Chapter 10

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~~~Unifishy POV~~~
I work up before anyone eals. So I got up and cook breakfast for them. I made pancakes and egg. When I wating for the last batch of pancake to be done I got my drawing and work on a new one with the gang. After couple of minutes the pancake and egg were done. I went to the living room and work up everyone.
"Hey wake up I made breakfast." I yelled
"Come on it-." (N/A) said
" it's 7:00." I said
"Ok let eat Unifishy awesome food." Thay all said but Garroth
"Garroth wake up sleepy head I made egg and pancake." I said. That aways made him wake up
"Yay food." Garroth said like a little kid. We went to the kitchen to eat food
~~~your POV~~~
Unifishy made food for us. She did so much for us I wanted to repay her but I did not know how. After I ate my breakfast I went upstairs to take a shower and change in to some clean clothes. I got out of the shower and put my clean clothes. Then I heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it." I said putting my hair in a ponytail
"It me Garroth." He said
"Ok what do you want. I'm getting dress here." I said
"Ok umm I wanted to know when you will be done cause you not the only girl here." He said
"I'm pretty much done Garroth." I said picking up my colthes from the ground. After I picked up my colthes. I open the door and saw Garroth waiting for.
"What do you want handsome." I said
"Nothing and why did you called me handsome." He said blushing
"Not again reamber we're dating." I said blushing. I reamber I did not have my hoodie on and my eyes and hair changes to pink.
"I never forget we are dating. Even with your hair color changing I still like you." He said dipping me
"Ok Romeo." I said. Then he kissed me. "I loved him. I never wanted to forget about him even we were soppose to get married. I wanted to finish school." I thought.
~~~time skip be use I'm to lazy to come up with something~~~
When we arrived at school. I saw 3 guard and my...DAD. I told everyone to run but Nicole.
"Hello daughters." The lord said
"What do you want dad." Nicole said
"Shut up Nicole." The lord said slapping Nicole
"Dad I can't believe you did that." I said getting really mad
"You coming with me (N/A)." The lord said
"No. I'm not going to listen to you." I said in a math tone that when Nicole know to move back and my hair and eyes were not (H/C) anymore it was red.
"Yes you are. I don't care what you say you coming with me." He said and grabbing my arm. But I slipped out
"You forgot I can do that. leave I'm not going to quite school." I yelled
"Yes I did forget and you were not going to get married now I was going to lock you up in the jail cell." He said
"Dad I-I hate you sooo much. You only care about your self." I yelled at him. After I said that my dad yell gaurds.
"Nicole go get them now" I said to Nicole. Nicole said nothing she just ran. As the gaurd froght me. I froght back. Then I saw them coming my best friend to help me but Unifishy.
"Nicole were Unifishy." I yelled trying to block the gaurds attack
"She trap you need to help her." She yelled back tripping all the gaurd
"Thank you I help her." I yelled. I froght back trying to get through. I got through and my dad did not see me. I ran in the school and nobody was here but I didn't care. I just needed to find Unifishy.
Haha cliff hanger. So stuff went down. I'm going to try to write tomorrow but mom will be home and won't have iPad. When I'm going to school I'm going to charge my iPad mini. Hope you like it
From one and only Unifishy 🐠

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