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Still on vacation in Maine.  Yesterday was a pretty fun day kayaking and swimming in a lake, although it was a little marred by a couple mishaps.  Kim managed to lose her phone at the bottom of the lake after tipping over in her kayak.  We spent a solid hour looking for it, but it was a little deep and there was a lot of muck on the bottom.  Honestly, the phone is probably fried from being in the water, so it would most likely be a brick even if we somehow managed to recover it.  

Shortly after we returned from kayaking, Kim's mom took a fairly nasty fall from the top of a staircase.  Luckily she kind of fell sideways into a hill that was covered in pine needles and soft spongy ground.  She said she was okay, but it was really scary looking and she's really lucky she didn't break her neck or hip or anything.  For reals it was a minor miracle we didn't have to take her to the hospital.  I suspect she's going to be a little bruised and sore today.  I figure perhaps we sacrificed the phone to the gods of the lake to save her mom's life.  That's a fair trade in my book.

Anyway, we're still at the lake but it's pretty overcast and rainy today so it's looking like it's probably going to be a pretty chilled out day, which isn't the worst thing in the world honestly.

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