Carl Swan

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Masteralda pov.

Wake up you two we are leaving! I opened tge windows. And light was is the dark room. Percy and Annabeth woke up in a flash. What? O yeah right. Annabeth said. We are leaving in 10 minites be ready. *flash back* wake up! Comon Masteralda! Jim don't wake me like that! What time is it? 6 ' o clock. WHAT! You know I always wake up when the sun cones up. Arg! Hey, he said a lot more serious. You know I have to go on a quest tomorrow, right? Benny, (the sater) had this dream. He told me we had to travel accros the ocean, and he said I would see what I needed to see. I know jim... But you'll come back...right? Yeah sure! For you. We kissed. *flashback is over* are you all ready? Yes, great let's leave. Every body was talking except for me... sure, why not! So... wassup? Leo was walking next to me. Why would you care? Because we should tell something about our selfs. Hi I'm Leo Valdez, sun of Heaphaestus. I have a girlfriend, her name is calypso and I am very usefull if you need me. Ok, thanks. Wait... Calypso, Calypso the titan's daughter from that island? Yeees! Wauw. Now you tell me something about you. Fine. I am a daughter of Circe. You forgot about yout name. You don't need to know my full name. I hope I still have a boyfriend his name is jim. There, are you happy now? He gave me a weird smile and dissapeared. Where do we need to go. Well, let's first go to rhe city for some food. A girl with brown messy hair. Wow, she was beautifull. Great idea piper! Okay, so Piper, Leo, Annabeth and Percy. When we arrived in the city is was a chaos. Everywhere you looked were people. We were walking through a verry bussy street when I auddently felt a hand in my picket. What the?! Give me my wallet! I was running aftera boy. I heard the others were following me. Wow, so they wouldn't let me alone... this was their chance to get away... the boy was like my age, he was wearing some old clothes and he ran so fast I almost lost him. Finaly he trapped himself in a little street with a dead ending. Now, give me back my wallet. Strange... usualy it aleays works. Excuse me?! MY money isin there it didn't work this rime so give it back. Okay, okay. I grabbed it and put it back in my closed pocket. Now why would you steak a wallet? Okay I'll tell you something amazing. You won't believe me after all but ok. My name is Carl Swan, and I am a sun of Hermes. That's a greek god for your information. My mom died when I was 10 years old and my dad visit me some times. Once in a year maybe. So I have no home and no one to live with. That's the reason I stole your money. We looked at him and he was only smiling. Ok, well welcome to the demigod world... Percy said. Wowww you are all demigods?! Yes... cool! You know, there is this camp, called camp half blood, you can go there it's safe there is food a bed. Your brothers and sisters?! I HAVE A SISTER?! I ALWAYS WANTED A SISTER! But you didn't tell me who you are? I am piper daughter of Aphrodite, Annabeth daughter of athena, masteralda daughter of Circe, hazel daughter of Pluto, Frank sun of Mars, Jason sun of jupiter, Leo sun of Heapheastus and Percy sun of Poseidon. Pffffhahahahahaha yeah right, I lied i'm a sun of hades. Bwahaha. Jupiter hades and Poseidon? Hahahah. Jason gave Percy a look that said something like: let's show him. Suddently a juge water wave was in the street, thunder clouds were above us and Hazel was busy with something like mist. The boy his face was completely whit. He was actualy kind of cute. He had big brown eyes and brown straight hair. Like Percy's hair,bit then brown and not wild. Okay.... I believe you. I'm sorry!
*Flash back*
It's been one year now. I miss you jim... i started sobbing when I saw our first picture. Masteralda! Benny returned. BENNY, BENNY! WHERE US JIM. masteralda... I'm sorry... when we were at the ocean, a terrible storm broke lose. Jim... he fell over board and... Poseidon he... drowned him... NOOOOO! NO... no... i ran back to my cabin grabbed all my stuff and ran away. Never again will I go to rhis camp. Never. *end of the flash back*

So... can I maybe cone with you guys? It's not like I can do much dammage. The moment he said it he wanted to lean on a little wall, but he slipped and fell to the ground. Au... I think it's better to take him with us... because he won't make camp... like this. Annabeth said, trying not to laugh. Every one agreed and we went on a trip togheter. It realy started right now.

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