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(N/A)= name
(F/C)= favirot color
(H/C)= natural hair color and eyes
(A/N)= animal name
Italic= thorght

~ your POV~

My sister Nicole and I where twin and best friend. We lived in Scaleswind with are dad the lord of Scaleswind. Are mom was sick of a illness called the flu. Nicole and I went to this royal school for princes and princesses. But one day my dad called me downstairs so I did what I was told to or I would get beat.
"O (N/A) you came I have grate news." said the lord
"Ok what do u want." I said in a confuse tone
"You going to drop out of school to marry the son of o'kasi." (I know I spelled that worng sorry) said the lord in a happy tone
"What I'm not going to drop out of school to get marry to someone I don't love" I said in a mad tone then my hair and eye turned in to a bloody red. I aways had this power Nicole never was afraid of me.
"(N/A) 1 calm down 2 you going to marry him if you like it or not." said the lord
I ran upstairs to tell Nicole to pack all her stuff we are running away.
So I ran to my stuff got my (F/C) hoodie and my backpack. Nicole and I ran to the stable and got on are Pegasus. The guard at the gate yelled close the gates. But Nicole and I made it throug on time before the gate shut. We ran as far as we get away from scaleswind

~~~Later that days~~~

Nicole and I got as far as we can.
"Hey (N/A) what are we going to do now. Are we just going to try to find a normal school." said Nicole whail looking at me. I was off (A/N) (aka the Pegasus). I look at Nicole and nodded my head yes. When I was off (A/N) I went to my thoughts and said to my self " I hope that Nicole and my dad try not to find me. He try to foruse me to drop out of school and marry a dude I did not love. Then all of a sudden I herd Nicole said watch out and I fell on this boy with blue eyes and sandy blond hair

Hey I'm new to the fanfic so any idea or suggestion are grate
Bye from one and only Awesomegirl

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