Basic Prt. 3

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Hope kept staring at himself in the mirror trying to figure out what was wrong with him and why the gifts were so pleasantly placed by his doorstep. He pulled and pushed on his face, everywhere on his face, just attempting to, maybe, just maybe, find something. He poked and prodded at himself, now, top to bottom of his body, still nothing. He felt as though there was an alarm going off in his chest. The alarm was in his ears his toes, fingers, everywhere. He felt it most in his stomach. There it was vibrating almost, like music that was too loud, but there was no music to be heard.  Hope trembled to his knees, going limp, practically threw his head to the wall. Everything went black again. 
Hope was awaken with a small area of harsh pressure to his jaw and a larger area on his cheek. He opened his eyes to see amber eyes staring right through his with eyebrows screwed up in confusion-anger? Hope briskly got a tight grip on the figure's arm and pulled away and pushed his own back to the wall, still staring back at the intruder who was obviously shorter than Hope was. Male? female? he couldn't really tell, until she spoke.
" Yo, Hope, you ok?" she said with mild emotion, not too much but not enough to sound crazy. She ruffled up his hair as if Hope was a child. Hope smacked at her hand and pushed her away lightly.
" Who are you? How do you know my name? get out of my house!" He pushed his forearm against the girl. She giggled a bit, amused by what? Yeah, He didn't know that either. 
" I saw you through the window.. you fell over so I came to check on you, chillout." Hope somewhat scoffed at her.
" Um, okay then. You still didn't answer my question, who are you and how do you know me?" He didn't know why he felt calm around her and felt like she wasn't a threat so he lowered his arm away from her. He could see the realization in her face,
" Oh! yeah... i know your friends and stuff so you know, i know you," She started to tie his shoes, "  name..? just call me-" she stopped to think for a short moment, " Whayne? don't ask. I wanted to be a dude anyway so, whatever. I honestly don't care what you call me, but, let's be professional now. Hello, My name is Whayne, i like to eat pizza and steal your jackets. Other than that i'm completely normal. " Whayne smiled up to her ears and she gave him a hug, " Oh my god, you smell way better then your hoodie. i promise i'm not creepy. i just like to know what people smell like, just in case i randomly go blind or something." Hope gave her a hesitant hug and rubbed her back then he quickly pushed her away with his hands gripped to her shoulders and raised his voice.
" You took my hoodie?" Whayne pulled at the hoodie she was wearing, which happened to be Hope's.  She quickly took it off , revealing her plain grey shirt, and placed the hoodie on his lap. 
" i wanted to return it but you lock your doors a lot and i didn't want to seem more weird than i already- you have a cat? " Whayne ran over to the grey striped kitten in the kitchen and pulled it into her lap.  Hope chuckled,
" So you like cats?" He stood up and walked to the kitchen, completely distracted from wanting to know what's wrong with him; He also took it upon himself to scruff up Whayne's hair just as she did to him. 

Dinner was simple, it was some vegetable soup, nothing special but Hope's new guest- roommate-   requested soup. 
" I didn't even know you had soup. It's mostly, from what I've seen, grilled cheese or pizza or something. I myself love cheese so that's perfect! " Whayne slurped her soup from her spoon still giving Hope a all-attention look. 
well...I mean, she's propper, she crosses her legs and covers her mouth if she's still eating, she's not... too creepy. She's sweet so I'm not worried about her taking something and not giving it back. Wonder why she acts the way she does... probably grew up in a weird family. 
" Guess so kid," Whayne just looked at me to continue, so Hope did, " Were you from? " She just looked at him some more, straight though him though. 
" Not sure to be honest. Short Memory Loss kicked my ass"  She looked down and used the tip of her shoe to tap my ankle. Hope could only laugh,
" Short Term Memory Loss, sweetheart."  her smile dropped,
" Yeah, that i guess." 


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