Chapter One~ The Meeting

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My father—not the Father—was proud of me. My heart swelled to have pleased him. I wasn't sure if my mother was as impressed. More than likely, she was entirely lost throughout the duration of my Summa Cum Laude speech. It was a wonder what fours years of schooling could do.

They'd meet me back at the house. My headmaster wished to speak with me, and I wouldn't want to keep them waiting. Father had protested, not wanting me to ride the tram home alone, but there was only so long they could trust Donald to watch Jim. Children needed a woman to look after them, and it wasn't as if Elaine was much help. Father needed to escort Mother home so that she could continue caring for my young nephew.

I shrugged out of my orange graduation gown, the vibrant color representing Trujohn. Folding whatever books and supplies I had into the fabric, I slipped the objects into my black backpack.

Nervously, I rapped my knuckles against my Headmaster, Doctor Ross Ervin's, office door. Why does he want to see me? I couldn't help but worry I'd said something wrong in my speech. Perhaps my brief anecdote on gender had been dubbed scandalous. Hadn't Dad mentioned that I'd seemed a bit too pleased with myself when I'd practiced my speech for him?

After an agonizingly long pause, Dr. Ervin's dry, grumbling voice finally filtered into the corridor where I waited. "Is that Jean Bennett? Well, what are you waiting for, sweetheart? Get in here."

I scrambled through the white painted door, then, realizing how ridiculous my haste appeared, slowed to a brisk walk as I approach Dr. Ervin's large, black desk. "You wished to see me, Sir?"

"Yes, yes, sweetie, sit down." Dr. Ervin waved his beefy arms, pointing one stubby finger at a small iron stool across the desk from him.

Keeping my eyes lowered in respect, I set my backpack beside the stool. I lowered myself into the uncomfortable seat, cool metal nipping through the fabric of my pants.

"So, Jean Bennett, the little Trujohnese History Major no one thought would succeed." As Dr. Ervin spoke, I could see his bushy grey mustache quiver out of the corner of my eyes.

"Sir?" It was odd to be addressed by my given name. Hardly anyone had called me Jean in almost ten years- not since my little brother, Jonathan, started going by John, and I decided our names were too similar. I'd been Jeanie ever since. It wasn't too great a change, but different enough that it was strange to be referred to as Jean.

"You should be proud of yourself, girly," the Headmaster guffawed. "Carthowa's first ever female Summa Cum Laude."

"Thank you, Sir," I managed, studying the contents of Dr. Ervin's colossal desk rather than look into his watery, drooping blue eyes, half concealed by his large, red nose.

There were seven expensive, orange Electronic Cigarette Pens arranged in a neat row. Beside the Pens rested three full glass bottles of cigarette juice in various flavors I found seemed quite unpleasant: Trujohn Blend, Bikini Inspector, and Shooting Range.

Dr. Ervin coughed, bringing a small glass of amber colored liquid to his hairy lips. "Formality out of the way, there's something that must be addressed."

My stomach lurched. So I had done something wrong. If they took away my diploma, I'd be forbidden from working anywhere. But with the Mark of Learned Females branded into my skin, I'd be unable to marry. Without work or husband, a woman had little choices left. Prostitution was in most cases the only remaining way to support oneself. I shuddered at the thought.

"While your speech was well written, and your loyalty to Trujohn-Fatherland was apparent," Dr. Ervin began, "the Carthowa Board felt that it sends a wrong message. We don't want it to sound like this school encourages females to pursue a degree. We offer it as a last resort for those not cut out for childrearing.  You make it seem like the better option."

My tongue seemed to fill my mouth. My throat was dry, and I was unable to swallow. "I- I'm so sorry, Headmaster... That was- that was never my intention."

"Awe, don't start crying on me, girly," he grumbled, rubbing his glistening bald head. "We know you didn't mean anything by it. Just remember, we don't let you in because we want you here. We let you in because you aren't good enough to do what you're born to do."

"I know that, Sir," managed, lowering my head even further, until my chin brushed my chest. "I never meant- I'm so sorry that my words gave that impression." They're going to take my diploma. What will Dad say?

"Which is why we won't be airing your speech. We can't have little baby dolls seeing it," Dr. Ervin stated. "I've alerted all television broadcasters that Carthowa did not choose a Summa Cum Laude this year."

My heart clenched slightly. All important speeches were aired across the country. Selfishly, I'd been excited for all of Trujohn to see me as Carthowa's first ever female Summa Cum Laude. Still, compared to alternative punishments... "Thank you for being so understanding, Headmaster."

"Of course," he drawled. "I'm nothing if not understanding. Now, where is your Father?"

"My parents went home, Sir," I admitted. "My baby nephew is staying with us at the moment, so my mother needed to get home to take care of him."

The Headmaster smashed his thick hand against a small button on his desk. I didn't know what it was for. It could be anything from ordering someone to refill his drink, or signaling the police to arrest me.

"You'll need to wait here a moment, lovey," he advised, taking another long gulp from his glass. As he spoke, the smell of alcohol bombarded me. "It's not safe for a pretty young thing like you to walk around alone, especially not by yourself. And definitely not after dusk."

