please don't leave me alone

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Annabeth pov.
I was awake. Like 4 houres. Percy didn't know. He is holding my hand. He didn't leave my side for the last 4 days. He looked tired. I think he didn't sleep. Sometimes he was gone. But then he came back. With a meal for him and a salad for me. At this moment he looked to the ground. And he was crying. I knew he didn't want me to see him cry. So I'm pretending to be asleep right now. After an hour he finaly stopped. Went to the bathroom and came back. After that I really fell asleep. When i woke he put on his jacket and swong his rucksack over his shoulder. Percy? What are you going to do. I heard I said it weak and I think I was crying. He looked at me and turned his head away. You felt so cold, I just thought I'll go get a blancet for you. Okey... percy? Yes annabeth? Come back after that please i'm feeling alone. He nodded and walked away. I was alone. I felt so bad. I could hardly see because of my headache. I wanted to drink something and I turned to my desk. I wanted to grab my water but than I realised there was a note.
Dear Annabeth,
Im sorry but I have to leave. I can't see you leading the pain I ever felt. I love you my wisegirl. I'll miss you.
Xxx seaweedbrain.
PERCY!! I screamed as loud as I could.*No answer* No, no percy please... before I realise I was running to the door. Wel not really running. Percy I said verry weak. I fel down and hit my head. I saw I was bleeding but I just didn't care. Percy couldn't leave me like this. Percy...? For a while I couldn't see anything. I was stil running/walking. And than I heard his voice. Annabeth? ANNABETH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!! Before i fel down again percy grabbed me. He lifted me up very carefull. Comon Annabeth. Stay with me...

Percy pov.
It was all my fould. She was in so mutch pain... because of me... Why why her?! I just clouldn't look at her anymore. So I write a note. I couldn't see her again. I would go away. I laid the note on her desk. I was about to leave but then she woke up. I was about to get a blancet for you. I leaved. I knew she would stay awake till I came back. So i was going to get a blancet. Then suddenly i heard someone calling my name. I realised it was Annabeth. When I saw her, her face was covered in blood. Annabeth? ANNABETH! STAY WITH ME. I grabbed her and carried her to her bed. I'm gonna get some water to clean you wound. NOO PERCY PLEASE DON'T! she screamed in pain. Annabeth whats wrong? You can't percy please. Annabeth? Please don't... What's wrong? No please don't go! Anna.... I saw my note. Annabeth I have to... No percy you don't your the only reason I didn't suicide in that basement. Pmease stay? No, Annabeth I can't. I can't see you in so mutch pain... PLEASE PERCY I WILL DIE WITHOUT YOU I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT YOU YOUR MY AIR MY FOOD AND EVERYTHING ELSE I NEED TO LIVE, IF YOU WILL LEAVE I WILL DIE I SWEAT TO THE STYX!! She was crying very very hard right now. Please... I need you.......
Annabeth... I'll stay here I swear it to the styx. Her head didn't look so good. And I knew she realy wouldn't survive if I would leave her. I'll stay here i promise. She laid her head on my shoulder and cryed. I lift up her head and kissed her with passion. It was almost dark outside. Comon I lifted her up wrapped a blancet around her and took her to the beach. We laid in the sand. Hand in hand. She lay down on my chest and kissed me. I kissed back with some more passion. She laid her forehead on mine. And she kissed me again. I could lay there forever, but it was going to rain and there was a thunderstorm comming. I took her to my cabin and laid her in my bed. She looked at me all tge time. Like I would leave her alone. I lad next to her and the again she lay down on me again. She kissed me and she cryed. Comon annabeth. Were togheter I will never leave you alone again. I love you percy.

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