on our way

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I woke up. I laid next to Percy. Last night he wrapped his arms around me. I wanted to come free without  waking him up. As soon as I liftes up his arm he woke up. Goodmorning sleephead. I said to Percy. He looked like a mole who was just comming out his whole. Goodmorning he said sleepy. Comon Perc let's get ready. What time is it? 7 'o clock. WHAT! Okay just give me 5 minutes. He turned around and closed his eyes. i trew a pillow at his head. OKEY THAT IS MY LIMIT. he grabbed me ran to the lake that was right in front of his cabin and he jumped in it. It was cold but I didn't get wet. He made a huge airbubble. I just wanted to slumber 5 minutes. He said smiling. I know Percy but 5 minutes will be 10 and before you know it't an hour later.... now bring is up before we will be late after all. When we were ready (after half an hour because of percy-.-) we only had 5 minutes left. We will never make it in time Percy it's a 7 minutes walk to bighouse. I can make it 2 minutes. He said smiling. He whistled and blackjack came out of no where. Percy jumped on his back and grabbed my hand. And he was right in like 2 minutes we were there. Everybody except Leo was there. See, i'm not the only one who is always late! Percy yelled. When we landed leo was running to us. I'M SO SORRY, I HAD TO GRAB A FEW LAST THING AND CALYPSO DIDN'T MADE IT EASY TOO... be carefull, all of you... chiron said. And goodluck. We said goodbye and started walking. Percy knew where to go. After 5 houres walking Jason said. Why... do we always need to walk? Can't we borrow a car or something. I can call tempest? NO, WE CAN BETTER WALK JASON! piper said quickly. I knew she didn't realy like tempest. Oh... jadon said sad. *Piper kissing him* YEAH LET'S WALK!! Piper grinned at me. I smiled back. I looked at percy and I couldn't smile anymore. Percy didn't look so well. Are you okey? Yeah i'm fine just a little tired. Do we need tot take a break? YES PLEASE!! leo screamed. I CAN'T FEEL MY FEET ANYMORE!  So we stopped and sit down. Hazel grabbed her backpack. Does some one want a sandwitch?

Piper pov.
It was kind of nice we were on a quest again. The only one missing was Nico. But Hazel told me he would show up later. Even if we would tell him not to come. Jason wrapped his arms around me. I looked at him and I smiled. I saw he was tired but i understood why. It was a long night. We were sitting on the roof and talked a lot. We could only sleep for 4 houres. So... we were pretty tired. The sun was shining and it was warm. So... why do we go on a quest? Hazel asked. Percy swallowed. There is this girl. Her name is Masteralda, she is a daughter of Hecate She "linked" Annabeth to me. We need to let her lift the spel. I saw that Annabeth swallowed and turned her face away. I knew there was something wrong. We have to ask her to lift the spell. But percy? I don't think it will be that easy... I... I know but at least we can try. And if it won't work I have a secret plan B... now we have to move on. He kissed annabetg because she lookes a little sad. When it was getting dark we sat up the camp. When it was late and everybody was asleep i went to Annabeth. She was crying. Hey... what's wrong? He will breake my heart... she cryed. Who? PERCY? She nodded. But... I heard some kimd of prophesy in my dream. Tell me what was it?
A child of athena young and beautiful
Has to answer a call,
From a woman very furyous
Her destination is dangerous.
She could survive and if she succeed. She shal found the only thing she really need.
The person who's closest to her heart,
Will breake his and her heart apart.
She will know how real pain feels.
The devil is on her heals.
... But, Percy can't breake your heart... He just can't. He will and it wil be painfull.

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