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It's been really rainy around these parts lately, which is overall nice since it's a desert here and everything.  It's overall cooled the temperatures down a little bit and while there's a little bit of humidity, it's not too bad.  I've kind of been enjoying it.  Except it keeps raining and having thunder and lightning storms on days when I want to go swimming.

It's weird because it sort of seems like it shouldn't matter if it's raining when you go swimming.  You're already getting wet, so what's a little more water?  But somehow it does.  It's just not appealing to be out there in the rain.  Plus I've heard lightning can strike swimming pools and that could be a really bad scene, so I guess it's a safety issue as well.  

Also some of the rain has been a little torrential and accompanied by winds up to 60 mph.  That's just too much.  I like a little overcast and a little drizzle once in a while, but we can spare the borderline hurricane conditions.

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