1st Place Prizes!

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Here I'll put the 1st Place Prizes

So, Vanillapaw first completed prize was votes on her three stories: Ice and Storm which are warriors and Imposter which is Wings of Fire and all three are amazing and if you haven't read them you should.

Vanillapaw'a graphics:
1. Icefire from her book, Ice

1. The cat: looks like Icefire

2.the quote: to represent her relationship with her sister Snowheart. Even when Snowheart became a kittypet(spoiler!) they were still sisters. Nothing would change that.

3.the hands: to represent Icefire's promise to take care of Snowheart after her accident

4. The divided forest: to represent Icefire's Journey to get out of the Dark Forest and back into StarClan along with Yarrowpaw

2. Stormwhisker from her book, Storm

1. The heart: The heart has a shadowy background to represent Stormwhisker's love for her clan and to show how much she wants to help.

2. The cat: looks like Stormwhisker

3. The fire: to represent her father Firefur and also her brother Redfire and her burning love for both of them. Also her burning desire to find the herb.

4. The quote: after her father's death, Stormwhisker suffers from ptsd and now it's a normal part of her life

And finally,

3. Gorse from her book, Storm

1. The quote: Gorse became a close and true  friend Stormwhisker and Dashpaw when she met them. She jisy met them but she's trying to help them save their clan

2. The collar: to represent Gorse's kittypet roots

3. The mountains: to represent Gorse's sense of adventure. She was eager to join Stormwhisker and Dashpaw when she learned they were gping to the mountains cause she awkays wanted to see them. And she has begin to enjoy the wild life.

4. The cat: looks like Gorse(not exactly but it's the best pic I could find)

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