Chapter 13

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I will tell you when to play the song
~~~your POV~~~
When Garroth grabbed my hand I blushed and my hair and eyes change.
"Hey (N/A) you blushing." Garroth said putting my pink hair behind my ear
"I know." I said.
"I know you know reamber if you ever need to talk. I'm here for you." Garroth said
"I know if I have something and I need to talk about I have you guys." I said kissing his cheek. Then Garroth kissed me back. (My hair and eyes change back)
"Hey Garroth about you stop kissing me and we get the group." I said with a smile
"Ok and I did not kiss you. You kissed me and one more thing that hair changing thing is awesome."He said. I just look at him and pinned him down
"Getting you off gaurd is the best." I yelled
"You aways get me off gaurd." He said.
"Hey everyone I got Garroth off gaurd and pinned down." I yelled. Then I saw everyone.
"So bro bro you got pinned down by a girl again." Unifishy said
"What do you mean again." Everybody said but Garroth and Unifishy
"When Unifishy was young we will spar each other. I away got her off gaurd and pinned her down. But one day this girl saw me going outside and waited. I went to the area were we spar and boom Unifishy came up behind me and pinned me." Garroth said
"If I say so myself I was pretty clever." Unifishy said
"Ok but are you guys ready now to party." Aph said
"Yes!" Everybody yelled. I got off of Garroth and went to Nicole.
"Hey Nicole their a karaoke machine. Do you want to sing are song." I whisper
"What do you think." Nicole whisper yelled
"Ok." I said
"Everybody down stairs plz." Nicole and I said. So everybody went downstairs. Nicole and I set up the karaoke machine
"What you doing." Laurnce and Dante ask
"You guys are bling they are going to sing." Aph, Garroth, and Unifishy yelled at them
"Ok we are ready." Nicole and I said (start music)

It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back when you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never been this way before
All you can do is try to know who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back when they call you
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back when they call you
No need to say goodbye

"That was awesome. You guys are awesome." Dante said
"Thank you thank you. We will be hagging out with the food." Nicole and I said what laughter.
"Hey Unifishy when can we eat." Laurnce ask
"Hmm you don't see Nicole and (N/A) getting food. You are dumb." Unifishy said
"I'm not dumb. That means a yes." Laurnce ask
"Yes we can eat. Come on." Unifishy told them. I saw their was Nutella and it said don't touch my Nutella from Unifishy. That tells me I should not touch her Nutella or she will kill me. Then I saw a picture with Aph and a boy. It was not Garroth I know that.
"Hey Garroth!" I yelled
"Yes." Garroth said trying to hide the food
"Who that boy beside Aph." I said looking at the picture
"O that was Aph little bro." Garroth said
"What happ-." I was cut off by Unifishy looking at the picture
"W-who t-that." Unifishy studder
"Does someone have a crush on a boy." Garroth tesed
"You don't need to know that still who is it." Unifishy said
"It my brother levin." Aph said behind us
"He very handsome Aph." I said
"I know. I aways told him behim self. Every time he would get bully I was stand up for him *start to cry*" Aph said with a tear
"Ok I think we should go back to the kitchen where their food." Unifishy, Garroth, and I said. Aph just nod at us. Then we had to pull her to the kitchen were we saw Nicole, Dante, and laurnce eating Unifishy Nutella
"You ate my Nutella!" Unifishy yelled
"Aph and (N/A) we need to take cover." Garroth said looking at Aph and I
"Ok and why." Aph and I ask
"You will see." Garroth told us
"But... But it was thri.... And their is us." They said
"Their a lot I won't care if you touch. But never ever touch my blanket that my mom gave to me (that true I was baby when I got my blanket) and never ever touched my Nutella." Unifishy yelled and I saw magic come out of her hand
"Garroth you need to calm her down." I said looking at him
"Ok *get out of under the table* Unifishy calm down you know what happen before right." Garroth said putting his hand on her shoulder
"Yes I do. But I put a note on my Nutella." Unifishy said
"I know and I hope the won't eat your Nutella again." Garroth said.
"We won't we promis." They all said. After that Unifishy put that behind her and we  dance ate and sing.
So a long chapter and I did not mean to do that poop. I may make you guys have a nightmare about something in the next chapter. The thing that said don't touch my blanket that my mom gave to me. That's really true I still have my baby blanket it a childhood memories. I will never give it up and never touch my Nutella. Maybe levin may be in the next chapter or 2

From one and only Unifishy 🐠

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