Chapter 15

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Don't start the music to I tell you
~~~Unifishy POV at school~~~
When we arivvie at school. I saw this girl with pink hair and this boy with blond hair. I saw aph running up to them.
"Uuhh. Why is aph hugging stranger." I said
"I don't know let ask." (N/A) said walking up to aph
"Ok come on guys." I said grabbing their arms. I saw the boy with blond hair. He was cute but of corse because I'm stupid I'm the studder princess.
"Hey aph who are they." Laurnce ask
"Ok so this is kawaii~chan." Aph said poting at the girl with pink hair
"Hi aphmua~senpi friend." Kawaii~chan said
"Hi I'm levin." Levin said
"And I-I'm u-unifishy and this is-." I was cut of by a hand on my shoulder and when I turned my head It was aph.
"Hey unifishy can I talk to you." Aph whisper
"Yes you can." I said. Aph grabbed my hand. So everybody interduce theirselves to levin and kawaii~chan
"Yes aph." I said
"1 you just like garroth studder king and (N/A) the studder queen. 2 do you like levin." Aph ask me
"1 thank for that. 2 pffff no. I have a crush on ummm table~chan at home." I lied
"Ok let go back now studder princess." Aph said poking me
"Ok let go." I said running back. So aph and I went back were the group was at.
"So levin and kawaii~chan why did you come here." I herd Nicole say
"I ran away from home because are dad was abusing me and I ask kawaii~chan does she want to come. So we are here. What is your past Nicole and (N/A)." Levin ask
"Aph can I trust him." (N/A) ask aph
"Yes you can." Aph said
"Ok this is are past." Nicole said
~~~ tells past. I'm to lazy to put in past ~~~
"Their are past and I'm telling you do not tell anyone." Nicole said
"Ok and unifishy what your past." Levin ask. I was zoom out until I herd someone say my name.
"Who... What... No!" I yelled
"What your past." levin said
"O my past is and better don't tell anyone." I told him
"Ok." Levin said

Garroth, Zane, and I were brother and sister. I was the youngest then their was Zane then Garroth. But one day Garroth and I was Sparing each other and Zane had to come.

"hey butt 1 and butt 2." Zane said pushing me down.

"What was that for Zane." I yelled at him trying to get up

"Who care but dad want you Unifishy." Zane said pushing garroth down.

"Why would I belive you. when you keep pushing us down." I said helping Garroth up.

"yeah Zane." Garroth said taking my hand and getting up

"I'm just telling you that dad want you Unifishy." Zand said walking away. After that I just look at Garroth.

"Go see dad and I stay here." Garroth said

"Ok and Garroth thank you for being their when I needed you." I said hugging him

"No promblem now go see him." Garroth said. After that I ran to see my dad. When I enter the house we lived in. I was trip by Zane

"Really Zane really." I said

"Yes really you are butt 2." Zane said. I was ready to hurt Zane. But for some reason I was not alode to.

"Hey honey. How was your day outside." Dad said

"It was awesome. Garroth and I spar each other. I'm getting so much better at fighting." I yelled

"That's great. Now the real reason I want you to come is that. I'm going to use you in war aginst village becuse you have witchcraft." Dad said

"First off I'm not helping you win wars and sencond I have witchcraft this is.... Awesome." I yelled

"Yes you are going to help me or you die like your mother." Dad said

"No I'm not and you killed mother. I yelled

"yes I did. if you don't join I will kill you" Dad said. After that I ran upstiar and lock my door. I started to make potions. I throw the potion on me and it showed me on the ground died. When that happen I ran outside and ran as fast as I can. I did not tell Garroth. I did not want him to know.
~~~end of past~~~
I just stood their. I was ready to cry.
"Unifishy do you need a hug." Garroth ask. I stood their and shook my head yes. I ran up to him and hug him. Then I felt the group hug me.
"I'm so sorry I never told you. But it was for your good." I said
"It ok I know you wanted me to stay safe." Garroth said. After that I just told everyone to leave me alone for a little bit and they shook their head yes. I left and ran to the forest. I sat beside a tree and look at the tree and started singing. (Start music)

I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said, "I'll never let you go"
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone"
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

Don't you dare look out your window darling
Everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby
Even when the music's gone

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, Oooh
La La (La La)
La La (La La)
Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, Oooh
La La (La La)

Just close your eyes
You'll be alright
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound...

Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh oh oh
When I finish. I heard clapping. I turned back and saw levin
"You have a great vocie." Levin said sitting by me
"Thank I guess." I said looking at the floor
"Why did you run away to the forest Unifishy." Levin said
"I just needed to be alone. Can we just go back now please." I said getting up and putting my hand out to help levin up
"Yes we can." Levin said grabbing my hand. We ran back to school. I saw that Aph was fangirling.
"You back and you too levin." Dante said
"Can we just go back now." I said
"What worng Unifishy." Laurnce said
"Nothing let just go in." I said walking in the building. I saw that (N/A) was ready to run after me but Garroth told her let me have some alone time. After that we went inside and saw new teacher.
So much happen ahhhhhh. Get your last inter in tomorrow. I will pick the new tech. Goo see the other 2 parts to see what you need for the contest.
Bye fishy
From one and only Unifishy

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