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I remember one of the best parts of being a kid was Saturday mornings.  From about 7AM until noon there were cartoons on every channel on T.V.  Nowadays you've got a whole network devoted to cartoons, not to mention you can stream cartoons whenever you want on various streaming services.  All of that's cool and everything, but it robs the feeling of specialness of Saturday mornings in my opinion.  Sometimes it's actually good not to have whatever you want whenever you want.  I know, I know.  Shut up, old Man.  Take a seat, Boomer.   

It was a little like Christmas every week in that you would leap out of bed, grab a bowlful of hopefully some sort of sugary cereal, and then just go wild watching cartoons.  And by the time they were over my imagination was totally sparked up and I had the rest of the day to go play and have cool adventures.  

I still love Saturdays because they generally represent a day off from having to do stuff, but they can't quite match the sheer magic of back then.  

The only thing about them that sucked was sometimes you'd wake up too early and the cartoons hadn't come on yet and you had to impatiently sit through some boring news or farm report or something before the good stuff came on.  A small price to pay, I guess, but man it felt like torture waiting for cartoons.  It was best when you could time your waking up just right to catch the very beginning of the cartoon fest.  It didn't always happen, but it was sure awesome when it did.

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