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 My School.

 The name of my school is Oxford English School. It is situated in the middle of the town I live in. It is a very large school.

 The school building is old but beautiful. There are many class-rooms in it. The principal is a middle-aged European. He is a kind and very efficient man.

 The teachers of my school are of many races. Some are Chinese, some are Malay and some are Indian. There are also a few European teachers. They are all very clever and hardworking teachers. All the pupils like them very much.

 As there are many pupils in my school, the library, the playground and the hall are all very large. Pupils may be seen learning in the library, playing in the playground or performing gymnastics in the hall with great interest.

 I am indeed proud of my school.

 My Teacher.

 The name of my teacher is Miss Lim Swee Lan. She is a very pleasant lady.

 Miss Lim likes children very much. She herself has many brothers and sisters at home. Most of them are going to school and she helps them in their lessons.

 What she does for her own brothers and sisters she also does for the children in the class-room. She does not get angry easily. If some pupils are slow to learn, she takes great trouble to explain all the lessons slowly so that all the pupils can understand the lessons well. Sometimes, she also brings certain things into the class-room to explain a lesson. For example, one day she brought a toy ape to explain what an ape was. This makes her lessons very interesting indeed.

 Miss Lim, sometimes, also takes all her pupils out for a visit to some interesting places. She believes that children could learn a lot by travelling. Last year she took our whole class to Kuala Lumpur where we visit many interesting places such as, the museum, the zoo and the famous Batu Caves.

 I am indeed very proud of my teacher, Miss Lim.

 About Myself.

 I am an Indian boy. My name is Sanjay. I am fourteen years old. I live in the town of Klang.

 I have three sisters and two brothers. My sisters are older than I am. My brothers are younger than I. They all go to school. My father is a teacher. He is not very old. My mother works at home. She is a very nice lady. I love her very much.

 I go to a school in the town. It is a large school. I learn many lessons in school, such as English, Bahasa Malaysia and many others. Of all these lessons I find English the most difficult to learn. But I enjoy learning English. It is a beautiful and important language.

 I play all kinds of games. The game I like to most is football. I play football with my friends everyday. Football is a very interesting game.

 When I grow up I wish to be a teacher. If I become a teacher, I can teach hundreds of boys and girls. I can help them to read and write and become cleverer. At the same time, I too can learn many more things. I hope that I will get my wish.

 Why I Like To Go To School.

 A school is a place for learning many things. It is also a place meeting boys and girls from all kinds of homes. It is therefore a very interesting place indeed.

 In a school pupils learn all kinds of subjects such as, mathematics, English, History, Science and many other subjects. Learning these subjects makes pupils cleverer and wiser. They become better persons when they grow older.

 Pupils also learn how to behave towards their elders as well as others. In school, teachers always talk about the importance of good manners. They also explain how to develop good manners and behaviour.

 Again, pupils learn all kinds of games to develop their bodies and minds. They learn to be good, brave and hard working and to think for themselves. They also learn to depend on themselves. All this helps to build up character which is very important to everyone.

 As there are many pupils in a school, there is also much to learn from them about the people who live around us. Each pupil comes from a different kind of home. Some pupils come from poor families; some come from rich families; some have no parents; some have good parents, and some have careless parents.

 Therefore, mixing with pupils from such a variety of home helps one to learn a lot about human affairs.

 It is for all these reasons that I like to go to school.

 My Best Friend.

 I have many friends of several races. But my best friend is a Chinese boy whose name is Ah Chong.

 Ah Chong is fourteen years old. He lives near my house. He is not only clever boy but also a good boy.

 An Chong's father is a carpenter. His mother looks after their small shop. They are very hardworking people. They are also very kind to me.

 As Chong goes to school with me. We are in the same class. He sometimes helps me in my lessons. I too sometimes help him to understand and learn a few difficult lessons.

 After school, Ah Chong and I play some games. Sometimes we go out to catch some fish or birds which we really enjoy catching. We often return home very late after our hunting trips and our parents scold us severely. But Ah Chong and I are interesting in this kind of hunting that we cannot give it up.

 Indeed, I enjoy Ah Chong's company very much.

 Why We Should Study Science.

 Science has brought many changes in the world today. It is used in all the corners of the world for the benefit of man.

 The motor-car or the electric lamp that use today we not known to people who lived a few generations ago. Owing to the use of Science the people of today are able to do many things with ease and comfort. Travel has become very easy. So men's activity has increased greatly.

 Science has also been used to treat the sick and the sounded. As a result, people can now live a longer life than their ancestors could. Even the most serious diseases do not frighten people so much as they did before.

