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I guess I'll continue my ongoing monthly project to learn where the names of months came from, although I think from here on out for the rest of the year it's pretty much the same story as last month.  October used to be the eighth month of the year, hence the "Oct" at the beginning of it, but that changed when July and August got inserted in.  I think that's pretty much all there is to it, but I'm going to take a minute to look it up and see if there's anything else interesting I don't know about.  Be right back...

Okay, looks like I'm pretty much on the money except I'm seeing a correction that it was actually January and February that were added to the year and July and August were simply renames of existing months Quintilis and Sextilis, which were the fifth and sixth month as is clear from their prefixes.  I guess I already learned this when I looked up how those months got their names, but I kind of forgot.  Anyway, just like I learned last month other Roman Emperors tried to change the names of the later months of the year to honor themselves, but for some reason none of those name changes stuck.  Interesting stuff.  I'm not sure I'll learn anything new for November and December, but I'll continue this anyway since it's only two more months and I've done it every month this year so far.

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