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Love has the power to conquer everything


It was the beginning of an end when our childhood expires. And it started when senior people of our families starts to fade day by day.

At that time we realise the only thing is that we are alone, and we know our end, the journey is restless and we have to fight to struggle every second till we are breathing. Because a soft pleated heart has died inside, the child in us is dead when our elders died.

I know these words won't make any sense, but maybe someday near the beachside these words will make sense to the world how I felt when grandpa died right ahead of me when my father almost died right ahead of me, I was silent all the time but now I understand; understand, it was the beginning of an end.

I am at home now lounging on a bed.
When everyone is occupied in getting the preparations done for the marriage.

Yes, the marriage needs to be done. A process that has started needs to be completed in a given time texture otherwise nothing will be glorified again.

I could hear the voices of almost everyone, they were nervous, excited and engaged in all the stages of life.

The house was decorated like fresh heaven of garden with different species of flowers making me want to touch all of them in a second.

The lights were illuminating the dark, telling everyone that no matter what results humanity will never die.

With the little alterations, I changed the henna on my hand with the help of the artisans.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Are you going to marry that pig?"

Alisha was fuming from anger from head to toe striding from here to there in her bombastic manner as she will explore the world with their risen anger.

"He has a name," I cleared my throat while reading the magazine cover.

"Well, pig suits him better!" She snickered with danger at me.

"Let her do what she wants! She has become blind in her persuasion!" Jessica chimed in.

And why not? After all, she is hurt by what I did in my obliviousness.

However, I was not groping wise for her.
I kept listening to their rants and smiling like an idiot on my foolishness. I closed my eyes and realised I was not on the ground anymore I was flying in the air high with everything I have.

An elevated melody playing in the atmosphere made me jump from my bed.

I twirled around in the middle of the room and pulled Alisha with me.

"What are you doing? Are you mad?"

I was on top of the clouds, the birds were near me singing with me and heaven was just a second away in distance.

"How can you marry to that pig Arnav?"

When I was a child I read a book in the library and asked my teacher what love was but she didn't tell me anything instead she scolded me for asking such stupid questions that were out of the syllabus, so I did what a child will do at that time I ran to the classroom and inquired everyone what love was.

No one told me anything, no one even uttered a word but then I saw a boy crying because he fall on the floor and a girl we helping him out to stand up, she rubbed his tears that were flawlessly flowing on his cheeks

That day I realised what it was and what it is.

Maybe I m in love again.

"Let her marry that pig, Alisha!"
Jessica scolded her while giving deathly glares to me.

I asked for a small wedding not a big fat Indian wedding with a limited number of people.

I didn't want too much attention, or a press cover or anything.

I am going to marry today!

Finally, the day has arrived when I am going to be with someone for the rest of my life.

My journey will be incredible I know the things I am doing, the process I believe in, I am for what I wanted me to be.

"Let's go from here," Jessica walked away while Alisha didn't move an inch from her position.

"You honestly want to marry him?"

Before I could say anything the for flew open revealing my mom at the entrance.

"We have a little ceremony before the actual marriage commences. Therefore, come with me,"

She grabbed my hand we started strolling. Alisha was still mumbling under her breath some nonsensical words while glaring at me as she would kill me.

Relax you can do it!

Yes of course I can it's now a big deal!

"Julia where were you I was looking out for you,"

There he stood in all his glory glancing at me from head to toe wearing a shade black on his eyes and from his temperament I could see he was devilishly smiling.

"So anxious to meet your soon to be the wife you naughty boy," my aunt slapped him on his back.

And everyone cheered on this statement as I am here not a girl named Julia, instead I am a woman who is soon to be getting married to forget everything to become a scapegoat.

"Here she is my lovely daughter, how are you?"

My dad was a proud man after all his little daughter is going to get married today, I could see the twinkle in his eyes.

"He is staring at you as he will eat you out right now!" Alisha whispered in my ears making me restless by imaging a scene with him.

And then there was a guy in the crowd who was trying to not meet his gaze with me. His deep ocean green eyes were smouldering me in their depth only waiting for my permission.

"Dad," I hugged him right because I never want him to let go. Though I know the time has come when I have to leave my papa.

It's an utterly bizarre thing I know but it is what it is!

"Julia, my soon to be wife, you have misplaced your ring so here I bought you another one," then Arnav kneeled on one knee.

