Chapter 30 Last Train to Heartbreakville

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"She doesn't like me, does she?" Brandon was in despair as he walked with Gabriella through the town. Gabriella hid a secret smile.

"No, she's just taking her time to warm up to you," she said. She didn't want to tell him about her mother's methods yet – how she tended to act all stern and give a 'protective mom' impression over the guy her daughter dates. How she would put her potential son-in-law to the test to see if he'd pass with flying colors. Gabriella was half tempted to tell Brandon everything, seeing his struggling efforts to impress her but she also wanted to see where it would go and if he could pass the test without help.

She had called her mother the day before they visited, explaining everything about Brandon so that she wouldn't be surprised when they showed up together. Mrs. Keller had been surprised but touched to hear daughter talk so highly about a man and all he had done for her in New York. She had been worried about the trouble her daughter had had with Archer but was pacified on hearing what a gentleman Brandon apparently was. She had high hopes that her daughter had finally found a man above men but intended to give him the third degree before letting him take her daughter away.

"Isn't there anything you can tell me about how to impress her?" Brandon pleaded with Gabriella.

"Barry, just be yourself. You don't have to try to impress her, she wants to know the real you, not someone who tries too hard. She's most impressed with honesty and transparency."

"Oh..." Brandon pondered on that in silence.

They walked past a flower shop. The owner, an elderly man with owl glasses and a wrinkled face sitting behind the counter, got up and called out on seeing them.

"Why, it's little Gabby! Been a while since we've seen you around, kiddo."

"Mr. Carnaby! How are you? Is Pauline doing well?" Gabriella greeted him with a smile.

"Ah, she's good. Dez is in town so she's over the moon. You should say hi to him when you see him. He's been hankerin' about seeing you ever since he came home from the air force."

"I will, thanks Mr. Carnaby."

"Who's that with you?" Mr. Carnaby asked, peering at Brandon through his glasses. "He's not from around here, is he?"

"This is Brandon, Mr. Carnaby. He's visiting with me from the city." Brandon extended his hand politely but the old man didn't take it. Instead he regarded him as one would an oddity.

"An investor, eh boy?" Mr. Carnaby asked. "Come to buy out our farm lands?"

"No sir, I'm Gabriella's b-boyfriend." Brandon admitted with a slight stammer. Somehow the old man made him nervous. Gabriella bit the inside of her cheek, amused to see Brandon out of his element. In the city he seemed so eloquent, confident, sure of himself... A few hours in the countryside made a babe in the woods.

"Boyfriend? Our Gabriella ain't that easy to win over. Why, when she left a couple summers ago, my Dez was all broken up." Mr. Carnaby frowned at Brandon. Brandon blinked in surprise at this news and Gabriella decided it was time to go before any awkward questions were asked.

"Well, it was nice seeing you again, Mr. Carnaby. We must get going now. Bye." She pushed Brandon forward as they continued on. But Brandon turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"So, you left his son all 'broken up'? Why haven't you told me about this?" He asked pointedly. Gabriella almost snorted in laughter.

"Mr. Carnaby was exaggerating, Barry. Dez and I were just childhood friends. We used to play together, that's all."

"Sounds like this 'Dez' had something more for you," Brandon said petulantly.

"Brandon, you're not – are you jealous?" Gabriella asked in surprise.

"What if I am? It's not exactly encouraging to hear that you might have left a broken heart behind. What if he still has a thing for you?" Brandon kicked along some pebbles as he spoke, obvious disgruntlement in his face. Gabriella suddenly hugged him.

"Oh Barry, that is so sweet. I mean, it's not that jealousy is a good thing, but it means you really care."

"Of course I care! What do you think I am, chopped liver?" Brandon laughed, feeling lighter with her hug.

"Ooh, don't say that around here. people actually eat that." Brandon laughed again but stopped when he saw her serious face.

"Wait, really? Ew."

"Hey, rich people eat caviar. That's equally gross."

"Yeah, I think I actually like the fact that you're vegetarian." They walked up the hillside.

"Wow, this place is beautiful," Brandon said. A light breeze blew around them, rustling a few nearby trees and the heads of corn and barley growing in the field around them.

"It's nice and all, but you know I like the city too. What about you? Does the countryside appeal to you?"

