The Knight Behind the Scenes

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There was once a kind prince and evil princess, they never got along. Not because of their differences but  the princess and her actions and words. Jade, the princess, was never greatfull and only loved and cared for others when she needed someone else's help or wealth.  her hair, black as the night sky and glistened as the stars did. her eyes were a dark chocolate to her pale skin. The prince? you may be asking, he had never showed his identity. People have said he had paralyzing blue eyes, but others have said that his eyes were a dark brown. People have said that he was as pale as a ghost but, once more, others have disagreed and have said his skin looked like a glowing amber. The exact same things are said about his features, his height, and hair, BUT the one thing that they have all said that is true about the prince is his kind hand; literally and figuratively. his hands were used to calm others or to stop the wicked and vicious. the people in the town had called him Grey, because, obviously, his identity was unknown. He did so much morality for the town that they had given the kind prince a reward.  His reward was silver; they had given him silver to represent his name. The Princess had become jealous of the kind prince and had created small, yet painful, pranks throughout the town to, maybe, break his kindness, though it failed. He never changed the way he acted. Grey remained a kind hearted man.The princess had one day been captured, and kidnapped and had cried for her brother's help.  Despite the constant hatred shown from princess Jade, Grey kept his kindness towards his sister and, ran to her rescue; defeating the the terrible person who had tried to kill his sister she had asked why Grey helped her even through all of the horrible things she had done to him. Grey simply responded with,

 " i would never show hate, even to someone who has hated me. You are my friend and sister. i will protect you with my life."  Grey released his identity to the town. he showed everyone his true identity, not the others he had sent to help the town. 
he was the man with blazing, icey blue eyes, amber skin, and reassuring smile; though he never told anyone what his real name was. to keep them wondering he let the townspeople call him Grey forever more.

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