 Further, Science has made it possible for people to sit at home and see the world around. The television, the newspaper and colourful books help millions of people to learn at home. The radio too has done much to teach and inform people in all parts of the world.

 It is therefore necessary for us to learn Science, if we wish to enjoy greater comforts.

 Why Examinations Are Important.

 Most pupils are afraid of examinations, but examinations are very important today. They are also very interesting.

 Examinations are important because they compel pupils to learn. Without them most pupils would not learn. So they would know very little about the world. They would learn only those subjects in which they are interested and ignore the other subjects which are thought to be difficult subjects, though they are very important in the modern age.

 Examinations also help us to have idea about a person's knowledge of certain subjects. For example, if a boy has passed the Primary Six Examinations, we can at once know how much knowledge he has of certain subjects. Accordingly, we can have some idea of what kind of work he can do. This is why most employers want to know what examinations a person had passed before he is given some work.

 Finally, examinations are interesting because we can test how much we ourselves know, while preparing for them. When we sit for an examination we enjoy answering what we know, though we feel sad if we are not successful in an examination.

 The Important Of Book.

 Every book that is worth reading once is often worth reading again. The reader should not be disturbed if he does not understand every thing after the first reading. The important thing is to understand what he can. For what is not understand today may become crystal clear tomorrow.

 Books are written to important knowledge and good books enrich the mind. By putting ourselves under the influence of superior minds, we develop our mental powers. Through good books we learn that people are everywhere the same, in all ages, and in all countries. This knowledge improves our affection for others and helps us to live in peace with them. We also learn that the world was made not for man alone but for every creature that can feel hunger and thirst, warmth and cold.

 Though it may be possible for us to travel round the world and see the things happening today, it is not possible for us to see the things that happened in the past. But good books enable us to see not only into the most remote regions of the world today, but also into the world in which our ancestors lived.

 It is therefore good to read good books.

 Why I Want To Learn English.

 English is the most important language in the world today. A very large number of people understand and use English in all parts of the world.

 Indeed, English is a very useful language. If we know English we can go to any place or country we like. We shall not find it hard to make people understand what we wish to say.

 English also helps us to learn all kinds of subjects. Hundreds of books are written in English everyday in all countries to teach people many useful things. The English language has therefore helped to spread ideas and knowledge to all the corners of the world. There is no subject that cannot be learned in the English language.

 As English is used so much everywhere in the world, it has helped to make the countries of the world become more friendly with one another. The leaders of the world use English to understand one another. The English language has therefore also helped to spread better understanding and friendship among countries of the world.

 Lastly, a person who knows English is respected by people. It is for all these reasons that I want to learn English.

 My Favourite Game.

 My most favourite game is football. It is a world famous game.

 Football is much a popular game that it is played even in the most remote corner of my country. People walk long distances to watch a football-match. Even old people enjoy watching this game.

 To play this most interesting game, I go to the field near my house where my friends wait for me every evening. My friends also love this game very much. We play until dark.

 But it is a very hard game. It requires a lot of running. Those who love the game, however, run about with tireless energy. Even I can run round the field continuously for at least two hours.

 Football players should also have a lot of strength to kick the ball. They must also be skillful in controlling the ball. All this makes this game a difficult game indeed; yet it also makes it interesting.

 I shall always love this game.

 The Subject I Enjoyed Learning.

 I learn many subjects in school. But the one I enjoy learning is history.

 History tells us how people lived ages ago. It also tells us how men had to struggle to make the world a better place to live in.

 Many pupils, however, do not like to read History. They say that there are too many names and dates to remember. But they do not understand that if we do not know about the past, we cannot understand the present properly. For example, if we wish to know how men learnt to use fire or clothes, we have to know what men did in the past to travel at night or to keep themselves warm. In fact, only a study of History will make us realise that everything that we do today is the result of what our grandfathers and others before them did in the past. So, History is the long story of man's struggle through the ages. As we read this story, we learn many interesting things.

 I love history so much that I have a lot of history books in my house. Some day, I might even write a history book myself.

 Living In A City.

 A city is very noisy; yet most people like to live in it. There are indeed many things to see and enjoy to a city.

 The streets in a city are full of people and vehicles. Cars, buses and other vehicles can be seen running up and down the streets throughout the day. All these make a city very noisy and busy. Sometimes all kinds of accidents occur and some people die as a result.

 In a city, there are also many schools and hospitals. So, the people here find it very easy to send their children to school and visit the hospital quickly when necessary.

