Chapter 1

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The world was full of Pokemon. And people and Pokemon live together for a better place. However, one day, all the Pokemon are gone from the world, the gyms are forced to shut down, the League is out of business as well as the Contests and Showcases. Just what happened that caused this phenomenon to happen?

It all begins when a boy named Ash Ketchum comes back from the Galar Region, he wins the Masters 8 Tournament and he can't help but be satisfied because of it. But when he comes back home, he finds his friends there. They killed Delia in order to make Ash give up the title of World Champion to them. Of course, Ash doesn't want to give his title to the murders, but they take out weapons and try to hurt Ash, all except for Lillie, who believes that Ash deserves to be the World Champion, and she is being shot in the leg with the gun held by Trip and her arm is slashed by Max. As for Ash, he is being hit by the punches and the mallet, even the knife is slashed near the chest and the neck. That is when all the Pokemon comes to their aid, they blast the attacks at them to send them flying, but both Ash and Lillie are heavily injured.

Arceus comes to their aid as she uses the Heal Pulse on the two humans, as for Delia, she just absorbs her and transforms into her. Ash wakes up and he hopes that it is a dream, but with Lillie beside her, he knows that all of it is real.

"Lillie, why were you here and are you trying to kill me as well?" Ash asks coldly and brokenly, but Lillie says, "No, Ash. I am not going to side with those people. It's just...they killed my family...Kiawe and the others, they know I was close with you and they threatened me that if I told you then I would suffer the same fate. I was too pathetic to stand up for myself...I'm sorry."

Seeing how Lillie is very sad, Ash can't force himself to hate her, Ash says, "I am sorry, your family did all of that to me and I couldn't save are now an orphan because of me..."

Delia coughs and says, "Lillie is not an orphan, yet." This causes them to look at her with a confused look. And that is when Delia changed herself to be an Arceus. "You are Arceus? Mom? How come I didn't know about this?"

Delia says, "I have been suspicious about humans and their behaviors, so I decided to spy on them by changing into your mother. But in the end, I have decided that humans don't deserve Pokemon."

This causes confusion to both Ash and Lillie, as Delia continues, "If you want to know, Lillie's Father is still alive."

"Then where is he? We have been finding him and we have no clue where he is..." Lillie asks with desperation.

"Calm down, Lillie. He is not in this world." Delia says, much to their confusion. "You see, this is not the best place for us to talk, let's go somewhere else."

Just then, a wormhole appears and both Ash and Lillie are sucked inside, after they open their eyes again, they find themselves in a place that doesn't have light. Delia is standing by their side and Ash asks, "Mom, where are we?"

"This is the Ultra Metropolis, it is a place where Necrozma lived and it is also a place where there is no light."

"No light? Then how did people survive here?" Lillie asks. "Light is the essence of everything, with light, plants can grow and with light, we can see everything."

"I know, but the technology here is advanced as they can produce their own light." Delia says.

After being taken to meet Captain Phyco, he takes the two to meet the rest of the Ultra Recon Squad, including Mohn, Lillie's father who is still alive. She can't help but cry in his arms and tells him about how Lusamine and Gladion were killed. Mohn is very furious as he wants to go back to the world to kill those who took away his beloved, but Delia manages to calm him down as she has come up with a revenge plan.

With the help of Captain Phyco and Delia, they manage to create 18 kinds of different worlds through the wormholes. Each of the wormholes is based on the type of the Pokemon, and Delia being an Arceus teleports all the Pokemon in these worlds while the others who are staying loyal to the humans are gone in their life with a glow of the Arceus. (Just like the snap in Avengers Infinity War).

People are panicking about the fact that Pokemon has gone from their lives. The PLA has held a meeting to investigate the problem, and it turns out that Ash Ketchum and his mother, who represent Alola and Kanto, have gone missing, so they have thought about it and decided to ask their former friends, only to find that they refuse to answer. The Champions find them acting strange, but they decide to continue searching for the family in the real world with the help of technology.

As for the 18 worlds, Ash and Lillie created them with the help of the Ultra Recon Squad and Delia. The Normal Type World is made of small buildings and plains that can make them roam around, and they also made some stages so that some Pokemon are able to sing. In the Fighting Type World, they manage to create a forest where Pokemon can learn their physical attacks, and there is a giant dojo in the middle of the forest so they can have a battle there.

In the Flying Type World, tall mountains with a lot of cliffs are common there as they are almost covered in clouds. It is a perfect place for flying and gliding to all the Flying Type Pokemon. In the Poison World, the place is quite nasty as there is a garbage dump with nasty smells and a cave that brings them to the sewers, other than that, there is also a small forest for some Poison Pokemon to live in easily.

