20 Ways to Get Kicked Out of WindClan

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1. Side with Mudclaw

2. Tell Onestar he's a loser

3. Attack Ashfoot and tell her, "I hate you!"

4. Play a game called Monster Chase where you chase every warrior in the camp with a monster until you run all of them over

5. Steal one of Barkface's cupcakes

6. When it's Onestar's birthday, walk across his birthday cake and ruin it

7. Look at one of Crowfeather's pizzas

8. Allow Sol to come over for a tea party

9. Invite Firestar, Blackstar, and Mistystar to invade the WindClan camp and help Tigerheart steal some kits from the nursery

10. Scream really loudly at a Gathering, "Onestar loves Squirrelflight!"

11. Attack Harespring with Mousefur's frying pan

12. Blow up the nursery "for fun"

13. Set the camp on fire and trap Onestar in his den during the fire

14. Put one of Smudge's pizzas on the fresh-kill pile

15. Scream, "LALALALALALALA!" in Onestar's ear at moonhigh when he's sleeping

16. Say, "The cow says moo!" repeatedly until you get kicked out

17. Ruin all of Barkface's supplies

18. Force Sunstrike to eat deathberries

19. Tell the kits that water hemlock is, "Tasty leaves that you should go eat right now."

20. Be friends with Breezepelt

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