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Name: Laura Kinney a.k.a X-23

Age: 13

Sex: Intersex

Personality: Laura is very taciturn and introspective, rarely uttering more than one sentence or two at a time. Because she grew up in a controlled environment, she speaks using perfect grammar, rarely using slang. She's protective with her friends and prefers to observe rather than initiate.


Superhumanely Acute Senses

Laura is capable of seeing greater distances with perfect clarity, this is also the same with her sense of smell and hearing. Being able to track targets with her smell and hear the tiniest of sounds with her hearing.

Adamantium Claws

Laura has two retractable claws on each arm and one on each foot that she can extend and retract at will. The claws are laced with adamantium, they are virtually unbreakable and are capable of cutting almost any substance. 

Regenerative healing factor

Laura has an accelerated healing factor that allows her to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissues with far greater speed, efficiency, and finality than ordinary humans are capable of. Injuries such as gunshot wounds, slashes, and puncture wounds completely heal within a matter of seconds. She has also been shown to be able to reattach limbs. The effects of her accelerated healing powers extend to her body's immune system, rendering her immune to disease and infection. She is also immune to most drugs and toxins, although she can be affected by certain drugs if given sufficient dosage. Given the regenerative nature of her cells, she is potentially-immortal, just like her "father".


Born and raised in captivity, X-23 has been trained to become a living weapon. She is highly trained in the use of long range weapons and explosives and is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, with intensive training in numerous armed and unarmed martial arts techniques. She has also been subjected to conditioning in which a specific "trigger scent" has been used to send her into a berserker rage, killing anything in sight; Emma Frost is unsure if this will ever be fully suppressed. She is also highly educated and so far has displayed fluency in French and Japanese, while Zander Rice once described her intellect as being "off the charts".

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