For the Ground Type World, there is a giant desert with a small oasis and a small volcano for Pokemon to live in. There are also some underground caves for them to cool off as well. In the Rock World, the place is full of rocky terrains and caves, fossils are easy to find there and there is also a restoration center to revive the fossils into the world.

The Bug World is natural, as it consists of forests and gardens, which are their favorites of them. They can also see some spider webs on the trees and even honeys on the ground. But Ash and Lillie don't mind any of it. As for the Ghost Type, they make it spooky as there is a giant graveyard with a lot of tombstones and a haunted house where Ghost Type Pokemon likes to roam around scaring Lillie. But with Ash's help, Lillie manages to overcome her fear.

The Steel World is much like a huge city, where they can see a lot of buildings and even ironworks that look even like what Lumiose City is. Lillie really likes the place a lot as she can go some shopping alone with Ash even though there is nobody to give money to or cook food. The Fire Type World is very barren, with the volcano and lava flowing everywhere, Ash and Lillie have to watch their step if they don't want to get burned by the heat.

In the Water World, there is an island with some rocks surrounding it, and then all of it is the ocean that gives the Pokemon some space to swim. In the Grass World, the place is full of trees and forests, but they aren't very dense, as the sun can shine through them to give energy to those who have the Chlorophyll ability.

The Electric World is like a giant factory, not only there are a lot of electric devices around, but the outside has a lot of Thunderstorms so that the Pokemon can recharge their electricity. In the Psychic World, the place is very cosmic, as they can see a lot of galaxies and the stars in the sky and the gravity is so low that both Ash and Lillie can jump very high. They can also levitate if they want to, with the help of the Psychic Type Pokemon of course.

In the Ice Type World, this world is Lillie's favorite as they can see snowy mountains and the tundra-like place around, the blizzard is hailing and they can see a lot of Ice Type Pokemon playing around. As for the Dragon's World, this place is quite massive as there are a lot of different habitats for the dragons to survive in, and there are a lot of berry trees and water for them to take a rest as well.

The Dark Type World is much like the Normal World, but the place is quite darker as fog and creepy feelings are covered in the air. Finally, the Fairy Type World is the opposite of the Dark one, as Ash and Lillie also create a playground for them to play in if they are bored.

Now that their ideal worlds are done, Ash and Lillie head back to their home in the Ultra Metropolis, Ash and Lillie are getting used to the environment there and even become friends with people there. Delia and Mohn also live together so that the two families won't be separated.

As for the traitors, without the Pokemon, they aren't doing well. Misty can only become her sister's performance worker as there are no battles in the gym, Brock is forced to take care of the house all by himself since there is no Pokemon to heal with. May and Max can only stay home as they can't challenge the league and contests without Pokemon, and the same goes for Dawn and Serena. Iris can also stay back at the village learning dragons by reading books, which she hates, but Cilan and Mallow still open their restaurants as the food they make is for people, and Clemont, Sophocles, and Bonnie can still work on their machines. As for Kiawe and Lana, without the Pokemon, they can only stare at the empty farm and the sea with a bored tone. Goh and Chloe have to go back to school because there are no Pokemon to take care of and capture. They start to realize that what they did is unforgivable and maybe it is their fault that the Pokemon started to disappear. Eventually, they decided to turn themselves in after the huge pressure of Pokemon disappearing and they were convicted to be in prison for 10 years.

Right now 10 years have passed without the Pokemon in the world, the traitors have been freed and the world has changed a lot, they manage to find some beings known as animals and plants, and the league becomes competitions with sports. People still do performances but on their own. They won't forget about Pokemon, as they made them into the games that we know today. Companies known as Nintendo and other companies also rose to fame due to the games that made them miss Pokemon.

On the other side of the wormhole, Ash and Lillie are married and they have two children, Sarah and Chase. They have been living a great life with the Pokemon, after Delia tells Ash about the news, Ash says, "It serves them right for what they did to Lillie."

"But what are you going to do, that world is now not the world you used to live in." Delia asks the two. Lillie replies, "That maybe true, but it doesn't mean that we will bring Pokemon back to the world. Everyone is now living happily in their new worlds and so do us."

Ash says, "Indeed, but if they somehow manage to find us here, which I doubt that it would happen, then we will just act like strangers to them."

Mohn says, "That's good enough." Then they see the two children rushing into the room and Sarah yells, "Papa, Mama! There you are."

Lillie smiles and bends down, "Hello sweetie, what brings you here?"

Chase says, "We are almost 10 years old, does that mean we can have our own Pokemon?"

Ash smiles, "Of course, let's go to our lab so that your mother can give you a Pokemon."

The two children are excited as they bid farewell to Delia and Mohn as they leave the room.

Here is a new story, in this story, I decide to make an alternate betrayal that causes the Pokemon world to become the world we are in. And I have never tried this kind of story before so I hope you like it.

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