Chapter 7

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~~~Nicole POV~~~
Aph took us up to her room and got a dress out for (N/A) and me to.
"What this for." (N/A) said and looking at the dress
"It for when you ask Garroth out you have something nice and cute on." Aph said
"I don't do dresses." (N/A) said
"I don't eather brings back to much of the past." I said
"Plz for today and prom plz." Aph said giving us puppy dog eyes
"Fine do you have a red one." I said
"Yes and what color do you want (N/A)." Aph said
"Do you have a (F/C) dress with (F/C) shoe." (N/A) said
"Yes *looking through closet* here you guys go." Aph said
"And what are you going to ware." (N/A) and I said
"O I wareing my purple dress." Aph said
"Ok let get change now." (N/A) said with a happy tone.
~~~Garroth POV~~~
"So laurnce I thought you were in the popular group with Dante." I said
"I stop being in that group everybody made fun of you guys." Laurnce and Dante said
"Hey Unifishy are you amost done with the food." I yelled
"Yeah I'm finish but wait to the girls come down." Unifishy yelled back
"What taking them so long." Dante ask
"I don't know." Laurnce said
"Hey let surprise them." I said with a smile
"How reamber we may be friend but I don't know where you going." Laurnce said
"The girls may be getting in new coloth. Let do the same thing I have some jeans and shirt in my room." I said
"Ok let's do this." We all said. We walk upstairs hoping the girls don't here us. We went to my room and got coloth and took turn getting dress in the restroom.
~~~Unifishy POV~~~
The boys and the girl were getting dress for how knows what. I sat their cooking the food and work on my drawing I have of (N/A) and Garroth holding hand. Then all of a sudden I here a knocking. I got up and anwser it
"Hi I'm the head guard of Scaleswind did you see any girls name Nicole and (N/A)." The guard said
"No I haven't it just me and my bother." I said
"O ok if you see them plz tell them their dad is really mad." The gaurd said
"I will." I said then close the door.
"That was close." I mumble to my self. I went back to the kitchen to start setting up the table.
~~~ 1 hour later~~~
After waiting for a hour. I saw the boys come down.
"It took you boys that long to get dress."
"No." Garroth said
"Mmhmm right. But are the girls ready." I said
"No but their was a knock at the door how was it." Garroth said looking down at me
"1 stop looking down at me. 2 it was the head gaurd of Scaleswind again asking me have you seen 2 princesses. I said no."I said looking up at him
"1 I'm not and 2 thank you for saying no." Garroth said
"You welcome Garroth. So laurnce and Dante why did you guys get dress. It make sence for Garroth." I said looking at them
"Same reason Garroth did." Laurnce and Dante said
"Ok I'm going to go upstairs to check on the girls ok." I said
"Ok." They said in a happy tone
"And don't touch the sandwiches." I said
"Fine." Garroth said. After the long talk I went upstairs to go see if the girls were done.
"Hey guys are you done yet." I yell
"Yes Unifishy." (N/A) said. After (N/A) said that. They walk out of the room looking fabulous.
"Done let do this thing." Nicole said
So stuff is happing. Hope you people like this story. It hard to get the run away princess and the school mushed to one story. I'm making a other one because life and I said so.
From one and only Unifishy

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