Chapter 1 When All Begin

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Smoke and screams are filling the air, and the people and Pokemon are in despair. All nine regions are at crossfire in a war between Team Celestial Alpha and Team Rainbow Rocket: Both of them are two giant organizations with their own desires, but what exactly are they?

Team Rainbow Rocket was originally a group from the Kanto Region known as Team Rocket. However, after suffering a lot of defeats at the hands of a trainer named Ash Ketchum. The boss of the organization: Giovanni, decides to take matters into his own hands and gathers the other 17 teams. Some of them are also disbanded by Ash, while some of them are rising. And since then, 18 teams form into a large organization that we know today as Team Rainbow Rocket.

The names of the 18 Teams are Team Rocket (Poison), Team Ragnarok (Normal), Team Fists (Fighting), Team Jet (Flying), Team Magma (Ground), Team Diamond (Rock), Team Galactic (Bug), Team Cipher (Ghost), Team Perfection (Steel), Team Blaze (Fire), Team Aqua (Water), Team Wither (Grass), Team Volt (Electric), Team Prism (Psychic), Team Frozen (Ice), Team Wyvern (Dragon), Team Flare (Dark), and Team Justice (Fairy)

The 18 teams finally enact their plan by eliminating the biggest threat: Ash Ketchum. They use their air forces and other weapons to raze Pallet Town into nothing, that also includes Ash, his mother, his Pokemon, Professor Oak, and all the beings who live in Pallet Town. Fortunately, Ash manages to survive with the help of Arceus, which turns out to be a part of himself that was separated from his mother. However, the huge loss causes him to become a dark and cold man and Pokemon. He also goes through the 9 regions to gather his own followers, also forming his own team: Team Alpha, to counter everything Team Rocket is doing. Realizing that Team Rainbow Rocket consists of 18 different mini organizations, Ash also gathers his own 18 organizations to help out, and they name it Team Radiant Alpha. Some of the teams are formed by Ash himself, while some of them used to be the teams that Ash disbanded in the past, and some of them are rising just like some of the teams in Team Rainbow Rocket.

The names of the 18 Teams are Team Alpha (Normal), Team Knights (Fighting), Team Weather (Flying), Team Ultra (Poison), Team Order (Ground), Team Revival (Rock), Team Skull (Bug), Team Shadow (Ghost), Team Macro (Steel), Team Smoke (Fire), Team Ocean (Water), Team Jungle (Grass), Team Charge (Electric), Team Meteor (Psychic), Team Arctic (Ice), Team Plasma (Dragon), Team Yell (Dark), and Team Star (Fairy)

2 years ago, Team Celestial Alpha takes over the broadcast station and declare war on Team Rainbow Rocket, that was the start of the world war. Some of the Gym Leaders are forced to take sides, while some of them are trying to bring citizens away from the war, and all of them are not going to back down.

But there is only one region that is not affected by the war. That region is the Sevestar Region, a region made by Team Celestial Alpha and also the paradise for people living in the region. At the castle, Ash Ketchum is looking at the balcony, watching the backyard of his own castle with no expression. A girl wearing a cloak is standing beside him as she asks, "Brother...are you thinking about that again?"

Ash doesn't reply to a thing, and another boy with the same cloak comes and says, "You can't blame him, Insey. Our mother is gone because of them, we have also gone to hell because of them. It is no wonder that he is going to do this."

"But Mark, as much as I hated them for hurting our brother, I don't want him to be sad again..." Insey frowns.

"That's why Team Celestial Alpha is born, isn't it?" A boy walks towards them and Mark says, "Trenor, how is the Alola Region?"

"Team Ultra and Team Skull are now destroying Team Prism and Team Perfection, but that doesn't seem enough as well..." Trenor sighs. "Is Brother thinking about her again?"

Another girl walks towards them and she says, "She is the only person that Brother loved and cared about the most, especially when she kissed brother back in the airport. It is really sad to see her being killed by Team Flare."

The final member also arrives and says, "It is not just her, all of the Pokemon that Brother owned, and our parents were killed. Some of Brother's travel companions either joined Team Rainbow Rocket's side or were forced to hide from plain sight. It's because of it that Brother refuses to capture other Pokemon and fight by himself."

"That might be true, Golly." Trenor says, "We never got to meet our parents because of them."

Then the boy turns around to the group and then he says, "Mark, Minami, Trenor, Insey, Golly. I am sorry to make you worry. Right now let's continue our work."

"Sure, Brother." Minami says as they leave the balcony.

At the seas of the Alola Region, the Aether Foundation is fine and free from the war. In the building, some of Ash's travel companions are staying there, there are Lillie, Chloe, Dawn, Brock, Clemont, and Cilan. From what they knew, Misty, May, Max, and Iris join Team Rainbow Rocket and they seem to have become high-ranking members, Bonnie, Serena, Kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, Lana, and even Goh are killed during the crossfire, and their deaths cause the survivors to grieve. They are not sure if Ash is still alive, and nobody was able to contact him.

"Why... why does it have to be this way..." Lillie cries in sadness, she was there when Serena was killed by Team Rocket, but just after Serena's last breath, Lillie gets all of her memories, her aura, and her Pokemon.

