Chapter 1: Waking Up

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Third Person POV

Deep in outer space, Vlad Plasmius sat on a piece of asteroid wondering where he had gone wrong. He thought his plan was perfect. He would gain control over the entire world and everything he had ever wanted would finally be his. It was all that stupid asteroid's fault. Of course it had to be made of the ONE material ghosts couldn't touch. Now because of his own arrogance, he could never return to Earth.

Vlad sighed and placed a hand on his chin, contemplating his new life. "Actually, being a free-roaming space nomad isn't half bad." He said aloud. A small smile appeared on Vlad's face as he straightened up. "At least it's quiet and I-"

Vlad was cut off by the movement of a large object rapidly approaching him from the side. Vlad turned to see what the object was and found himself staring directly at the Disasteroid. Vlad screamed in surprise and braced himself for impact, knowing full well he had no time to escape. 

As the Disasteroid was barely a breath away from him, Vlad attempted to activate his teleportation powers instead. A blinding white light flashed in front of Vlad's eyes and then nothing but darkness.

littlest line break here. welcome to a brand new book! i hope you all like it! have some welcome cookies! ok, enjoy the rest of the chapter!

There was a deafening ringing noise in Vlad's ears as he felt every muscle in his body burn. He shifted slightly and found his movements restricted. The elder halfa blinked his eyes open and found himself staring up at an oddly shaped glowing crystal. The ringing in his ears began to lessen as he looked around. 

He appeared to be in some kind of operating room. The walls and ceilings were a pristine white color. There was a panel of monitors and holo-screens off to the side of the room and Vlad noticed a small hovering table next to him covered in medical tools. Or at least, Vlad assumed they were medical tools. He had never seen anything like them before. There were different shaped knifes with some having a typical scalpel look with others looking like corkscrews, or sawblades. One tool had multiple sharp objects attached to it.

Vlad didn't know how he got here or even where 'here' was, but he had the feeling he had to leave. He tried to sit up and found himself unable to. Around his chest, waist, ankles, wrists and even forehead were thick, metallic restraints. He tried to turn to his ghost form and phase out of them, but was unsuccessful. Whether he was out of strength or it was because of his captors he was not sure, but panic began to swell in Vlad's chest.

"No. I have to stay calm."Vlad thought to himself. "I have to be patient and see what is going on, then I can accurately create a plan." 

Just as Vlad thought this he heard the hiss of automatic doors from above him and the sound of multiple people enter the room. Vlad inhaled and exhaled slowly, prepared to face his captors. What he wasn't prepared for was what they looked like.

Vlad found himself staring up at creatures that were most definitely neither ghost nor human. These creatures had light blue skin that glimmered under the light of the crystal. They had heads no bigger than Vlad's hand shaped liked upside-down teardrops attached to long, pencil-thin necks. Their eyes were solid black in color and stared down at Vlad, unblinking. They had no nose and the only sign of a mouth was a thin black line close to the bottom of their faces. A few of the creatures had an oddly colored frill extending from their upper neck to the middle of their cheeks. The frill was differently colored on each creature that had one showing.

Vlad began to sweat nervously. He had no idea what was going on or what these things were. He opened his mouth to speak and the creatures backed away from him in surprise. They began to chatter among themselves in a language Vlad had never heard before. The crystal above him brightened and he was forced to close his eyes. As he did, he heard the creatures continue to chatter and felt his body begin to be poked and prodded at. 

While all this was happened Vlad attempted to use his powers to escape, desperately searching for an ounce of power or energy hidden deep within his core. To his dismay, he remained trapped on the table. 

Vlad felt something go over his mouth and he was soon breathing in a sweet tasting gas. It made his head feel fuzzy and he began to lose control of his thoughts. He felt his body become weightless, as if it wanted to fly away but was held down by the restraints. Just before Vlad lost consciousness he heard a voice whisper in his mind.

"You will become our greatest Champion."

A/N: Hello all! I've been waiting to write this for so long you have no idea. Ever since I finished 'The Ghost Brother' I've desperately wanted to reveal Vlad's backstory that I had created in that book but never found an appropriate time to delve into it during the process of 'The Ghost Brother'. I felt explaining the backstory there would take away from the action and lose the main focus of what Danny was going through. Now I finally have the opportunity to tell that story and let me tell you, I'm super excited. I do hope you all enjoy it as I continue to update it...

Now I have 3 stories ongoing...

I'm basically signing myself up for death at this point...


(Also small side note, I've just realized how much I write about Vlad. He's a major focus in 'The Ghost Brother', he's a major focus in 'I'm Adopted?', he's slightly in focus in the original 'Halfa Prince' series (and with the current rewrite I plan on making him a bigger role) and even in my newest book the main focus is Vlad... Do I have a problem? HE'S A GOOD CHARACTER THAT DESERVED BETTER THAN WHAT THEY DID TO HIM IN PHANTOM PLANET OKAY?! THAT ENDING WAS STUPID!)(Sorry, rant over. See you all in the next one!)

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