Chapter 14

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~~~your POV~~~
After a long night of partying. We went upstairs to change in are PJ. I saw Unifishy change in to a Unicorn onesis. After awail I saw Garroth down stairs. I thought " you really need to pin him down again. So after creative thoughts cam I ran downstairs. But instead I pin him down. He pinned me down
"Come on Garroth." I said
"Ha you thought you were going to pin-." He was stop from me poking me from behind
"Haha you forgot I can do that did you." I said giggling
"Come on." He said getting up and dipping me
"Did I ever I tell why I fell in love with you Garroth." I said
"No you have not tell me the story." He said
"No that a other story for a other day then." I said putting my hand Around his neck and kissing him
"Ok. I will get that story out of you tho." He said kissing me back. We pulled apart and I went upstairs to sleep but of course Garroth wanted to say something.
"Hey sleep head." Garroth said
"What I want o sleep." I said looking at his nice blue eye
"Have a good sleep." He said looking in to mine (H/C) eyes
"I will. Make sure you have one." I said and walk upstairs. I went to the room were the girls and I slept in. I could not sleep so I when everyone was asleep. I snuck downstairs and saw Nicole their. I smiled at her and went to the couch. I got conformble on the couch and started to drift to sleep
I was at... MY OLD ROOM!
"Nicole, Garroth, aphmau, laurnce, Dante, and Unifishy where are you." I scream. Then I saw my dad and Zane
"Hi honey. You are awake." Dad said
"What did you do to them." I scream at him.
"I killed them see *shows dead body*." He said
"Noo how could you. Even to your daughter." I said feeling angry and sad. Then my hair and eyes was not (H/C) anymore. My hair was red and my eyes were blue. Then I felt something sharp to my neck
"Do you want to say anything befor you die." Zane said leaning in to kiss me. All I did is use my power to telport like I aways did when someone pinned me down
"Hey sweetie I'm behind you." I said poking Zane. He just look at me
"Zane kill her NOW!" My dad yelled. When I herd that. I used my power to fly up
"Dad I hate you. You only care about your self. *thorw fire ball* Zane you are just like my dad but worst. You would try to hurt anyone to get Unifishy." I yelled
"Zane I got my bow and arrows." My dad said. I was just floating
"Dad why would you do th-" I was cut off by my dad shooting the arrow in my heart. The last thing I herd was I never loved you.
~~~end of dream kinda like a nightmare~~~
I work up and saw people around me. My hair was rad and eyes was blue.
"(N/A) what happen I herd you screaming and work up at everyone." Nicole said putting her head on my head. I just staird and cry.
"Guys can (N/A) have a time alone plz." Nicole said looking at everyone
"Yes Nicole." Everybody said. I staird at Nicole and cry even more and hug her
"Don't leave me plz. I don't want to lose you." I said
"(N/A) what are you talking about." Nicole said. I cry even more and did not say anything to that question. I did not want to talk about it
"Nicole have you figar out what your power is." I said. When I said that Nicole look at me like she knew what happen to me.
"Hello Nicole." I said shaking her
"What what. O sorry (N/A) I just read your mind and what happen in your dream." She said hugging me. I hugged her back now my hair was blue.
"Don't leave me plz. Besid my freind you the only best friend and family I have." I said crying on her shoulder
"I won't. I promis." She said. After that Nicole and I talk it was about 5 and their was no reason to go back to sleep
So I gave a nightmare to you people. Plz tell me the lord name from scailswind. And Nicole figar out one of her power. I need you guys post the 2nd one. Do you guys where I can find awesome anime picture for this fanfiction. Thank you for 700+ it have not been a month and boom
From one and only Unifishy 🐠

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