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It started with an uneasiness inside her stomach before it bubbled into a tsunami of nausea. The feeling of being transported to different bright frames was all too much for Posie.

It was almost impossible for her to come to terms with it as her brain collided with her skull and her neck threatened to break. The frames were moving too quickly, flashing in blinding blinks before they changed. However, she could still recall the hauntingly pale skins, the frightened compact eyes, and the horrifying stares, since they were all engrained into every scene. The repetition of it all produced dozens of goosebumps before she managed to claw her way out of the terrifying dream.

The room was tinted red, owed to the heavy cherry curtains drawn shut over the windows. Streams of sunlight peeped through the cracks, reflecting onto the bland white walls. Posie's room was unimaginably lavish for a girl her size, with a majestic wardrobe, a neatly set work desk, and a handsome, intricately designed four-poster bed in the middle.

Nonetheless, the smartly furnished room could not ease the churning inside her stomach. It was as if her intestines were tied in a knot, and someone was pulling at opposite ends, making it tighter. Her red hair was now pasted on her pale face as she shuffled out of her bed, only to pause midway.

It was no use alerting her parents, she thought, as she glanced at the clock on her night table. It was early in the morning, and her mother would be very angry to find her disturbing her sleep, and her father was no better. Even if she did muster up that much courage, she would have to tell them about her ability, something she hoped it would never come to. She was too afraid of confessing to her parents and for the first time, it wasn't because of the possibility of them cutting her off.

The true question was: what would they do after they found out?

Posie could recall how her parents talked so repulsively about those who didn't share their ideals. It seemed as if they had stripped their human skin and become something so ugly, so unrecognizable that it made her nauseated and dizzy. As a result, the very thought of sharing her gift with them gave rise to a wave of bile in her throat. The mere notion of her parents abusing her ability for their selfish needs give her the necessary bravery to lie to her parents.

Sighing heavily, Posie took another glance at her clock. It had been dreadfully long since she had awoken. Unbeknownst to her, time passed quickly, as it was now time to get dressed. She dreaded the inevitable moment when her mother would march through her door as she swings her legs over her duvet and onto the floor.

The morning of September first was as it usually was. The fast paced and loud chatter from both of her parents bounced about in the vibrant room. However, even though the room was alive with movement, and it was her final day at her home, none of those things were enough to lift her spirits.

She couldn't help the ominous cloud looming over her head. Her nightmare had robbed her of sleep, and the anxious feeling of going back to Hogwarts was also a contributing factor to her deflated mood. Too tired, she didn't hear her mother shouting over her shoulder to finish her tea, hardly realizing that her mother was addressing her until she pulled at her ear, drawing a loud cry from her.

The walk to the station was quick, as they had taken the usual shortcut from the crowded streets littered with muggles. She was saddened by this, since her favorite part of getting to Kings Cross station was getting a view of many muggles shops, which ranged in items from brightly wrapped sweets and motionless sports star posters. The street they took was murky and dark, causing her to trip about a million times and step into quite a few puddles.

After getting a glance of her splattered and smelly sock, she determined that whatever it was it was definitely not water.

Soon Kings Cross was in sight, and Posie forgot about her dirty socks and, believe it or not, her nightmares. The station was noisy and dirty as always which, surprisingly, brought a spring to her step. Muggles clambered about as they pushed past her get on their train. Shouts of laughter and the racket of suitcases on the hard brick ground filled the station. Quickly, away from the prying eyes of muggles, she slid through the barrier separating their world from the muggles', into the owl filled Platform 9 3/4.

The sight before her was refreshing as she twirled, her way of trying to capture every smiling face, colorful conversation, and animal scurrying from person to person. She had lost her parents in the dense crowd, and chuckled at her good fortune. The scarlet train, which carried the gold Hogwarts letter, whistled sharply. After hearing the train's warning whistle, her father was given the job of carrying her trolley as he disappeared to the luggage section. His handsome suit stuck out vividly in the plainly dressed crowd.

Posie's father was once the captain of the England Quidditch team and, under his tutelage, gained great success. However, his glory days were cut short after marriage since Mrs. Garland was frightened by the dangers of his job, and he opted for a calmer profession. Now, he serves as the chairman of the England Quidditch League, a career he obviously loves, if the colorful badge he wore proudly was any indication. However, she noticed how solemn he looked when reading about Quidditch players like Krum and how they zoomed through the air in the pictures in the papers.

Posie sighed. Pushing aside thoughts of her father, she took advantage of finally being able to revel in more appealing matters. She smiled as she watched a colorful yo-yo zoomed pass her face, her happiness was short-lived as she was violently dragged out of her trance by a bossy voice that promised pain.

She pivot to the source of the sound, and her face quickly became a deathly white. Her mother's well-polished pumps sported a patch of mud. The culprit, oblivious and perplexed, was short and pudgy with brilliant red hair. Her clothes were ghastly mix matched and seemed very worn out.

"...Where could they be?!?" The pudgy woman squeaked.

It didn't take long for Posie to put a name to the woman...well the last name, at least. She was still oblivious to the ugly look her mother was giving her before she cut her short in her hurried sentence with a cough.

The atmosphere was stiff between the two, and the tension caused Posie to quiver. Mrs. Weasley, however, looked as if she had seen something truly terrifying. Her lips moved in silence as she searched for words which seemed to evade her. Her face flushed, and with a slight motion of her hands came weaving warily towards Mrs. Garland, which went unnoticed by Posie. It was though a distorted mirror was placed between the two, as Mrs. Garland stood tall her long scarlet hair blowing somewhat flawlessly in the air while Mrs. Weasley pudgy form whimper tirelessly.

However, it was clear that Mrs. Garland wasn't in the mood to play games with Mrs. Weasely. Message received, the Weasley matriarch became even more frightened, her eyes becoming glassy.

No words were exchanged as the air became thick and palpable with tension, before a straw-like Red-head came striding towards the frozen Mrs. Weasely.

"Molly, I can't find them anywhere!" Too caught up in locating his children, the scene in front of him went right over his head. Soon Mrs. Garland walked away with her nose sticking up, her face carved as though she had smelled something really horrible.

"Can you believe that? Filthy blood-traitors! It's a disgrace we have to send our Posie to the same school as their children!" fumed Mr. Garland, his usually neatly combed hair falling out of place with his fury.

Posie's stomach churned. As she warily glanced over her shoulder to look at her mother, she noticed that her eyes were were unusually foggy - as though they were looking afar - and Posie couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking.

Edited by a dear friend.

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