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WHEN AMBER FINALLY reached the office, Steve and Sam were in, she collapsed onto the seat next to Sam. Steve was watching the screens across the office that showed Bucky, very intently.

"Hey kid," Sam sighed looking towards the girl who was sitting cross legged, she hastily wiped a stray tear.

"What did Stark do?" Sam hissed angrily looking at Amber, a tint of protectiveness lacing his voice.

"N-no it was nothing. I just- I just couldn't hold it in anymore" Amber sighed sadly,

Sam pulled the smaller girl in for a hug, she was like a little sister to him, heck she was a little sister to him. The horrors this girl had seen, but still had managed to keep her cool most of the time, she truly was a hero, whether she believed it or not.

A few moment passed, and Sharon came walking briskly into the office clutching a few sheets of paper,

"The receipt for your gear" Sharon bluntly said, handing Sam the papers.

Sam read it and looked up in disgust, "Bird costume? Come on" He said raising a brow, making a small smile creep on to Ambers face.

"I didn't write it" Sharon replied putting her hands up in surrender, she slowly pressed a hidden panel of buttons, making a live video of Buckys interrogation pop up on the small tv in the office.

Amber looked up at the screen, it was an up close video of Bucky in his container.

"Do you know where you are James?" A doctor, Amber presumed, asked Bucky,

"I can't help you if you don't talk to me, James" The doctor said once more,

"My name is Bucky" He said quietly, a look of hope flashed through Steves face.

This went on for another ten minutes, Steve slowly picked up the photo of supposedly 'Bucky' at the scene of the crime.

"Why would the Task Force release this video?" Steve asked, as if trying to piece information together.

"Get the word out, get as many eyes as possible" Sharon said,

"Right" Steve sighed, "It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding, set off a bomb, get your picture taken, Get 7 billion people looking for the Winter Soldier.",

"Are you saying someone framed him to find him?" Sharon said almost quietly,

"It would make sense" Amber butted in, her eyes were closed and she was rubbing her temples, to relieve some of the thousands of thoughts in her head, "I've looked inside him mind a few times, and there's no recollection of the incident. Even if he was brainwashed, which he wasn't, if I may add, it would take years for his brain to go back to normal",

Everyone looked at the girl in mild shock,
"What?" Amber asked, "I just put two and two together".

"Steve," Sam said seriously, "We've looked for this guy for two years and found nothing",

"We didn't bomb the UN" Steve said defensively, "That turns a lot of heads"

"That doesn't guarantee that the guy who framed him would get him a guarantees we would" Sharon said lost in thought,

Everyone's eyes drifted to the doctor on the live video,

"Yeah." Steve said his eyes not moving from the screen,

The lights flickered before plunging the compound into darkness, Amber shot up out of her seat, and looked around, people were on laptops trying to solve the problem. People were milling around rapidly.

"Sub level 5, east wing" Sharon said hurriedly, The three exchanged a look and bolted towards the nearest staircase.

When they arrived on the level, where Bucky was being held, red lights were flashing from the alarms, they walked through a room full of security guards. Amber bent down beside one looking for a pulse, but nothing. The bodies were scattered around the room, some unconscious most of them dead.

"Help me" A voice pleaded faintly from the room with Buckys, containment chamber.

Steve strode towards him, "Get up" he said harshly, picking the man up by his collar and pushing him up against the wall.

"Who are you?" Steve snarled, "What do you want?"

"To see an empire fall" The man said confidently,

As Sam and Amber went to find stragglers, a metal fist came swinging at them, Amber was pushed to the floor by Sam, as he tried to fight back against Bucky. But Bucky was no longer himself and the cold blooded stare of The Winter Soldier was all that Amber could see.

He wrapped a hand around Sams throat before sending him through the air, Sam hit the metal chamber with a deafening clang sending him crumpled to the floor.

The Winter Soldier looked down at Amber, who had started to back up quickly off of the ground. Amber raised her hands and her purple mist intertwined through her fingers.

The Winter Soldier aimed a punch at Amber, who blocked it with her powers. The Winter Soldier dodged a blast of the mist and sent a kick towards Ambers stomach. Amber ducked and aimed another blast towards his lower region.

But alas, the Winter Soldier was smart and tackled Amber to the floor, wrapping his metal arm around her neck, cutting off her air supply.

"я думал, что научил тебя лучше этого" He snarled, "думаю, я был неправ". (I thought I taught you better than this. I guess I was wrong)

Suddenly the Winter Soldier was kicked off of Amber and she gasped for air. Steve was now fighting the Winter Soldier, as they fought Amber super sped towards Sams limp body and shook him gently.

Amber flinched at a loud crash, and looked just in time to find Steve being pushed down an elevator shaft. The Winter Soldier turned and glared at Amber before making his way down the hall.

"Sam, Sammy, come on. You gotta wake up, we need to go" Amber shook Sam in terror,

Sams eyes opened just in time, they both turned as footsteps echoed from the hall, their eyes landing on the 'doctor'.

"Hey!" Sam yelled, running after the guy, Amber ran after Sam quickly.

Sam and Amber sprinted after the man as he ran up the multiple staircases. As they reached the main level, the man disappeared into the crowds of civilians running away from the compound. Amber bent down and picked up a tweed jacket.

"He ditched this and ran" Amber informed Sam checking the pockets for anything useful.

"Dammit" Sam swore loudly.


And there we have it an unedited piece of garbage I call a chapter. I'm sorry for the wait but I think I'm now going to be updating every Sunday from now on, so yeah :) Also Amber and Bucky know each other?

Don't forget to vote and comment I love reading them xxx

Here's your funny gif:

And until next time, I'll see ya soon ;)

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