 At night a city full of colourful lights. They make the city beautiful. Some parts of the city are very crowded at this time, especially where the eating stalls or the cinemas are.

 Many people also attend school at night to improve themselves. Today there are night schools in almost every city.

 For all these reasons, living in a city could be very exciting indeed.

 An Exciting Event.

 One day I was reading a book under a tree. The place was cool and pleasant and I enjoyed reading the book.

 Then, suddenly, I saw a huge snake, a python. It was moving slowly towards me. I was frightened. I ran at once to tell some people about the snake.

 Many people soon came to the place where I had seen the snake. They saw the snake and quickly caught it. They tied it to a long pole. It could not move.

 One of the men who had caught the snake then gave me ten dollars. I was very happy indeed. I have, however, never read any book under a tree since that exciting event.

 A Picnic I Enjoyed.

 One day, a few of my friends and I went on a picnic to Minyak Beku, a small interesting place on the coast of Malaysia.

 Minyak Beku is about five miles from Batu pahat, a well known town in the sate of Johore in Malaysia. There is a small ancient fort at the entrance to Minyak Beku. The beach at Minyak Beku is beautiful, and there is an iron mine near by.

 We arrived at that place in the morning. After getting out of the bus, we separated into different groups and looked for shady places to spend the day.

 Soon, most of us went for a swim. While in the water, we played a few interesting games. Those who were on beach, played other games. Some of them even sang songs and danced. There were still others who were interested in nothing, except picking shells.

 In short, everyone enjoyed the trip. Towards evening, we returned homewards in our bus, thinking of the fun we had had at that place. I would indeed like to go on a picnic again.

 The Importance Of Good Manners.

 Good manners are important to live happily among people. Without good manners, we are only slightly better than animals.

 If we have good manners we will be respected by people who mix with us. Having good manners, however, does not mean that we should behave well only when we are outside our homes. It also means that we should behave well even when we are inside our own homes. Many people behave well outside but in their own homes they are worse than the devil. Such people do not really have manners.

 Having good manners means we should always be good to others. Our speech and habits as well as our behaviour should not hurt the feelings of others or cause them any hardship. We should also not talk ill about others or boast about ourselves. We must not laugh at the mistakes of others. Further, if we are angry, we should still try to use words in such a way that others do not feel hurt.

 If we can behave in such a way, we will have more friends and well-wishers. We will also have less trouble with others. In this way, we can spread better understanding and good will among people. Thus, we can live a happier life.

 The Things I Enjoy Doing.

 I do many things every day, but the things I enjoy doing are plucking flowers and preparing my school lessons.

 As a fourteen-year old girl, I help my mother every day. My mother is a very religious lady. Every evening, before her prayers, I go out in search of flowers which my mother needs for her prayers. I really enjoy looking for flowers around my house. I go to all our neighbour's gardens and pluck a variety of flowers. Our neighbours are very kind and they allow me to pluck as many flowers as I like.

 Preparing my school lessons also give me a lot of pleasure. As I prepare them, I learn many things about the world and its affairs, past and present. I also learn about the people around us as well as those across the oceans. Further, I learn more and more new words and phrases which help me to speak and write better. What I learn from books also helps me to meet and talk with people confidently.

 Thus, the things that I like to do only amuse my mind but also enrich my mind.

 The Country I Would Like To Visit.

 I have heard and read a lot about the beautiful countries in the world. But the country that I could like to visit is the United States of America.

 From my geography books I know that the United States is very big country. Here, there are people from all countries of the world. Europeans, Africans, Asians and others live together in peace and happiness, like the people of Singapore and Malaysia. It would indeed be a pleasure to meet so many races of people in one country.

 The buildings in the United States are among the largest in the world. The roads too are the best in the world. Travelling in this country is therefore very easy. There are fast-running cars, trains and other means of transport.

 Again, the scenery is different in different parts of the country. In some places there are high mountains. In some places there are lowlands for miles together. And in other parts, there are deserts.

 Thus, travelling in this big country would be really very interesting. I should therefore welcome any opportunity to visit this country.

 The Life Of A Fisherman.

 The life of a fisherman who goes out to the sea is full of adventure and excitement.

 Early in the morning the fisherman returns to the shore to sell his catch. Then he goes home for a short rest and to see his family. Towards evening he is out again with other fishermen. They go to distant parts of the sea to catch the best fish they can.

 Catching the fish is really very exciting. When the net is cast into the wide sea, hundreds of fish are caught. They are of various kind, and it is really interesting to see them all together in the net.

