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Chapter 5 - No More Butter


Looking at Kookie's confused face, the confusion also transferred to me. Why is he always acting so weird these days? He is acting like he knows nothing or saying that we need to release No More Dream even though it is like, 7 years from then? Eyes still on Kookie, I walked out of Taetae's room to eat the cake. Kookie isn't coming with us. What is he doing?

Quickly peering into Taetae's room, I spotted Kookie, staring at his own pictures in curiosity. What? I decided to quickly go to the table where the cake sat before getting caught. Quickly stuffing cake into my face, Jiminie gives me a glare. What? I'm just eating cak- I glanced at the cake, a third of the cake has already gone and no one has eaten any except me. Well, their bad for not eating quicker.

Watching the youngers, Taetae went into his room. Wait... something is missing... OH NO WE FORGOT TO GIVE THE PRESENT TO ARMY- Dashing into Taetae's room I quickly walked up to him.

"I thought you were going to give the present to Army?" I asked Taetae in confusion.

"It's my day today, not ARMY's day, also I will have more time writing the card~ I quickly rushed it at the last minute so it wasn't that good," Taetae replied, some anger boiled in me.

"What did I tell you about leaving things to the last minute? Also I thought you were really excited?"

"Meh, it is okay, I'll just give it to them when I am ready~" Taetae left with a smile, chucking his letter away in the bin, getting another piece of paper. What a good kid. Oh wait, why did I let them eat cake before I cooked lunch? Quickly releasing my mistake, I immediately speed walked to the kitchen, looking around the room. Hmm what should I cook? Quickly I thought of an idea and grabbed all the ingredients.

Wait... where the hell is the butter- Dashing towards the fridge, I placed my hand on the handle and pulled it back. My eyes looked at the rows of different types of food, the only one missing was the butter. There was no more butter. In my instinct, without thinking first, I shouted, "WHO WAS THE PERSON WHO BOUGHT THE GROCERIES?" My soft but a little bit harsh shout came out, my members immediately looked towards me, Kookie with the widest doe eyes. Just by looking at them, I can tell who did. Kookie.

"Jungkook! Why did you not get the butter?!" I exclaimed to Kookie, dropping the nickname. What- I thought he'd react for me dropping his nickname? Meh...

"Um i- it wasn't listed on the shopping list- But I did buy it for an experiment but used it all up..."

All the other members quickly went back to eat the cake when Kookie went up to me.

"Wouldn't of you know that we had no more butter?" I ask Kookie, raising my eyebrow.

"I was... sleeping? Knocked out?" True... Kookie was knocked out but for less then 24 hours?

"But less than 24 hours?"

"I was?"

"Don't try act all innocent Jungkook, you would've of known."

"I don't remember... Last time I remember eating breakfast is February the 20th..." Kookie scratched his head, his eyes filled with confusion. What the heck... he is definitely lying...

"Stop spitting out lies from that bunny mouth." I started getting angry, he never lied to me before. What is this now!?

"It is not a lie...." He dares talk back to me... What if he isn't lying....

"JOONIE~" I call my trusty leader over, Joonie ran towards me, leaving the carpet and on to the tiles of the kitchen. He tilted his head, gesturing me to state what I had been wanting to say. Ranting the frustration that had leaked out of his container, he nodded his head, following that turning his head to the makane. I had explained the current situation to the serious younger as he nodded his head.

"This is serious, he seems like he may be telling the truth," He murmured to me, making the most awkward eye contact with Kookie's doe-like eyes. I hesitated to believe the leader's observation. The curiosity and disbelief stormed through my head as I raised my eyebrows. My eyes studied Kookie's beautiful eyes, getting lost-

What the heck-

♬・✎・ ☁・✎・ ♬

Having a little peak into the youngest boy's room, I spotted the new posters that aligned with the wall.

'Stray Kids? He must have found a new band to stan...'

My eyes scanned the room, then sneakily dashing into his room. I searched for his Samsung phone, closely following that, grabbing it to key in his password he uses all the time, 'jinsbroadshoulders' which in my opinion, it's a very bizarre password. To my surprise, they password wasn't the password I expected. I retyped it, checked everything was what it would be and pressed enter. It wasn't correct. I exhaled, 'Do I really have to do this....'

Shoving the photocard of Jungkook I had in my pocket towards the flip phone's camera, it allowed me in as I placed the photocard back into my pocket. The date first caught my eye, '23rd of the 2nd'. It's the 30th, one day till new years eve. Since when was it 2013? I shook my head, wondering what the hell was wrong with Kookie. I looked towards all the Stray Kids plushies and all his favourite stuff in a dusty pile in the corner. This is not like our little bunny. Chucking Leebit towards the side, I paced myself out of the carpeted room to search for the person who messed with my mind.

Opening doors frantically, I felt a pair of eyes lay on me, a concerned pair. Turning around corners, he searched the whole dorm, before bumping into a figure.

"Jin hyung, what in the world are you searching for?" The man had a worried look on his face. "Have you lost your handsome look or something? To me, you never had it in the start." The other scoffed, as I gave him a look. "Uh-, s-sorry Jin hyung, what are you searching for?"

"Urgh, I'm not in the mood for this Yoongi, please move to the side, I'm in a rush." My brain had a slight thought of why I was acting like this just for the bunny.

