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I like Christmas and Santa Claus as much as anyone else, but to be fair there's a lot about the Santa Claus mythos that's kind of creepy.  I mean for starters you've got an old man who likes to have children sit on his lap.  I know it's supposed to be grandfatherly or something and thus cute, but if any other stranger was asking to have your kid sit in their lap, you'd rightfully call the police on them.  Speaking of calling the police, the guy breaks into your house in the middle of the night.  People get shot for that sort of thing.  Then there's the whole he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake thing.  We generally call those sorts of people stalkers.  And who knows what the deal is with all his elf helpers.  Do they get paid or are they slave labor?  I'm just saying Santa Claus gets a lot of leeway we wouldn't give other people, just because he's Santa Claus.

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