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Yesterday I had a kind of goofy dream I talked about, but I woke up from an honest to goodness nightmare today.  It had monsters in it and everything.  It's already kind of fading but I'll see what I can recall.

The main gist was there was this box with sort of headphones attached and if you put them on it could visualize your thoughts on a screen where everyone could see it.  This seemed cool in theory, but it turned out there are thoughts you maybe want to keep private when other people are around.  I had it on and it was revealing all kinds of weird things I didn't want revealed including apparently imagining violently killing some of the people I was with and I think maybe having a romantic fantasy about someone else.  I took the headphones off because I didn't want other people to see my thoughts, but then later when I was on my own I kind of wanted to try it out again.

This time I was trying to think of things on purpose to make them appear on the screen, but everything I thought of took on some demonic twist.  Like there were extra eyes or sharp teeth and fangs on every image that appeared.  It's hard to do it justice in a description of dream images, but it was honestly pretty freaky.

Okay, this next part sounds goofy and it objectively is, but within the context of the dream it was legitimately scary.  Somehow Leonard Dicaprio got involved and put on the headphones, but instead of revealing his thoughts, whatever the demon was in the box infected him and he turned into a monster that started attacking everyone.  At one point I was punching him in the stomach as hard as I could but it was like he didn't even feel it.  

Then he sort of dissolved into this disgusting, slimy, tube of organic material that was somehow all that was left after the demon devoured him from the inside out.  I woke up somewhere around this point and I was for reals freaked out at first until I realized it was a dream and then kind of realized it didn't actually make a whole lot of sense.  Still, it was unsettling.

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