"Me? The only thing that appeals to me the most is right here," he pulled her into his arms as he spoke, bringing a warm smile to her face.

"Barry, I didn't know you could be so corny."

"I thought you'd like it. and anyway, it's true." She hummed in contentment.

"I love you," she said, hugging him back.

"I love you too. I just wish I knew how to get your mom to like me." Gabriella shook her head.

"Don't worry about her. She—" she stopped when she heard a shout.

"Did you hear that?" she asked, looking around. Brandon saw a figure running towards them.

"Gabriella! Pops told me you were in town. Boy, am I glad to see you!" A tall young man with cropped brown hair and gray eyes wearing a plaid shirt and jeans ran up to them.

"Desmond, it's been a long time." Gabriella smiled at him.

"I know, gee, you've gotten prettier than the last time I saw you," Desmond said bashfully, blushing just looking at her. Brandon cleared his throat.

"This a friend?" Desmond asked, noticing him.

"Brandon Whiteley, I'm Gabriella's boyfriend." He gave Desmond his business card. Desmond whistled.

"Wow, Gabby, you sure went a long way from our little town. How long you staying?"

"Two days. We came over to see my Ma."

"That's swell. I'm glad you came when I happened to be on leave."

"Oh yes, I heard you were in the air force. How is it, flying planes all day?"

"Gee, it's everything I ever wanted. Well, almost. I mean, I always thought you'd be on the sidelines cheering me on," Brandon nearly choked over that, "but that's another story. Anyway, wanna join me for a coffee this evening? We can catch up and all that."

"I'll see if I can make it, Dez."

"Alright. Nice seeing you, Gabby." He waved and walked down back to the town. Brandon stared after him, his eyes piercing.

"That boy is crushing on you like a lovesick puppy," he stated.

"Brandon! He's almost the same age as you!" Gabriella swatted his arm.

"Which means he's not immune to your charisma." Gabriella gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Barry, this jealous thing is cute and all, but Dez probably just wants to catch up with an old friend."

"Or an old sweetheart. And I thought you wanted me to get jealous." Brandon stuck out his lower lip. Although he was acting childish at the moment, Gabriella found it extremely adorable. She squeezed him around the waist.

"It'll be fine, Barry." She placed a long kiss on his pouting lips, hoping it would tide him over till she returned. However, it didn't quell the dislike he felt for 'Dez' at the moment.

After a hearty lunch of ranch salad, southern fried corn and lamb chops (Mrs. Keller made especially for Brandon) Gabriella helped her mother in the kitchen doing the dishes while Brandon stayed in the living room, admiring the photos of Gabriella as a child dotting every wall. Gabriella talked to her mom about Desmond, telling her that he asked her out that evening.

"You should go. I think that boy has been counting the days for you to come home."

"Ma, it's not like that. I'm with Brandon now. And I love him."

"Are you sure, hon? Is he really the man you love?"

"The only reason he wanted to come here was to see you and get your blessing. He even introduced me to his parents." Gabriella took her mother's hands as she spoke. "He's amazing, Ma." Mrs. Keller saw the adoration in her daughter's eyes and yielded.

"Alright, if you really think he's the man for you I'll give you my approval. But go meet up with Dez, that'll give me time to get to know that boyfriend of yours."

"Ma, don't scare him off, okay?" Gabriella said, biting her lower lip.

"If he's man enough and loves you the way he ought to, he won't get scared and run off. Now off you go." Gabriella returned to the living room.

"Hey Barry, I'm going to see Dez for a bit. You can stay here with Ma and get to know each other better and – bond."

"What? You're going to see a guy alone? And you want me to stay here?" Brandon blinked.

"Why, don't you trust my daughter, young man?" Mrs. Keller asked, coming into the room.

"No, I do. Of course I do." Brandon replied quickly, afraid of making another mistake.

"Good, then we can sit and chat." Gabriella waved at them, gave Brandon a thumbs-up and left.

Desmond's house was just down the road to the right. Desmond was outside, trimming some gardenias and looked up with a smile when he saw her.

"Glad you came. Let's go somewhere more private where we can talk," he said, taking Gabriella's hand. They walked to a nearby coffee shop which was more like a diner with cozy tables and checkered cloths covering everything. They ordered iced lattes and sat down. Desmond recounted everything that happened since Gabriella left for the city, keeping up the conversation with animation as he shared parts of his life in the air force. But when their lattes were almost over, he became serious as he spoke.

