2017 Era- Size chart for bagels form

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edit- I don't even have the papers I made anymore, but I can use this for the reference so neat

This is all badly explained so bear with me and ask questions I'll try to answer all confusions
Also if you want one wait till I get every thing set up for them, I would love to see bagel have friends

Let me translate my Spelling
That tiny purple one

Yeah that guy
That's new born, they are the size of a average house cat,
I'll make a guild for horns and teeth, feather fluff on the tail but this is size,

Now teen/kid

The pink one- kid/teen
They are 5  feet tall and about 10 feet long, depends on the tail, and it's fluff, they are still dependent on the mother but are learning skills they need,

They are 0- 10 years old, so from new born till they are about 10 maybe older( depends on the mom)  they stay with their mom

Green one

Semi adult, 10-20 years old
They take about 7 years to grow into semi adults, they are fully on there own, they can't breed yet but can still watch young ones for others if given food,

6-17 feet tail
23-29 feet long

They live mostly in caves or dug out dens,

This is what bagel is she's literally still a baby, the adults treat the 'baby stage' as such

Adult elder stage


The grey one
25-200 years old
30 feet long
18-25 feet tall

The adults are quite rare due to the fact they are highly aggressive to one another and end up killing each other, so seeing one is rare and much is unknown

( see giant pink one )
25+  feet tall
50 + feet long

Elders are almost never seen, or they don't live this long, they Live in caverns eating rocks and gems then other foods, they tend to give advice to younger ones if you can find one, they are calm and non aggressive due to old age they can't move much and rather talk then fight, ( one wave of a paw or tail will end you easily tho )

So that's the size chart of this unnamed species I have created,

if you want one please wait till I have this all up, so you can make one, I wanna see what you guys can do

( because bagel is a demon reaper mix look below )

Also bagel is a reaper demon of this species
Meaning, she was the result of a demon mixed with this species breeding with a reaper, her form is extremely different, she fits into this species guild lines but she has demon traits
And yes this species CAN have human forms, they just choose to be giant cat Monsters,

Her reaper side actually comes from her father, he was a normal reaper

Her mom was a demon and one of those things

Reaper+ demon/cat thing= bagel

Bam bagel genetically explained

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