Chapter 1 A Million-dollar Disaster

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Everything had been going perfectly; the weather was just right, the flowers were petal-perfect, the band was in perfect harmony, not a note of dissonance to be heard, not a catastrophe in sight. And then things began to go horribly wrong.

Gabriella walked up the aisle, smiling at Brandon standing under the floral arch, waiting for her. This was it—the day she would finally say 'I do' to Brandon. But suddenly, whispers of disapproval floated to her ears and she stiffened.

"All that money for a gown, and she couldn't afford a veil?"

What kind of bride gets married without a veil?!"

Gabriella froze in shock. She had forgotten her veil! The veil was the most important part of a bridal outfit! She almost dropped the bouquet of roses she was holding to put her hand on her head to confirm that her head was indeed, veilless. But it was too late for that, she'd look ridiculous holding up the wedding march for that! Oh why, oh why, did she have to forget the veil?!

She saw Brandon give her an inquiring look from the altar as though asking if something was wrong. She gave him a nervous smile and kept walking although jarringly. Things couldn't get worse than a veilless bride, could it?


The next disaster that struck her was at her feet. Half a meter away from the altar, she felt a distinct 'crack!' and suddenly she stumbled forward—her stiletto heel broke!

She looked up at Brandon, unable to hide her distress anymore—he too had noticed her dilemma. He shook his head at her as though telling her not to worry and mouthed the words 'kick them off' to her. Gabriella sucked in a harrowed breath. Very well, if she was to get married to the man of her dreams as a barefoot bride, so be it.

She quickly and furtively kicked off her shoes from under her gown and continued up to Brandon's side. Finally, she thought and breathed somewhat in relief. At least she made it here in one piece.

She gulped as the priest began the ceremony, praying nothing else would go wrong. She hadn't wanted an outdoor wedding in the first place, how did she end up here? Had the church been closed? She couldn't remember, for some reason.

She worried a little that an outdoor wedding would invite a number of disasters, but so far the only disasters she experienced were the fashionable types—surely it would stop there, wouldn't it?

"If I may have the rings..." the priest nodded towards a three-year-old Teddy who was the ring-bearer. He gave a huge smile and toddled forward, holding up the satin cushion with the wedding rings. Just then, a little bee buzzed past his nose and he halted with a flinch, terror filling his wide little eyes.

"Ah, ah! Mommy! BEE!" He gave a loud squeal and ran screaming down the aisle; the satin cushion went flying in the air, the rings rolling away beneath the feet of the scandalized audience.

"No! Teddy!" Teddy's dad Phil rushed forward to save and admonish him while a gasp of shock went up from the crowd. Gabriella's mouth fell open in horror. The rings were nowhere in sight.

"Oh no, the rings!" Gabriella cried in dismay. Brandon held her hands to pacify her.

"Angel, don't worry, I'm sure if we all look together, we'll find them," he said, his soothing voice caressing Gabriella's nerves a little.

"Oh..." this was already a disaster but at least if the rings could be found...

"Everyone, on your knees and start searching for those rings!" Gabriella's best friend Sassie commanded the audience. Gabriella put her hand to her face in shame. What a thing to happen to a bride on her wedding day! What else could go wrong?

No sooner had she thought that thought, a peel of thunder rolled in the distance—and dark clouds suddenly canopied the sky.

"Oh no," Gabriella moaned under her breath. The first large drop of rain fell right on her head and she knew—things could only go south from here.

"You must be joking, the weather report said clear skies all week!" Brandon exclaimed, feeling the rain with his open palms. Cries rose from the crowd and the search for the rings was abandoned for the search for shelter as everyone tried to protect their expensive gowns and tuxedos from watery ruin. A crack of thunder much louder than the first bellowed through the air, followed by a blinding flash of lightning.

"The storm's getting worse, everyone, take cover!" Gabriella's mother shouted to the crowd. Gabriella felt her tears mix with the falling raindrops—even nature was protesting at her getting married! She dropped her bouquet and began to sob. What was the point of even going on with the wedding?

And as if things couldn't get worse, a yell came from someone. Disaster had struck again.

"The horse is loose!"

Brandon had wanted to ride away from the wedding after the ceremony on a real live horse with Gabriella, knight-style in honor of the name she had given him—and had hired a lovely golden mare for the job. Unfortunately, with one disaster following another, the horse groom had taken his eyes off the horse for one moment—the exact moment the crack of thunder decided to sound, scaring the horse out of its wits.

It reared its head with a loud neigh of terror, kicked open the stable door where it was kept, and galloped out at top speed in fright, more frightened than the people fleeing its path.

"Oh, no, the horse!" Brandon shouted.

"Oh, no, the cake!" Sassie cried out, clutching her hair frantically, for the horse made a beeline for the buffet table—after the bee from earlier decided to leave its stinger in its behind. Crazed with fear and pain, the horse dashed through every dish on the table in absolute chaos, shattering them to bits, and finally collided with the cake in a resounding 'crash!' sending sugar roses and heavy cream flying everywhere on everyone—even on Gabriella. That was the end of her wedding dress.

"Ah!" She gasped as she hit with a face full of cake. Rainwater streamed down her head, soaking her through and now she was covered in cake! If ever there was a more disastrous catastrophe of a wedding, it was hers. She sank to her knees on the ground while the rest of the crowd ran to and fro in a frenzy through the downpour, trying to avoid the runaway, frazzled horse bounding all over the place. Gabriella lifted her voice and wept.

All that effort and time and money spent planning her wedding... Wasted! Everything had gone dreadfully, horribly wrong. It was an utter nightmare. It was like she was not meant to marry Brandon. Maybe it was all a sign.

