Distance From Reality

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" I was only traveling, but I thought I hit a dead end." I sighed keeping my hands in my pockets, fidgeting my feet. You laughed at my story. I wasn't even finished, but, you laughed.
" Yes, but you found me, didn't you?" You chuckled under your breath, only taking a second to look at me then continued to draw on the white canvas you had never touched before.
" I thought I had lost everything." I pulled my hand out of my pocket and wiped my thumb across my cheek as the lump in my throats grew bigger. It pushed itself to my mouth. A few tears pulling at my skin as I looked away to shield the shame of myself. You answered in a cool tone,
" Again, you found me. I will take care of you with my life, no matter what." I glanced at you the blankly looked down at my canvas, nothing was drawn but a disfigured man. One arm longer then the other.
I cough trying to hide my tears,
" I would have nothing left if I lost my only treasure. " I stare down at my man drawn to, what he though was perfection. Only the small man himself knew who I was talking about, but the little man on my canvas couldn't speak. For he was too broken to.
" You're and idiot and delusional. You need a doctor, I think. The man you've drawn is completely out of proportion, and his eyes? No one has eyes like that!" The girl at the other side of the room scoffed at my masterpiece.
" There is nothing wrong with him. My art is perfect. His eyes are beautiful and his body is fine." I ran my free fingers down the sketch, letting my fingertips run across his arms, as I whisper to myself,
" There is nothing wrong with my art." I snap my attention back to the girl.
" You are the idiot. For no one is as beautiful as my drawing. Yes, yours has proportion and outer beauty, but , what is it's personality?" She girl stopped and looked at me, screwing her eyebrows in.
" It's a drawing! It doesn't have feelings." I take one small look at my art once more.
" That is where you are wrong. All art has feelings. Mine may be wrong but my little man on my canvas has a kind heart. He loves everyone and everything. He also has a fondness for sweets, because he is."
" Because he's what?" She pushed an attitude in her voice.
" He's sweet. Oh, but you wouldn't understand. Love is more then perfection. If I lost this I would be lost." She only glared at me from the corner of her eyes as she reached back and snatched my pencil out of my hands. She stood up ripping apart my art like it was a toy.
" If you love it so much why don't you marry it?" She stopped for only a moment before she crumbled my hard work into a wooden ball.
" So death do us part!" She screamed out to my face as she ran away from me. I only kneeled down by my art.
" I know you're better then her." Were my last words to my perfect work, closing my eyes and imagining what it would be like if he were real.
I open my eyes again to look next to me, my work. Realizing he was real.
" If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here.  I would be dead long ago if it weren't for you little man." My once drawing crawled over sitting with his knees curled to his chest.
" you never even drew me in color. What is the treasure?" He wonders leaving his deep voice to a question.
" You're heart- I mean- "  he looked at me with his abnormal eye color, that I find perfect and raised a brow then giggled.
" How poetic of you. That was cute actually." There was no pause after his comment. I only looked and admired him.
" Thank you," I giggled. After a long time of staying with my art we had grown very familiar with each other. Us talking was normal, almost all day. I soon fell in love with the man I created in my mind, even though I had never created him, the girl was never there, it was all a figure of my imagination, but not him.
I didn't want to fall in love with him. I never did, but, it happened. I actually fell in love. He made my stomach sick when he complemented me, it was a gentle tickle that wouldn't go away until he left. Even then I couldn't get him out of my mind, though I was sure he never bat an eye at me in love. Oh, but I sure did. He looked at me and he would melt me. He touched my hand and I fell apart. If he even moved in my direction my heart would fall out of my body.
His grace was beautiful. Every step he took looked like a well played movie of only him.
He was real, this was all reality. Oh my god, he was real!
I shouldn't love him like this. I couldn't love him like this! That wasn't my place to love him- at all,
But his voice was pure gold. Anything he said was like a wild beast purring at the bottom of his chest. He was so flawless, I didn't understand how to talk to him. I checked, and double checked everything I had said to him. I had only sworn to myself that all I said was wrong.
His perfect personality had gotten more and more-
Soft- softer. Everything he said was melted down to a rich liquid. His words flowed perfectly into each other and I didn't know what to do.
I loved him!
But- I was so confused.
How could one man make me feel like my past wasn't real. That my father was never there, he used his grace to make me forget everything that had happened to me. His hands around my waist made me forget. His whispers made me forget. His laugh made me forget-
I could only see and think about him. How could he do this? How could he fog over my brain with his features?
Oh my god, I love him! I really love him!

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