"I understand, Sir." I nodded slowly. He was right. Although I'd assured my parents that I would be just fine, my heart raced at the thought of the half mile walk from the tram station to my house.

"Where is that boy?" Dr. Ervin complained, drumming his sausage-like fingers against his desk. "Ah, there he is. Jean, sweetie, do you know Ander Marcs?" He waved an arm toward the direction of a young man who'd just ducked into the office. He had an unruly mop of chestnut hair that fell in front of his deep set eyes.

"I've seen him around Campus before, Sir," I replied. Still avoiding eye contact with Dr. Ervin, I glanced up to see Ander's face twist into a lopsided smirk, a left dimple appearing.

"He's a nice kid," Ervin promised. "Helps out in the office from time to time, organizing papers. Ander, this is Jean."

"I know her, Doc." The messy haired boy laughed cheerfully.

I furrowed my brows slightly.

"I mean, her killer speech was pretty memorable," Ander added, leaning backwards against a off white wall. The taxidermy head of a buck moose loomed over him.

Dr. Ervin ignored his comment on my speech, simply muttering, "Miss Bennett is on her own at the moment. Normally, I'd let her fend for herself, but if she gets herself into trouble, it be a bit of an inconvenience. You'll give her a ride home, won't you, son?"

"Sure thing, Doc." Ander flashed a thumbs up sign.

"Good boy." Dr. Ervin picked up one of his orange cigarette pens. "Hail our great Fatherland." He nodded a farewell to Ander and I.

"Hail our great Fatherland," I rejoined, standing up and slipping my backpack over my shoulders.

Ander only tilted his chin in my direction. "Well, lets roll out, Jean." He turned sharply, throwing open the door so harshly that the mounted rifle rattled against the wall.

I followed behind, offering one last goodbye to the Headmaster before gently shutting the door behind me.

"Hey," Ander muttered, brushing his thumb across his shadowed chin. "I want to grab something in my dorm before we head out. Okay with you?"

"Sure." I shrugged nonchalantly, trailing after the man.

We ambled through ghost town corridors until reaching the Boys Floor. The only sound was our footsteps as we made our way down the dimly lit hall.

Soon, Ander halted, placing his pointer finger against door number 418. With a soft ding, the door swung open.

"Ladies first." Ander waved a hand into the dorm room.

"What a gentleman," I grumbled, sliding past him. The boy's dorm was identical to mine. Barren, olive colored walls. A wooden desk. Two four-poster beds, now stripped of sheets. I glanced around the room, not bothering to look as Ander shut the door. The room seemed void of any personal items. "So, what did you want to grab?"

"This." Hands latched onto my waist, pulling me into a strong chest. Hot breath seared my skin as soft lips met my neck.

I turned around, staring at the man's smug grin. "Ander..." I protested, leaning into his warm body.

"What?" He chuckled, wrinkling his nose. He curled a finger around my chin, guiding my eyes to his. The hazel spheres crinkled upward with his laughter.

"Not a good idea," I cautioned, halfheartedly trying to squirm from his embrace.

Ander kept his arms looped firmly around my waist, pressing his lips quickly to mine before I could turn away. "Why not?"

I lightly slapped his chest. "The law, you idiot."

"What about it?" he chortled. "The Learned Females law states that you are forbidden to marry. It says nothing about fooling around."

"Cool it," I argued. "Just because guys don't get arrested for premarital sex, it doesn't mean I won't. On my end, it's still breaking the law."

"A law you've already broken several times," he teased.

"That you know of," I snapped, pushing on his arms.

Finally, Ander released me, though his cocky smile never faltered. "What? You cheating on me, Jeanie?"

I crossed my arms defiantly. "No, but it got you to let me go. We'd be sure to get caught in a place like this."

"A: this place is practically abandoned," he cackled, oh-so-infuriatingly pleased by my irritation. "B: you're the only one here who said anything about sex. I just wanted a kiss from my girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes but smacked my hands onto Ander's shoulders. I pulled him down to me until our lips collided. After about a millisecond of contact I withdrew. No matter how adorable I found Ander's one dimple, I wasn't foolish enough to risk the discovery of our affair. "Happy now?" I snipped, throwing myself onto the bare bed on the left.

"Extremely," he affirmed, nodding like a bobblehead. Albeit a ridiculously attractive bobblehead.

I'd met Ander Marcs in Introductory English my freshman year at Carthowa. The Political Science major and I had been together for two and half years now, ever since he'd given me a note, begging me to meet him at his house, January of my Sophmore year. Though petrified, driven by curiosity, and, most likely, stupidity and hormones, I'd agreed.

Ander had kissed me on the spot. Ever since we'd done whatever could pass for courting, though it was closer to the dating of the Before. We met at Ander's house when time allowed, but our relationship mostly consisted of stealing kisses and tender glances whenever we could.

Ander slumped down beside me, causing the mattress to bounce. "So, what did Ervin want? A woman's opinion on his latest spray tan?"