"I can't believe this is happening..." she wailed. "Everything is ruined!" A pair of firm, comforting hands fell on her shoulders.

"Angel, listen to me," Brandon got down on his knees in front of her, equally soaked to the bone but not caring a bit, and spoke firmly to her. "No matter what might have happened, nothing on earth can keep me from marrying you, Gabriella. Do you hear me? I love you and no power alive can keep me from you. Can you trust me on that?" She looked up at him with brimming eyes, sniffing.

"I... I..."

"I will marry you, Gabriella, nothing in the world can stop me!" Brandon proclaimed vehemently, and Gabriella broke down in his arms.

"Oh, Barry..."

"You need to trust me on this. None of these problems are real! My love for you is! You hear me, Gabriella? Gabriella! Angel!" Brandon's voice began to echo...

"Angel! Angel!"

Gabriella felt herself shaken up and suddenly opened her eyes. Brandon was hovering over her, his blue irises filled with concern for her, his hands grasping her shoulders. She blinked at him, stunned.

"Angel, are you alright?" He asked with tender care in his voice for her. She looked around. She wasn't outdoors standing in the rain in a messy pile of horse-kicked cake—she was dry and warm and safe and sound in bed with Brandon!

"Brandon! What happened?" She asked, still feeling panicky and dazed.

"You were fast asleep when all of a sudden you started moaning and thrashing around," Brandon replied gently, caressing her cheek. "I could hear all the way from the kitchen. I figured you were having a nightmare and rushed in here and tried to wake you up."

"A—a nightmare?" Gabriella looked stupified. Then none of that happened? She didn't have a disaster of a wedding she'd be too ashamed of for the rest of her life?

"Oh, oh!" She suddenly burst into tears of relief at the realization and wept into Brandon's chest.

"Shh, sh, my Angel, it was just a nightmare you had," Brandon hugged her tight, wondering what could have upset her so much. "There, there, I've got you, love." He continued whispering sweet nothings in her ear, stroking her head and rocking her against his chest.

"Oh Barry, it was awful!" Gabriella spilled out her agony. "It was our wedding day but we were stuck having it outside because there wasn't a church, and I forgot my veil, my shoe broke, and there was a bee an-and our wedding rings got lost, and then it started to rain, an-and..."

"Shh, Gabriella, darling, none of that really happened, calm down, Angel," Brandon continued to soothe her, just as he had in her dream. She suddenly gave a gasp as she remembered something else.

"Oh! And then a horse escaped and rammed right into our wedding cake and ruined my dress!" Fresh sobs spilled out of her as the memory of her nightmare overwhelmed her. Brandon blinked.

"A-a horse? How in the world does a horse fit into our wedding?"

"You hired it for us to ride off into the sunset because I called you my—my knight," Gabriella said in a small voice, hiccuping a little. Brandon broke out in a chuckle and cuddled Gabriella in his arms.

"Angel, as imaginative as you are and as innovative an idea that is, a horse is definitely a big 'no' at our wedding as you very well know I can't ride as well as you. In fact, I can't ride at all..." he mumbled, "so you don't have to worry about that."

"Oh..." Gabriella had forgotten that Brandon was used to city life and not farm life and couldn't ride so much as a pony.

"And as for everything else..." He placed a long kiss on her forehead before going on, "I booked Saint Patrick's Cathedral for us the day after I proposed. And the Saint Regis has closed off their wedding hall two weeks in advance preparing for our reception. Rain or shine, we'll be getting married in style, safe from anything nature throws at us."

"Promise?" Gabriella asked with a glimmer of hope. Brandon nestled his forehead upon hers.

"I promise, I will do everything in my power and means to avoid the sort of million-dollar disaster dream you just had. As long as you remember that's all it was, just a dream," he added quickly before she could get agitated again. "Nothing will go wrong on our wedding day, Angel. Because no matter what happens, I love you and intend to marry you even if the moon decides to crash down on Earth!" Gabriella gave a little laugh feeling lighter as she remembered Brandon's similar words to her in her dream.

No matter what might have happened, nothing on earth can keep me from marrying you, Gabriella. Here he was, reassuring her of the same thing in real life.

"I love you too, Barry," she said, feeling giddy with emotion. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, relishing the comfort and warmth of his arms, letting them melt away the last traces of her nightmare.

"There's my Angel," Brandon crooned into her hair. "Now, will you be alright or do I have to keep comforting you?" He buried his head into the crook of her neck without waiting for her answer, his lips tickling her with little kisses. Gabriella squealed in delight, writhing under his weight.

"Brandon! That tickles—oh!" Brandon had stopped pecking her playfully and proceeded to suck on the sensitive skin of her neck with venturous kisses instead—Gabriella's squeals morphed into moans of pleasure, her limbs going numb as her mind went blank.

"Brandon... you'll be late... for work... if we do this now..." Gabriella said haltingly with a gulp, unprepared for an early morning affectionate petting session with him. He merely hummed in dismissal.

"Work can wait..." He continued to devour her neck with ravenous kisses, his body gently molding with hers, his hands feeling her up and down with loving caresses.

"Oh, Barry..." Gabriella breathed, right before his lips finally collided with hers, an obvious smile on them as they began dancing in her mouth. No more protests came from her as she lost herself in a good, long kissing session with him, time passing by unchecked until Brandon had to call in very, very late for work. Brandon further brightened her day later by presenting her with a pile of delicious vegan waffles which he made himself, smothered in maple syrup. Her disastrous dream passed well out of mind after that.

By the end of the morning, Gabriella was reassured of one thing; no matter what disaster struck, her heaven-sent knight could always make things right.

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