Bad News

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             It's a large, spacious office with a large, green, wooden desk in the center. To my left is floor to ceiling bookshelves crammed full of a variety of books. To the right is an open area, with a rug and nothing more. Behind the desk is two large windows, which open up onto the school grounds. A large red bird called a Legov picks at the ground, looking for food.

            "Sit down, please." he says, pulling out a chair for me.

             Uh-oh. This can't be good. I've been in this office many times, due to mine and Amlican's many adventures, but this is the first time he has ever pulled out the chair for me. Usually, I'm told to sit, and he glares at me from his chair across the desk. What have I done? Wait, I don't think I've done anything wrong, lately.

             "I bet your wondering why you are here." Ravdra says, sitting in the chair next to me. "Don't worry, you haven't done anything wrong, that I am currently aware of."

             I sigh in relief. "Then why am I here? Sir."

              "The news just reached me from Talfar. I'm sorry but the Queen is dead."

               The words 'the Queen is dead' roll around in my head and my vision starts to blur. I'm not even aware Ravdra is talking to me until he lays his massive hand on my shoulder. "Wha?"

             "I'm really sorry for your loss. You need to go to your room and collect your things. Will you need help packing? Of course, you will be excused from all classes for the rest of the year. Six months is standard grieving time, if you need longer, have your father call us."

             "Father?" I say, still in a daze. I start to stand up, but the room is spinning, and I can't keep my balance. I drop back into my seat. "No."

           "No, what?" He asks, gently.

              "No. I don't need help packing. I. I. Yes, I think I do need help. I can't hardly see straight. I need Amlican."

            Ravdra gets up and pushes a button behind his desk. A few minutes later, a 3D image of my Chronos professor appears to my right.

           "Yes?" the professor Kalmin asks.

           "Please send Amlican to my office. I need him as well."

           "Very well." the professor looks away and then says, "Amlican. Head to Ravdra's office."

            "Have him bring all of his things. He will not be returning, today, either." Ravdra says. He pushes the button, again, and the 3D image of my professor disappears.

           "Make sure to get all of your belongings, and try not to delay, your father has sent a ship for you, to take you back to Talfar. The ship should be here within the hour."

            Amlican arrives, and I guess the situation is explained to him. I don't remember much of what is said. I know we must collect our things and head to my room, because the next thing I know we are standing in my room.

          The rooms at Royal Andromeda Prep are big, not as large as my room back home but big enough that it could hold four beds and still have plenty of room to walk around. The door is on the left side of the room, along the right wall is my small bed. The beds are purposefully only big enough for one, as to discourage intermingling amongst the students. The closest sits on the far back wall, and is big enough that it could hold a bed as well. Next to the closest is my dresser, which holds a wide variety of outfits, fit for royalty. And hanging on the opposite wall, there is a small round disk. It displays many different 3D images into the room. So I could sleep in a jungle or beside the beach of the Nulpek Providence. Whatever images I could ever want to upload it will project.

           I realize that Amlican is talking to me. "What? I didn't hear you."

           "I said, 'I'm going home, with you.' I'm not going to let you go through this alone." Amlican says.

           "Thanks, but you don't need to skip classes because of me."

           "Want kind of best friend would I be if I let you go, alone? Besides, I can get the same excuse as you, my mom and your mom were best friends."

           I look under my bed and grab the large suitcase stored under there. I set the suitcase on the bed, open it, and just stare. It's large and open, just as my life was at the beginning of the year. "I can't do this. I can't pack. Packing means going home. Going home means accepting my mother's death. I'm not ready for that."

             "Here, I'll do it." Amlican says gently moving me out of the way. He goes through my drawers, dumping the clothes into the suitcase. Once it's full, he reaches under the bed for another. He then goes to my closet and does the same thing.

              "I'm not going home."

              "What?" he asks, pausing what he's doing. "What do you mean?"

              "I mean I'm going anywhere but home. I can't deal with Talfar and no mother. Maybe I'll just go ahead and go to Saltu, now. At least I will fit in, there."

            "Listen." He says, gently grabbing my shoulders. "You are going home. You are going to the funeral. If you, don't you will regret it for the rest of your life. I know you. You were close with your mother. Besides, I'll be right beside you the entire time. Your shoulder to cry on."

            I nod my head in ascent and he goes back to packing. The rest of the details are fuzzy. I know once we get my all of my things packed; we go to Amlican's room and pack all of his things as well. This is only clear because as we are boarding the ship to take us back to Talfar, I notice that Amlican is still with me and that he has his things.

           "Lay down and get some rest." Amlican says, gently. "It will take four hours to get home, and you are going to need your energy. We have a long couple of days ahead of us."

            I look around and notice that we have stopped in one of the common sleeping rooms on the small ship. "Where will you be? I can't be alone, right now." I whisper.

          "I have to make a quick call to my father to let him know that I've come home for the next few months, as well. He'll understand that I have to be here, with you."

          I lay down in one of the bottom bunks and Amlican comes over and sits beside me. "Go to sleep. I'm right here. I won't leave until you fall asleep." He says, gently stroking my cheek. 

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