slightest loud sound might reveal our hideout," Nate stated wordily. "Hey it's ok Nate! I mean she hasn't found this place for years!" I replied. "I guess you're right. You know I was surprised when she didn't find this place when you went through your moonshine phase," Nate mumbled. "Right phase, cause I'm definitely not making moonshine and selling it for a profit, no....." I defend. "Anyway, I think the computers found Krystal," Nate said to get back on track. Luna's ears perked up at the name. "So where?" I persisted. "South side of town. " Nate responded, not moving his eyes from the computer screen. "Okay," I continued, "So what are we waiting for?" We suited up (hoodies and jeans) and headed towards the south side of town. As we drove, Nate was driving (he is a far better driver than me) and I could practically feel his stress. Just to mess with him I decided to start singing, and i didn't just sing any song- I sang Oh! "Chrys do you love me."

Nate quickly cut me of with a sharp "shut up!" I was shocked he yelled at me (not really tho), but I decided to listen to him while covering Luna's ears. Nate took a breath. "Sorry," he sighed, "It's just..." I smirked. "It's just what?" He slumped back in his seat a little. "What if she... doesn't like me anymore... I mean... it's been like... three years." "If she liked you in the first place I doubt she still wouldn't like. I mean you haven't changed in the past three years." The car pulled up to a red light. Nate looked at me, the dark circles under his eyes obvious in the bright lights. All i could say now was, "Wow you really need a makeover."

The light changed. "I just remembered why I don't have emotions around you, Miss Emotion-black-hole." "In my defence I'm not really skilled with helping people emotionally."

We sat in silence for a moment before Nate stopped the car. "I don't know if this confrontation is better or worse for my mental health," he shrugged in response to his own comment. I patted his shoulder as i got out of the car, but what i saw when i got out was far worse than i could've ever of expected. There, pinned to the wall of the nearest building, was a note.

"And I thought your handwriting was awful," I whispered to Nate. He didn't seem to appreciate my comment (I don't know why).

You're invited to compete in a competition of skill. Stealth, strength, and something we couldn't understand will be tested. IF you ever want see Chrystal again, you'll consider our offer.
NDQ staff and company

Ps-if you want to compete go to the back of the NDQ in downtown at 12am

Without a word spoken, we both got back in the car, dropped Luna off at Nate's mom's house, and drove (sped like we passed the speed limit a lot) to NDQ. When we got there, I saw this girl who was having an argument. Things were getting juicy, but then the guy with spiky hair attacked the poor girl. I decided to comfort this girl as she ran off.

*time skip (what happened in the timeskip was Sparks and y/n met in the other story [The Future Meets the Past])*

I soon returned to NDQ because it was 11:50.
I returned to see Nate licking a vanilla sunday. Not using a spoon. He was licking it. "I have been scarred for life," i mumbled to myself with big eyes at the sight in front of me. I didn't even address the fact that he was eating food from the enemy. Which didn't even compare to my disgust from his eating like that. I rolled my eyes and began walking toward the back of the NDQ. To my surprise there was a group of people already there (were they all employees or something). Nate licked his sunday. "Well, this is going to be awkward." "For sure, especially since I'm with someone who eats like you." I said looking at him dead in the eyes. Nate lowered his sunday and pulled the little plastic spoon in its little plastic bag out of his back pocket without losing eye contact. He then proceed to eat with the spoon which actually might have been worse than when he was licking. I drifted my walking a few feet away from him so it wouldn't look like I knew him. I pulled up my hoodie so people wouldn't be able to see my face as I entered the center of the group of people. The group chatted quietly.

All became silent when someone stepped out of the back door of the NDQ. It was an employee?! or was it the boss, I seriously can't tell the difference they all wear the same uniform. The woman who had just stepped outside began to speak. "Welcome everyone! I hope you all are ready to compete!" She sounded oddly excited. To my luck (yay *sigh*), Nate found me in the safety of the center of the group of people. To be honest, I didn't think twice about what she said, but Nate was shivering.

"Come this way!" the woman called. Slowly, the troupe of strangers moved all the way to a pothole. Reluctantly, Nate and I climbed down the ladder.............

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