Jung Hoseok Judging 🐿️

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Here we go! The JHS judges will find their assigned books here. You'll find all the books in a JHs reading list on my () profile, just like all the other participant's books.

Participants, please follow your assigned judges now. Judges, don't start judging before the author does not follow you. If you find that someone's not following you, contact me please. Also, if you feel like an assigned book contains topic you're not comfortable with, please tell me asap! I try to keep every preference in mind but sometimes it's not possible for me to get everything right!

Either it says "whole book" which is self explanatory or it says chapter 1 - 3. That means, that you have to read chapter 1,2 AND 3. So you have to read both the listed numbers and everything in between. Remember, reading further is your own choice but please, please, please, read AT LEAST everything that's listed. That's the only way it is fair.

!!! If Chapter 1 is written, that means it includes Prologues and Teasers and Characters, so read those too !!!

If you ever feel like judging's too much for you to do, don't hesitate to contact me.

JUDGE HONESTLY BUT NOT TOO HARSH AND NOT TOO SOFT. I will be able to know if a story has an unrealistic high or low score!

So, here are the long awaited judges and their assigned books! <3

Judge: oddella 

1. "Living in Omelas" by PurpleUnit7: Chapter 1 - 14

2. "Intricate Love" by venomous_thoughts: Chapter 1 - 12

Judge: Ana_2504

1. "I Run" by aleena992: Chapter 1 - 26

Judge: wolfgirl31420 

1. "24/seven" by fireflung: Whole story


You will find the judging criteria in the corresponding chapter of this book!

Please send me the form and review until Sunday, 18th September. That is 3 weeks to judge. If you need more time, contact me asap! <3


Questions ->

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