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AMBER OPENED HER EYES GROGGILY, Steve and Natasha were either side of her. She tried to sit up but a flare of pain shot up her leg, Amber winced at the twinge, before giving up amd lying back down,

"Stay lying down kid" Steve said, his eyebrows furrowing together out of worry,

"Where are we?" Amber asked panic lacing her tone as she looked at the two,

"You're back in the compound" Natasha replied,

"How long was I out?" Amber questioned,

Steve and Natasha shared a look,

"We don't know, you passed out a few hours before they found you, and that was 5 days ago" Steve said concernedly,

Amber groaned I'm discomfort as she shifted her body in the bed,

"When they found you your leg was crushed under a ceiling beam, you had 2nd degree burns all over your body, and glass particles wedged in your arms, but luckily your healing kicked in quickly. So after they removed the glass and removed you from the building you healed quick enough. You scared all of us kid" Natasha continued,

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Amber replied looking down,

"I knew Wanda was mad I didn't know she would have a building crush me though" she said letting a small grin find its way onto her face.

Steve shook his head, "At least we know nothings changed" he chuckled, Amber was suddenly struck by something,


"Yes Amber?"

"How many casualties?" Amber asked seriously, her stomach churning out of anxiousness,

"Over 24," Steve said looking down,

Amber looked away out of guilt , "Im sorry. I could've gotten everyone out, but I was sidetracked" she said her voice cracking slightly out of sadness.

"Don't you go blaming yourself for this Amber, it's our fault, as a team I'll admit we made a mistake, we could've stopped that bomb before it went off" Steve said sternly,

"How's Wanda?" Amber asked after a few moments of silence,

Steve sighed, "She's not taking this very well," He said getting up, "Also speaking of her, excuse me but I must go see how she is",

Amber nodded slowly and Steve walked out, not before giving Amber a small hug and ruffling her hair. Amber merely rolled her eyes playfully at him. Once Steve had disappeared out of sight, Amber sat up straight ignoring the pain in her leg,

"Nat, can you turn on the tv?" Amber asked, Natasha nodded, she turned it on and handed the remote control to Amber.

Amber quickly turned on the news channel,

"Amber I don't think that's a good ide-" Natasha warned her,

"I need to know exactly what happened Nat, without Steve's PG version" Amber said, looking at the television,

"11 Wakandans were among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries, in Lagos, Nigeria, two weeks ago. The traditionally reclusive Wakandans were on an outreach mission in Lagos, when the attack occurred" Amber paled as the news anchor read that out, it then switched to the King of Wakanda talking about the incident.

"Our people's blood was spilled on foreign soil, not only because of the actions of criminals, But by the indifference of those pledged to stop them. Victory by the expense of the innocent is no victory at all" The King said firmly,

"The Wakandan king went on to say, that the Avengers are operating they're operating outside and above the international law, because in reality what legal authority do an enhanced individual like Wanda and her sister Amber Maximoff have to operate in Nigeria" and with that final sentence Natasha switched off the tv.

Amber fiddled with her hands out of nervous habit, "So I was right" she said her voice small and timid, "Steve was keeping it PG".

"He was only trying to protect you" Natasha begun,

"Great, the whole world is against us" She groaned,

"It's not as bad as it looks" Natasha comforted the girl,

"Well it is about to get way worse" Amber grimaced trying to get up,

"How?" Natasha asked,

"Secretary Ross just walked into the living room, we're needed down there" Amber said leaning against the wall for support.

Natasha helped the girl walk towards the living room where the rest of the Avengers sat, a few of them smiled at her, as she sat down preparing for the speech the grey haired, lanky man was going to give them.


Damnnnn, thank you for getting 100 reads overnight, to me that's insane so thank you x

I'll see ya soon ;)

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