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So we're all supposed to love and worship celebrities because they're such swell people and they're better than us commoners, but do you ever have a celebrity just rub you the wrong way for no discernable reason at all?  It definitely happens to me sometimes.  When Shia LeBeouf first came on the scene I was highly confused.  Who the hell was this guy and why was he suddenly in every movie?  Why were they trying so hard to make him a thing?  I did not get it at all.  He still seems to be kind of hanging around, but the more I hear about him, he seems like a pretty weird dude.  I mostly just ignore him these days.  I still have no idea how to pronounce or spell his name.  I had to look it up just now.  That's a celebrity fail, if ever I've seen one.  You should definitely know how to say their name and how to write it.

I used to have an irrational dislike of Leonardo DiCaprio as well, although that has cooled with time.  I'm mostly indifferent to him now.  I won't NOT see a movie just because he's in it, but he's not a huge draw for me either.  Actually my distaste for him stems back to the time of Titanic, which I still have never seen to this day.  That was the height of "Leo Mania" when pre-teen girls were going to see it over and over and over again, which is the main reason it became the highest grossing movie of all time.  I've always had a kind of reactive dislike for those teeny-bopper heartthrob types and Leo was fully and completely one of them at the time.  To be fair, I get the impression he found that whole phenomenon nauseating also, so I'll give him some credit for that.  

I know there are others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.  Honestly this whole celebrity-worship culture is really dumb.  I think we should put all celebrities to work in the coal mines so they can learn some humility and do something that's actually useful.

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