❝ Rules, Favors And Rewards❞

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(If you have questions, please read through the whole thing first)


⊱ Please first of all read the rules. I will be strict with that, if you didn't read the rules, no book cover.

⊱ Please NO COVER HOPPING. Cover Hopping is when you go from graphic shop to another and then get all the covers like a collectible. I have had experiences of requesters doing this and they end up not using my cover.

I will follow this rule very strictly because it just wastes my time and it also inconvenience others who are still waiting for their book covers. If I find out you were cover hopping, I will have to be forced to blacklist you.

⊱ Please do not pm me your requests. You have to comment it because it is easier for me to copy your comment and transfer it to my notepad as I am using a phone.

⊱ If you think I am taking too long, that is when you can pm me on updates.

⊱ I only send stuff through email and Messenger (Facebook). If you don't have any of these accounts, I suggest you start making one.

⊱ Your book has to be published, it is okay if there is only one chapter, as long as it is available for people to read. It is okay to however request even if it is not published but I won't send the cover to you unless you do so.

⊱ I don't really care if you use my cover or not. But I put my hardest into covers. At least put it up for one week if you got tired of it.

⊱ I don't accept requests that requires me to use very sexually explicit pictures or overly disturbing pictures like really graphic gore.


⊱ Please understand that I do first come, first serve basis so please patiently wait and don't harass others who got their covers first.

⊱ Please no arguing or bullying in the comments as I will immediately blacklist you if that happens.

If you have understood and read all the rules comment in the Format labeled 'rules password' : your all time favorite book.

If you already know me, I don't call them payments as it just sounds so transactional when really I am just trying to help you and promote my books more.

Here is what you should do in order for your request to be accepted.

Please understand that this will be strictly implemented because you are not paying me real money and I am using my time to make these for you.

⊱ Please add this book and my book covers book to your reading list

⊱ It is very important you credit me in all three ways: story description, one dedication and a mention or tag.

⊱ If you have acknowledged all the Favors, comment on the Format labeled 'favors password' : a number from 1-10

⊱ You are not required to follow, vote or comment on any of my other books.

⊱ Please write an inline comment here (yes or no) if I should make a graphic contest. If you are not aware, a graphic contest is where other graphic designers get to show off their skills and also get promotion on their books with rewards.

I have been planning to make one for a while but I don't know if I am worthy to judge just yet since I have rarely won first place but I have placed numerous times in the top 1-3 before.

Most cover makers don't do rewards because the book cover is kinda the reward in itself.

This is my way to say thank you for giving support to my book covers.

⊱ The book that I made you a cover for will be added to my Rosie Reads reading list.

⊱ I will flood vote the whole book until it's completion.

⊱ I will try to comment if I have time but I am really busy. Don't worry, I will get around to reading them.

⊱ You will be dedicated on a chapter of one of my books

⊱ If you want, once I finished reading your book, I might write a review, that is if you have want me to.

All questions should be commented in line here so that future requesters can refer to these questions and not repeat the same questions.

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