 But sometimes the life of a fisherman is in real danger. When a storm breaks out, he has to fight very hard to keep himself alive. Many fishermen have lost their lives in the sea.

 Thus, the life of a fisherman is exciting but also full of danger.

 The Work Of A Farmer.

 The life of farmer is hard. He works from early morning till the evening in a distant corner of the country. Yet, no one cares much for him.

 But the work of a farmer is very important. He produces food for people in the towns and other places. Without him there would be no food around. People would not be able to do their work.

 Even doctor who save life, cannot do their work without the food that the farmer grows. In the same way, teachers, engineers, clerks and all others, must have food before they can do their work. Yet, very few people think of the importance of the farmer's work.

 We think of the farmer only when there is no food around. We are then forced to grow our own food. So we cannot do any other work. Even doctors may have to grow their own food if the farmer fails to grow food for them.

 All these show how important the work of the farmer is.

 The Importance Of Water.

 Water kills thousands of people and destroys many acres of crops every year. But water also gives life to all living things in the world.

 Without water life is unthinkable. We must have water to grow our food, feed the birds and animals in our homes, grow forests and produce electricity. We use waterways to carry our goods of trade. Even the human body, which is seventy parts of one hundred, water itself, cannot exist for long without water.

 Ever since the earth began, large quantities of water have been used by living things. Yet for every drop of water that is taken from one place, another drop is put back somewhere else. Nature has a very clever way of carrying water from cloud to land and sea and back to cloud. No water has been lost.

 But nature does not put water where and when we need it. While some men are drowning, others in another part of the world are dying of thirst. Thus, people all over the world are trying to bring water to places where it is scarce, to control its flow in times of floods and to make greater use of it.

 A Thief In My Room.

 One night my sleep was suddenly disturbed by a noise in my room. I then got out of bed quickly and switched on the light.

 To my surprise, I saw a man standing in a corner of my room with a knife in his hand. I knew that he was a thief. I asked him what he wanted.

 The thief warned me not to raise the alarm. He even threatened to kill me if I made any noise. I was frightened and made no attempt to catch the thief or to call for help.

 The thief then quietly walked out of my room. He had found nothing of value to steal. I then shouted for help; but the thief had disappeared into the darkness.

 Frightened By A Snake On My Body.

 After a game of football, one afternoon, I felt very tired and sat under a tree for a short rest.

 I leaned myself against the tree and closed my eyes. Within minutes, I fell asleep.

 I had not slept long, however, when I felt a sudden movement on my body. I opened my eyes slowly to see what it was. To my surprise and horror, I saw a large snake crawling across my body.

 I did not lose my wits, however, and knew what I had to do in such a situation. It would certainly be an act of stupidity to snake. I therefore remained still, holding my breath as long as I could and allowed the creature to crawl across my body.

 Shortly, the snake was gone and I felt greatly relieved. No longer do I sleep or rest under a tree.

 Flood In My Town.

 After a long period of dry weather in my town, it suddenly began to rain one day. The people were happy.

 The rain continued for days. Then the people became worried. Soon there floods everywhere which caused much damage and suffering.

 Many houses were washed away by the flood waters, and hundreds of people were made homeless. Some were also drowned. School were closed to provide shelter to those who were affected by the floods. The hospital was filled with sick people.

 Fortunately, the rain stopped to prevent further damage and suffering to the people. There was sunshine again and the people were happy.

 A Narrow Escape.

 One evening, I was cycling down a sleep slope near my house, as fast as I could. I was fond of doing so, as it gave me the feeling that I was a good cyclist.

 Most unexpectedly, however, a car was coming from my right. I was frightened and tried to brake at once; but the brakes failed. I was now sure that I would be killed.

 Fortunately, the motorist was not as careless as I was. The car stopped in time, and I escaped the jaws of death only by a hair's breadth.

 I then thanked the motorist for driving so carefully. The motorist, however, warned me to be careful in future.

 Since that evening, I have always been careful, while cycling.

 Frightened By Buffaloes.

 One afternoon I was sitting on a tree and admiring the beauty of the scenery around. Indeed, I was in a very happy mood.

 Then, to me extreme surprise, I saw a number of fierce looking large buffaloes near the tree. I had always been afraid too these animals, and the sight of the buffaloes so near to the tree, filled me with fright.

 Having no courage to climb down the tree, I waited for several hours, until it was growing dark rapidly. The buffaloes, however, seemed to enjoy being at spot. They would not leave.

 At last, the owner of the buffaloes arrived. I kept quiet so as not to draw his attention. He took the buffaloes home.

 I then climbed down the tree and returned home, greatly relieved.

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