I scowled. "Be polite. He just thought my speech might have been endorsing the Learned Females."

He nodded slowly. "Yeah. I thought that might have come up."

"If you thought that was a problem when I practiced it for you, why didn't you say anything?" I demanded.

"Why would I want you to change my favorite part?" He smirked. "So, what did you say?"

"I just apologized politely and it was over. Doctor Ervin wasn't even mad." I shrugged calmly.

"Polite?" Ander groaned. "Did you do that thing where you avoid eye contact?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" I inquired. "It's a national custom. It's a sign of respect for a woman to evade eye contact when speaking to a man."

"That national custom was created about a century ago so that women wouldn't notice perverts like Ervin mentally undressing them," he stated flatly.

I contorted my face into a scowl, not deigning to reply to Ander's ludicrous statement.

He leaned forward, placing a quick kiss on my crinkled nose. "At least I have the decency to let you see when I'm mentally undressing you."

I turned away, rolling my eyes. "Oh, how kind you are."

"Aren't I?" Ander grinned.

"So, are we going? After you drop me off, it'll be nearly eleven by the time you make it to your place," I muttered.

"Actually-" Ander's smile lessened- "I'm not heading home quite yet. There's somewhere I have to be in twenty minutes, and I want you to come."

"Where is it?" I questioned, wary of Ander's suddenly serious expression.

He looked around the room as if he thought someone else might be hiding under the other bed. Chewing his lip, Ander stood sharply. "Hang on. I need a drink." He strode to the small sink at the other side of the dorm room and turned the water to its most forceful stream. "Okay. Listen, Jeanie, you can't tell anyone this."

"What are you-"

"You have to know that our Fatherland is hardly great," he rambled, keeping his voice brisk and low. I needed to strain my ears to hear him over the rushing water. "The laws are insane, more books are banned than not, crime and poverty run the country."

"The Father is doing everything he can to solve these problems," I insisted.

"He's not," Ander argued. "And even if he is, it's not enough. Me and a couple friends have been meeting for a month or two now, looking for any ways we can fix what the Father isn't. I think you'd be a fantastic addition to our team."

My knees shook slightly. What's he saying...? This was far more than breaking the law with a harmless affair. This was blatant treason. "What about your dream?" As long as I'd known Ander, he'd wanted little more than to be selected to leave the Midlands and work in a different Division. Was that only so he could spread his traitorous thoughts?

"Well, of course, I still want that," he acknowledged. "Why else would I spend so much time filing paperwork for Headmaster Drinks-a-lot?"

"How could you involve me in all this?" I whispered, throat tightening.

"Because I love you..." Ander's smile had completely vanished. "And I thought, if you love me too, you'd understand how important this is."

"This isn't about whether I love you or not!" I exclaimed, sick of Ander constantly bringing love into our conversations. What did he want me to say when he said that he loved me?

That you love him? The little voice in the back of my mind guessed. Two and a half years, and you've never told him those three little words, even when he has so many times.

"Ander," I continued. "This is treason. This is completely defying the Father and Trujohn itself. And now you bring me into this? If I don't report you, I'm an accomplice."

Ander's jaw slackened. "You'd report me, Jeanie? That would mean immediate arrest—if not worse."

"I- I..." I stammered, studying the ground.

"Oh, don't do that!" He exploded. "Don't you stare at the floor like one of their plastic dolls. Cower in front of them all you want, but when you talk to me, you look me in the eyes."

After several moments, I forced myself to meet Ander's pleading, angry gaze. I knew what I had to do. I had to report him. It was my duty to the Fatherland. But... "I won't report you, but I will have no part in this. I don't want you to speak of it again. Take me home."

"The meeting... I... Yeah. Yeah. I'll take you home." Ander hung his head, hair completely covering his shuttered eyes.

"You know what, forget it," I muttered, scorning his reluctance to miss his oh-so-important meeting. I leapt up and hurried to the door.

"Jeanie, wait," he called, holding out a hand to stop me. "I don't want you out there alone."

"Now who's acting like Ervin?" I snapped, flinging the door open. "I'll be fine." Before Ander could follow, I slammed the door shut and sprinted down the empty halls. I flung myself out of Carthowa, and into the chilling night, completely alone.

Author's Note

Don't worry. I don't expect all the chapters to be this long. Anyway, thanks for giving 2500 a try! I'm very grateful, and I hope you'll stick with Jeanie a little longer.

I can't promise a regular updating schedule. I'd planned to wait to start this story until after I'd finished my other novel, Crown of Thorns, but I couldn't resist. I'm not great at juggling multiple stories at once, so I'm not sure how this will go.


Restuva : Thank you so much for all your comments on the prologue. Even that has inspired one or two facets I've already incorporated into this world.

Eternallyatbliss : Thanks for giving 2500 a chance! As the first comment is yours, I'm extremely grateful.


triciabird : Your phenomenal story, To Infinity, inspired me to take interest in the Science Fiction genre, a genre I never imagined I'd love to read so much, and a especially never thought I'd attempt to write.

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