Ch. 21

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"I don't know what you're talking about, Princess, but I sure know that I missed you like hell."

 My ears burned red as I turned away with my arms crossed. Jimin chuckled and pinched my cheeks before taking my hand and pulling me towards a set of swing chairs as the gate opened for the people next in line.

"Come on, it's our turn! Let's ride in this one!"

He pulled me into the set of chairs and the worker came and fastened the seat belts before I could protest. Jimin smiled cheekily before pulling out his phone.

"Say cheese!"

Caught off guard, I stared at the phone in shock as Jimin made a 'V' with his fingers and quickly snapped a photo.

"Hey! Park Jimin, delete it!!"

He bit his bottom lip trying to hold in his laughter as he looked at the picture before shoving his phone back in his pocket. I shoved him in the side causing his laughter to erupt loudly as the ride started. Jimin threw an arm around my shoulders as the ride started to spin. He sent me ridiculous faces as the ride picked up speed, and both of us ended up in fits of giggles.

Once we got off, I spotted a stand for fish scooping and ran over in excitement. Jimin yelled at me to slow down, but I only laughed and ran faster. When he reached me, he was panting hard and he bent down next to me. I watched the colorful fish swim around in the water bins as Jimin muttered about how fast I could be.

"You want to try?"

I eagerly nodded and turned to ask the man who was running the stand how much it was to try when I remembered that I didn't have my wallet.

I sighed and turned to tell Jimin that we could just go when I saw him pulling out his wallet. I stopped him and said it was fine, but he insisted that he'd pay for me.

Before I could do anything more about it, he handed the worker the money and received a bowl and a paper net. Jimin handed them to me and laughed at my glare.

"C'mon, I brought you here so you could have fun. Don't worry about the money and just enjoy everything. Besides, I paid for you because I wanted to."

I kept a glare on my face until I finally sighed in defeat and let a small smile spread on my face.

"Gosh, you're so impossible, Jimin."

"Impossible to resist? I know, Princess, you don't have to tell me."

He winked at me causing me to laugh and shove him lightly before crouching down by the water bins full of fish. I searched the swarm of fish and carefully, I picked one and swiftly, I scooped it up without the net tearing and successfully caught it. Jimin stared at me in awe with his mouth wide open. I stuck out my hand and stood up in a taunting position.

"I bet you can't even catch one."

"Oh? Am I hearing right? Are you really challenging the Park Jimin?"

"I sure am, and I bet you're going to lose."

"Oh, you are so on."

Jimin immediately asked the worker for another bowl and paper net as he handed him the money for them. The worker chuckled at our childish behavior and handed Jimin the set and he instantly crouched down and got straight to work. I watched him as he eyed the golden fish near the corner and finally dove for it. Instead of catching it, he ended up splashing me with water. We sat in silence for a second before Jimin bursted out laughing.

"You're so dead, Park Jimin."

I took my net and swiped in the water, purposefully splashing Jimin. He immediately fired back and ten minutes later, we were both drenched with ripped paper nets. I smirked at him and stuck my tongue out at him.

"See. I was right, you couldn't catch a single one."

"Hmph, I just let you win, Princess."

I scoffed and laughed at Jimin as the worker handed me a plastic bag tied tightly with the fish I caught swimming inside. I smiled at it proudly as I watched it move around.

"Come on, let's go see what else there is."

Jimin gently took my free hand and we walked side by side down the crooked path, passing by the tents and stands that were crowded by little kids and their parents. I shivered at the bitter chill of the wind as it chilled my wet clothes. Jimin must have noticed as he pulled a jacket out of his backpack. He draped it over my shoulders and pulled me closer to his side. His hands were ice cold from getting wet and I could feel him shiver too. I took his hand and blew on it to warm it. Jimin stared at me with an bewildered look on his face as I held his hand tightly in mine to keep it warm.

"What? Is there something wrong?"

He only chuckled at me and threw his arm around my shoulders.

"People are messy, unpredictable things, and you're the most beautiful mess I've ever seen."

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