Day 23-Having Christmas Drinks Together-Turkey x Reader

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Greece-Heracles Karpusi
Turkey-Sadik Adnan

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I look up from my glass of hot chocolate at my boyfriend Sadik. He is sipping a cup of coffee and reading some sort of book. Strangely he isn't wearing his white mask.

"Hey Sadik, wouldn't you rather have egg nog? I ask "Or hot chocolate?"

"Why?" He questions

"Because it's Christmas and you need to get in the festive mood!" I exclaim

"Oh I'm in a mood all right." He says huskily and moves closer to me

"Yeah, no." I say unimpressed "What about we make eggnog?"

"Fine, but after that I want an early Christmas present." He winks

"Whatever, come on lets look up a recipe." I say and walk to the computer

We find a recipe an make sure we have the indigents. I begin to stir the sugar, milk and cinnamon over the stove and Sadik cracks some eggs. Following the recipe we mix everything together and put it in the fridge to cool down.

"Can I have my present now?" He asks wrapping a hand around my waist

"Nope, I just want to sleep." I sigh and rest my head in his shoulders

He chuckles and lays down with me on his chest. I fall asleep pretty quickly with Sadik's arms around me.

When I open my eyes again I look to the clock to see it's been about three hours. Sadik is still asleep so I shake him awake.

"Come on the egg nog would be ready." I say and pull him of the couch

He rubs his eyes and walks to the kitchen with me. We grab the eggnog from the fridge and I pour to glasses.

"At the same time." I say living up my class "Three, two, one."

We drink it at the same time and we spit it out at the same time. I run to the sink and drink as mush water as I can.

"Oh my god that's disgusting." I say

"Where did we go wrong?" He replies grabbing some justice from the fridge "I think I'm just going to stick with coffee."

"How about we go out for coffee and hot chocolate instead?" I offer

"Good idea, we can give Heracles the left over egg nog." He smirks

"We are not going that, I know you don't like him but we don't want to kill him." I giggle

He smiles and grabs his white mask. I help him secure it on him and them we walk hand in hand to the small café near our house. We arrive and take our seats inside. A server comes over to us and asks for our order.

"Two egg nogs please." I say before Sadik can get a word in

She walks away and he gives me a confused look.

"I still want to drink Christmas drinks." I giggle

He sighs happily and pinches my cheeks. I look into his eyes through the mask and they are a beautiful brown.

"Your drinks are here." The server states and places our egg nog informs of us

I take a sip and smile.

"This is what egg nog is supposed to taste like." I giggle

"Seni seviyorum." Sadik says suddenly

(Turkish:Seni seviyorum-I love you)

"Ben de seni seviyorum." I reply

(Turkish:Ben de seni seviyorum-I love you too)

He leans over to me and kisses my lips passionately. I kiss back and we move out lips in sync. We pull apart and I gasp for air.

"I'm still waiting on my early Christmas present." He says squeezing my butt

"Well you're going to have to wait till we get home!" I giggle

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