Everyone started cheering, applauding as I am the epitome of the earth.

Whistles blew by and in the next process, everyone started clapping in reassurance to show how much interested they are.

I closed my eyes, took a breathe and remembered only one thing what grandpa told me

Look Julia you will get many lovers in your span of life but the true one will never leave you alone in any circumstances. He will cherish you in your sorrow and console you in your pain, he will be with you always no matter whatever happens to you...

I let out the breath I was holding for too long and opened my eyes to find him still in the same position.

When I didn't say anything, I saw his glare getting frightening, his jaw clenching and his eyes turning into a storm.

"Told you he is a pig," Alisha whispered again in my ears.


"No!" I said loud enough to make it clear for him.

"What? You can take a rest if you want!"

"No! I don't want to do relax. I have done enough and Mr Arnav Mehra I am not interested in marrying you,"

I heard a trump of joy and the sound of clapping from the other side. When I moved my head I found Jessica, now, I am not in the focus anymore and I am glad for that.

"Listen Julia. We love each other!"

Oh really darling? Do you even know the meaning of love?

"You don't love me!" I made myself very clear to him. Let everyone stare at me again, or let them whisper nasty words about me. Let them throw dirt on my name. Let my mother be hopeless in my case and let my father be anxious again.

"Who told you? Who gave you wrong information about me?" He started rolling his sleeves and glaring at me again.

"Your actions of course," I raised my eyebrow at him. Making him clear that I still stand on my pace.

"What actions have you ever found me cheating on you?? "


"Well, then the case is crystal clear. Stop living in delusion darling," he smirked.

I fucking swear to God that I will beat him up to death if he didn't stop smirking in my presence.

"You know what Arnav? You are worse than I have thought of you. But it's not your fault you don't understand what love is. Still, you claim that you love me? Then tell me where were you when I was lying dead in the hospital? Tell me when I was struggling between living and dying where we're you? When I needed you the most, you were not with me! You had important meetings to attend. You didn't even wait for a single minute to look at me to see how I am doing if I am alive or dead, and now you claim that you love me? You are in a big delusion in Mr Arnav Mehra, I am just helping you out to pop the bubble of your life!"

"Listen. Darling the press is here Watching everything, besides that, I don't think you want to destroy your life with your hands."

"Pray do tell me Mr how am I going to destroy my life?"

He chuckled a little," you are not going to be accepted by any man after this scandal gets printed on paper. And I am sure you don't want to live your whole life alone,"

Before I could say anything, Papa came from behind and slapped him hard on his face!

Bravo papa! What I was thinking to accomplish is perfectly done by you.

Now it's time to do what I want to do and declare to the world!

"Who said I will live my life alone?? As I mentioned before today is my day, I am going to marry on this day,"

Some were glaring at me from shock, some had bewilderment in their heart, some had a sparkle in their eyes, and some were anxious about everything.

The guy whom I was supposed to marry was right there ahead of me but I was walking straight to the end corner.

To the direction of my life.
To the starting of my beginning.

"Hi..." I whispered close to his ear.

His face was red as turnip, his eyes were whiskey driven to me and his trembling fingers were cold from too long, his anxious heart was telling me he was nervous, very nervous to be told.

I could hear the heartbeat which was matching perfectly with mine.

"You look beautiful," he whispered, his shivering lips were near to earlobe.

"I know," I glimmered.

"So... " he started but I don't let him finish. I shushed him with my index finger, putting it on his lips.


Everyone was watching us but I was watching him.

I felt his heartbeat getting quicker and quicker

Everything around me turned into a blank space
But he was right ahead of me to write his name in it.

" love.

The universe always had a conspiracy with constellations without knowing how much stars weep for them just like my heart is weeping with utter enjoyment.

If this is a beautiful dream then let it he dream. If this is life then let it be life. Let things the way they are.


"What did you say?" He snapped. I can feel him turning water in my presence.

"I love you damn it!" This time I slightly punched him on his shoulder when he couldn't believe what I was saying in words, I gave him another shock.

I kneeled on my knees when hundreds of eyes were watching me.
I kneeled on my eyes when the universe was telling me
I kneeled on me when I was in love.

"Will you marry me, Mr Neel Malhotra?"




It's time for feedback because this is the second last chapter of this book.


P.s- I have changed the cover of Julia let me know how it looks ❤

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