"Tell me, are you searching for something? I can help you if you-" Without thinking straight, I shoved the figure to the side of me, allowing a place for me to walk past him.

Without looking back, I heard the confused voice of the younger. Finally heading into the last room, the recording room, I busted in, not caring if anyone was occupying it.

I came to a stop, as I saw Jungkook, innocently lying in the seat of the recording station, studying the piece of paper he had, while muttering "I should've not used up all the butter." As soon his eyes made contact with mine, he stood up rapidly, before slightly bowing.

"I-I'm sorry Jin hyung, I wasn't able to buy the butter."

My rushed side slowly faded away, as I saw the slight panic in his eyes. Forgetting that I wanted to question him about his phone and how he said, 'used up all the butter', I gave a pat on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Jungkookie, I am not mad at you, you just need to go out and get it again, no big deal, right?" I tilted my head slightly, trying to get rid of the tension that surrounded us.

"U-uh, yes Jin hyung, I'll get it right away." Before leaving, he gave a little bow, abandoning the papers and dashing out of the room.

I shook my head in confusion. Wasn't I going to question him? Should've I got angry at him for 'using up all the butter' or whatever he said? Grabbing the papers, I hit them against the table repeatedly, allowing the papers to fall into a natural pile. Due to my curiosity, a gave a look at it.

What? Why was Jungkook having No More Dream lyrics at this point of time? We are meant to be on break after the performance, I get that, but at least he would get lyrics of a later song? Not our debut song?

Placing them back to their original spot, I walked out of the recording room. Walking past my members, confusion surrounded me as everyone paused what they were doing to give a blank stare.

"Um, can you please explain why Jungkook ran out the dorm in such a hurry saying 'I need to do what Jin hyung tells me to do?'" Taehyung indicated the front door of the dorms, raising an eyebrow to me.

"And please explain why Yoongi hyung ran into his room biting his lips anxiously?" Hoseok followed off Taehyung's concern, as it went back to an awkward silence.

I looked around the room at every single concerned member. Did I do something wrong? Realisation hit me hard, as I realised that I had just pushed my member.

"YOONGI!" Placing my hands on my head in stress, I ran to where Yoongi's room was located, seeing the door slightly open. Peering inside, I saw the back of the cat. How could a back look so sad? I did something terribly wrong.

Knocking on the door to make sure, I heard Yoongi's "What do you want?" The hurt in the voice, it was clear and obvious.

"Uh I'm sorry Yoongi," Jin bowed his head a little before seating himself by Yoongi's side, grabbing the upset cat's hand, "May you tell me what is wrong?" Silence entered the room, other than the random screaming from the sun outside.

"Everyone... seems different hyung... although its just Jungkook, it seems like the whole group changed."

So its not just about me? "Hey Yoongi, somethings change, we just need to adjust to it," I tried reassuring Yoongi with the best soothing voice I could do. Cringing at the reassuring I had done, an unexpected hug engulfed me as I softened at the already sleeping cat.

A few minutes passed as the tight grip on me had made me sweat. Peeking out of the slightly open door, I caught a glimpse of Jungkook, which suddenly reminded me.

Unwrapping the cat that had clung onto me, I slowly and carefully slipped out of Yoongi's grasp.. I rubbed my eyes as I left the silent room. Yoongi was still asleep, but I was too lazy to wake him up, he needs his sleep. I had more important things to do. Shutting the door, I flinched as there was a quiet bang of the door closing.

Not literally bumping into Hobi, the sun radiated happy energy (:D).

"Ah! Hello Hobi!" I waved aggressively to Hoseok, who did the same in return, "Just to remind you, we have the New Year's photoshoot and interview with ENHYPEN tomorrow! The word association with Elle." (once again, I don't own these bands or companies, I am just doing it for the sake of the story)

His smile lit up the room, as he nodded in response, "Yes Jinnie hyung, I have already informed Jimin, Taetae and Namjoon hyung."

Flashing a kind smile back to Hoseok, I walked throughout the dorm to find Kookie, which was conveniently right around the corner.

"Kookie, we'll have to get ready for tomorrow," I informed him as I moved the piece of hair in front of my eyes, "We're going to do a new year's photoshoot with Enhypen and an interview with Elle about the word association. Get ready~" I beamed at the younger as I ambled away from Jungkook, which I finally realised he was holding butter. What a good kid.

Word Count: 2013


(sorry its been a long time and this special is lame)

Jungkook POV





I heard the member's shout echo throughout the silent vibe of the night. The moon shined brightly in the night sky as the fireworks had already started before the 'one'. Although I had no idea why new year's was in February, I still cherished the moment with my members.

I looked towards Yoongi hyung who was to the left of me and smiled widely, contagious from his gummy smile. Towards my left Namjoon showed off his dimpled smile and his cuteness got me smiling my bunny smile. The fireworks in the sky continued to set off as the colour contrasted with the darkness behind. I guess the light does shine from the dark.

The new year always happens, but its always special. A beginning of a new year. A continuation to achieve your dreams.

No More Dream is ironic. My lips curved up at the side more if it was any more possible.

A start of a new year. For some reason in February. But the event still strong in my heart.

I love us and more is yet to come.



i didnt update in like 8 months and only 5 chapters in a year

but here is a chapter

well done bts on their 9th year <3

hopefully i update soon

love you all<3

(i dont like you spring)

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