She remembers Ash kneeling on the ground seeing what happened, his eyes filled with hate and he muttered, "I'm weak... I couldn't protect the ones I cared about... I'm going to kill them all... not even a single one will be left!"

And after that, Ash left without saying a word, and after a month, the war between Team Rainbow Rocket and Team Celestial Alpha begin, putting the world into despair.

"I should've come with him..." Lillie mutters with tears forming in her eyes. Dawn is by her side and she says, "Lillie, you shouldn't blame yourself. You didn't know anything."

"But there is no sign of Ash... we don't know if he's still alive... What if he's also killed like Bonnie, Mallow, and the others..." Lillie cries, Snowy and Sylveon are by Lillie's side they all show frowning faces.

"But you have to remember Ash won't give up until it's over. He'll return, I'm sure of it." Dawn says.

Lillie can only whimper as she nods. At the same time, the others are at the manor discussing. Mohn asks Gladion, "So Gladion, you've just come back from the Galar Region, what's the situation there?"

"Team Macro and Team Yell are still fighting against Team Fists and Team Frozen." Gladion says. "Some of the Stow-on-Side buildings are ruined, and the statues of the Legendary Heroes who stopped the Darkest Day are gone."

Brock says, "This isn't getting good... The governments are teaming up with Team Rainbow Rocket to stop Team Celestial Alpha, while PLA and International Police are helping Team Celestial Alpha to stop Team Rainbow Rocket... if anything... I want to say that Team Celestial Alpha are the good guys while Team Rainbow Rocket is the bad guy... but with the war going on right now, there is no such thing as good or bad."

Lusamine says, "That's why we definitely need some help. After observing the object that we've gathered at Mt. Coronet, we find that this is the Azure Flute. A flute that's capable of summoning Arceus."

"If that's the case, we'll need to ask if Arceus can help us stop the war between the two teams..." Cilan says.

"I'll do it." Just then, Lillie walks into the room and says, "Let me be the one who finds Arceus."

They are shocked as Lillie said her request. Mohn asks, "Lillie, are you sure you're going to do this? There is a chance that you might get yourself killed..."

"I am not going to give up until it's over. I don't want to be confined in the place here. My goal is to find Ash, and if searching for Arceus will help me find Ash, then I'll do anything I can."

Lusamine says, "I see... if that's the case, we'll have Gladion come with you."

Gladion says, "I promise I'll take good care of Lillie."

And then the two of them set off on their journey to find the Arceus. With the help of her Delphox, who has somehow been able to learn Teleport, they arrive at the Michina as the ruins was barely intact.

"So this might be the place where we can summon Arceus..." Gladion says, "Lillie, are you ready to blow the flute?"

Lillie nods and closes her eyes, "I hope you're still alive... Ash..."

Just before she can blow the flute, the flute is snatched by a girl, who turns out to be no other than Golly. "This is not a good time to summon Arceus."

"Who are you? Give us back the flute!" Gladion says as he sends out Silvally, preparing to attack.

Golly says, "I am the Vice Leader of Team Celestial Alpha, that is all you need to know. My job here is to bring a person named Lillie Aether to our boss."

"Me? What does the boss of Team Celestial Alpha want with me?" Lillie asks with slight fear. Gladion says, "Yeah, what do you want to do with my sister?"

"Maybe it will be better if the boss tells you himself." Just then, Lillie and Gladion are shocked to see the raven-haired boy with a blue shirt and the red cap just like he wore in the Kalos Region. The only difference is that his eyes are red instead of the original brown.

" are still alive?" Lillie gasps in surprise and tears start to form in her eyes.

Golly bows to Ash and asks, "Brother, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be doing something at Alola?"

"I just came back and I saw you confronting them." Ash says as he looks at them. Gladion then yells, "Where were you this whole time, Ash? You never answered our calls and do you know how Lillie has been worried about you?"

"I'm not the same Ash that you know." Ash says. "Ever since that day, my life was ruined. My mother is killed, my Pokemon are killed, and not only that, my siblings are found to be suffering. For these reasons, I formed Team Celestial Alpha and I swore to get our revenge on the main culprit... Team Rainbow Rocket. I am the Leader of Team Celestial Alpha."

This causes the two of them to freeze in shock. "You... you're the leader of Team Celestial Alpha? The Ash I know will never get innocents involved in the war... no matter how evil the enemy is..."

"When most of my friends are killed by Team Rainbow Rocket, I also lost my humanity. I don't know what's right and what's wrong anymore, all I know is to stop Team Rainbow Rocket, I have to be just like them." Ash says while walking towards Lillie. "You start to look more like Serena..."

"Brother! The enemy is here!" Golly yells, and Ash widens his eyes and takes out a gun, shooting two Team Galactic grunts who were trying to kill them. Gladion says, "Ash... you..."

"I promise I'll explain everything once we get back to our hideout." Ash says, then his eyes glowed and then the four of them are teleported out of Michina.

Here is the first chapter of the Love and Despair Darker Version. This story is similar to the lighter version, but Ash loses more and instead of getting revenge from the humans for the suffering, he forms the 18 teams to fight against the other 18 teams that Giovanni forms. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the explanation to Lillie and Gladion of the events and the goal of Team Alpha.

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