the breakup

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Percy pov.
It was a cold morning. I knew it. I could feel it. Today was a sad day. I would brake up with her... I simply had to. We were walking again. Jason is right, why couldn't we go with a car or something... this was killing me. I kind of ignoring Annabeth. I didn't cqa wanted to but it would make it less worse. I looked at her suddently her chest got 3 red strokes. Piper screamed. I ren towards her and saw she was healing. It was the my first time with capture the flag. A hellhoumd attackt me. I stepped into the creek and it healed. So that happend to Annabeth to. I took a deep breath. She stood up and we walked to the next point. We sat up the camp again. Annabeth, Piper and Hazel were making soup. I was with Jason in the forest. Leo and Frank were doing something. I don't know what excactly. I'm gonna do it tonight Jason... It's for the best Percy... I know but... she will hate me, Jason you can't tell her the real reason. I have to do it myself. I know Percy... I know... a few minutes later we were eating. Delicious piper! Jason said. He kissed her. Annabeth and Hazel helped! Piper said. I looked to Jason. He walked towards her and gave her and Hazel a kiss on her cheek. Thank you i said unheareble. After we finished everyone went to their tents. Goodluck... Jason said to me. I nodded. Thanks... I walked to the forest Annabeth was folowing me. Percy... wait for me... she smiled. I couldn't. She came closer. Listen... Annabeth, today was the 5th time you felt me... I can't do this anymore... Percy it's okay! I don't want to lie to you anymore Annabeth. She came closer. Annabeth? She tryed to kiss me. I pushed her away. Percy? I can't Annabeth it hurts me... Maybe you just have to kiss me. No i don't It will ho away than. No it won't. She almost kissed me. think percy think... Than I thought about something... it would hurt her so much I knew but I had to. *her lips almost kissed mine* I KISSED WITH DREW! she stopped. WHAT? WHY IN OLYMUPUS NAME WOULD YOU DO THAT! DID SHE KISS YOU? No Annabeth... I kossed her. She is so pretty and I love her... she was so angry she could kill me. How could you do that to me percy?! She said with tears. I'm sorry I wanted to be honest to you... GO TO HELL PERCY I HATE YOU!!! I was alone. Completely alone. I sat down. I did it... I just did it... I started to cry. I am alone. In a dark forest. Fireflies were flying around me. We could kiss right now. We... We is no longer...

Annabeth pov.

HOW COULD HE!!?? I was running to my tent. I was crying. I didn't wanted any one to come to me. Even not Piper. Drew? Why drew?I hate him! Why did he do that. I cryed the rest of the night. Until it was 5 ' o clock. I woke every one except percy. Jason walked to his tent and woke him. Morning... percy said to me. I ignored him. He looked sad. Annabeth? Piper asked. Did you cry? No i jad a bad dream pipes. I couldn't sleep afyer that. I couldn't tell her about the break up. Annabeth... i don't believe you... Percy did he... Yes piper... he did. I ran away from her but she came after me. Why did he? He kissed with her! With who? WITH DREW!! I was so furyoud now. WHAT? WITH DREW! HOW COULD HE? I cryed and she hugged me. I hate him Piper. After this quest I never want to see him again... You can be friends annabeth? I looked at her. Wait, what am I saying he kissed with drew! Yuk!

Omg. This chapter sucks... i'm sorry! I will update tomorrow again! It will be better than this. I mean PERCABETH FOREVER!!!! BYE BYE.

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