End of contest & winner

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It the end and here are the winner.

Name: doctor Girl

Subject: history & time travel (if you watch Doctor who. That what doctor girl is mad berry don't get mad at me cause she history it make sence and she time travel to)

Look and clothes: long hair to her keen, white eyes, pink turtle neck with thick white pantes and black gentlemen shoe

Acts: she is vary nice and popular. She was the 2nd persons in the world to discover time travel. She did not let any whom in her tardis. She does not have a bf or a buff. She is the tallest teacher in the school. She have a strong British accent. She love to work with the class. She a very fun funny teacher
(I had to add some becuase it needed to be a teacher)

Name: May wether-field

Subject: Art

Looks & clothes: Has brown hair. She wears a dress with water color stains on it. Also wear light purple boot

Act: she's SUPER SUPER nice. She never gave a student a F in her life. Also she sooo SUPER sweet and fun and also SUPER funny. All her student love her

Name: Sky/ Ms. Reid

Subject: teach gaming with pewdiepie (I add pewdiepie.)

Looks & clothes: pastel blue 3Q t-shirt, skinny jeans, with a cute Jean jaket. She has sturberry blond hair, black dork glasses, with a flower crown.

Act: qurky, fun, funny, she love to teach the kids. She knows when 2 people like each other but don't want to ask aka matchmaker.

Name: Jade/ Mrs. Jackson

Subject: Geek mythology

Clothes & looks: blue jeans, pastel pink blouse, white cardigan, black flats, brunette hair pull in to a ponytail

Act: Is a funny and sassy teacher and usually act out scenes from Greek times, like how Persephone was kidnapped by Hades. But she doesn't tolerate bad behavior. (I add sassy cuz I can and I wanted a sassy teacher)

Name: Rose/ Ms. Petal

Subject: Nature love

Clothes & looks: Rose color shirt, white jeans, White sneaker, flower crown, and blond hair with hazel eyes

Act: she love nature and have fun with her class and she is very caring

Done. They are the winner and before you go to the comment and say only she pick those people are they are her freinds on wattpad not in IRL but sky36010. I pick them because they were craftiv and that what I wanted.
Bye fishy
From one and only Unifishy 🐠

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