"So, Gabriella, are you – really dating that man?" Gabriella looked up at him, feeling the question was too blunt. Desmond realized his mistake and apologized.

"Sorry, that came out wrong. It's just that – I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I didn't know that."

"I never confessed because – well I thought you didn't feel the same way. And well – then you went away."

"So did you, Dez."

"Yeah, but I never got over you. I thought, if I ever saw you again, I'd tell you how I felt." Gabriella looked straight into his eyes.

"Dez, I'm flattered. I didn't even know you had feelings for me. But even if I did, I don't think it would have worked out that way."

"No?" Desmond looked vainly hopeful. Gabriella shook her head at him. He scratched his cheek.

"Darn, I should've told you sooner. Then maybe you'd have let me down a long time ago," he laughed softly. Gabriella smiled kindly at him.

"I always felt we were meant to just be good friends. I never imagined anything else."

"Gee, your guy is a lucky man. Hope he knows that." Desmond stared into space, regret in his eyes.

"Dez, we'll always be good friends. But you have your life and I have mine. I met someone I love and I want you to do the same."

"I don't know if I can move on that easily."

"Try. For old times' sake." Desmond nodded.

"You'll always be my first love, Gabriella, even if you broke my heart." He leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

"You know, you better watch out. If my boyfriend found out you did that he'd clobber you," Gabriella joked. Desmond laughed.

"He the jealous type?"

"He's a typical knight in shining armor. Very protective."

"Well, he certainly must be up to standards if he caught your eye." Desmond stood up and Gabriella knew they would part ways.

"Take care of yourself, Dez, I hope you find the right girl." She bade him goodbye before taking the road home alone.

Brandon had been getting grilled by Mrs. Keller for the past hour. She asked him everything about himself, from his work, his ambitions, his intentions for the future and about his family. He answered all her questions politely, praying he wasn't saying anything she wouldn't like. Mrs. Keller seemed to take all his answers in with acceptance and found herself warming to Brandon. Finally she asked him about his feelings.

"Mrs. Keller, I love Gabriella with all my heart," Brandon admitted earnestly. Mrs. Keller's eyes flickered back and forth on his.

"Son, you've barely known her for more than a few months. And 'love' ain't something you can say that easy. Commitment, endurance, perseverance and tolerance is what a relationship needs, apart from love. The kind of love you speak of, I mean. Because when the glamor of the first infatuation fades away, you'll be left with each other's bare souls. And I need to know my daughter's heart is gonna be well protected. It's what my late husband and I always wanted for our girl."

"I understand, Mrs. Keller, there's nothing I want to do more than make her happy."

"Why do you love my daughter?"

"I can't name just one reason, Mrs. Keller," Brandon's expression softened, thinking about Gabriella. "She's an angel. She's kind-hearted, honest, independent... Everything about her makes me want to love her. I want to be hers for the rest of my life and..." he closed his eyes, overcome with emotion.

"I love her too much to let life pass by without her."

"You've gotten good raising son, I'll give you that," Mrs. Keller nodded in acceptance. Brandon waited for her to continue.

"And you are sure that you won't change your mind about loving my girl? After all, one woman is much the same as another and the rate of break-ups and divorces are shamefully high these days."

"To me, there's no woman like Gabriella. She's special, she means everything and more to me. And I'll take her with everything I am and promise to give her everything I have."

"Strong words, son." Mrs. Keller patted his shoulder. "Very well, I'll give you my blessing. God bless you both for as long as you live, and may you never lose sight of true love, which can stand through both sunshine and storm." She paused, her eyes softening on him.

"I'm glad my Gabriella found a man like you, Brandon. I think you'll make my girl very happy."

"Thank you, Mrs. Keller. Oh, may I ask your opinion on something?" He pulled out a small velvet box and opened it before her.

"Do you think Gabriella will like this?" He asked.

What that in da box? Ooooh, place your guesses here! 

So I left a little bit of an old fashioned romance behind, whatcha think?  Mammas sure know what they're talking about! 

As for Brandon, it looks like his mission is accomplished. All that's left is... no spoilers 😁! Stay tuned for the  two last chapters in the finale!

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