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Well I managed to survive my little business trip in one piece.  Everything went about as smoothly as I could have hoped for and that's good, but I'm definitely extra tired today.  I got to spend a decent amount of time in airports yesterday.  Whenever I find myself among a lot of people I always kind of expect I'm going to run into somebody I know and yet I almost never do.  It's a small world, but it ain't that small.  Sometimes it's hard to fathom how many humans exist in the world.  I heard we recently topped 8 billion.  That's a ridiculously big number.  Whenever I think of all the people I've met, it seems like a lot, but honestly it's probably in the thousands.  That's barely anything in the grand scheme of things.  Even if you include the crowds I've been in the vicinity of be it in airports or at concerts or whatever, it still barely scratches the surface of the total number of people.  There are a really, really lot of us.  I guess that old saying there's plenty of fish in the sea is true, even if it doesn't seem like it when you're in the midst of heartbreak.

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