Chapter 5

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"Love leaves a memory that no one can steal, but sometimes it leaves a heartache that no one else can heal"  


Everyone was preparing a party inside the club room as a good bye party for Sangoku and the other third years since they just graduated yesterday and planned on surprising them. All of them were busy with their jobs, the managers along with Haruna were doing the foods, while the boys fix the club room putting on decorations, arranging the tables and chairs, and cleaning the club room.

"Are you guys done?" the coach ask as he enter the room, looking around.

"Hai!" Everyone shouted happily, everything was finish the foods were already done the decorations were finely made and everyone was here and coach Endou nodded. They closed the light as they heard foot steps.

"Ah, the lights are close?" Kurumada said looking around.

"Weird, didn't they say that they have something important to tell us?" Sangoku added walking a little bit further inside.

"Are you guys sure of the time and day?" Daichi asked peering his eyes for anything.

"I'm sure-"

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted turning on the lights. The faces of the three were unexplained. They were so shocked that they were just like that for a few seconds.

"E-everyone..." Sangoku stuttered.

"What is this? Kurumada asked looking around.   

"Isn't it obvious? It's a surprise party!" Taiyou exclaimed.

"A..a party..." Amagi stuttered pointing at himself.

"Yep! A final good bye for us to you guys" coach Endou said.

The three third years tried their best to look strong, but at the same time they were really happy that they're friends and teammates would do this for them. And the party  went on smoothly after that.

"Hey, Kirino-sempai can I talk to you in a sec.?" Masaki asked behind Ranmaru.

"Yeah, sure"Ranmaru answered, as Ranmaru turned around he saw that Masaki was fidgeting.

"Not here, outside" Masaki said in a nervous voice.

"Why?" Ranmaru asked in confusion.

"It's a little private I don't want anyone to hear it" Masaki said looking around.

"Sigh, fine as long as it doesn't take too long okay?" Ranmaru asked and Masaki nodded.Both headed outside the room, what they didn't know was some one saw them, he made a grim face.

Kirino Ranmaru and Kariya Masaki

They were a little further away of the building. They were surrounded by trees so no one could see or hear them. It was a full moon that time and the cherry blossom were blooming brightly, petals were falling Kariya's back was turned against Kirino who was looking at him with unreadable eyes.

"So what is it, Kariya? What do you want to talk about?" Ranmaru asked.

"Kirino-sempai... I.... ever since I met you...I felt a strange tinge in my heart I don't know what it was at first. I really really hated you and Shindou-sempai  in the past, because all of your focus will always be on him, not on coach, not on captain and not on your teammates, before you do anything of what others tells you to do you always consult on him first before anyone else and that makes me so irritating, it makes me jealous that I.. I.. had no choice but to prank and tease you just so you would notice me" Masaki explained who's starting to breath hard and is starting to look more nervous that he'll ever be.

"Sempai I had enough! Enough of waiting! Just one more year and you'll graduate! One more year to spend with you! One more year... to... to... sempai! Please go out on a date with me! Be my boyfriend sempai! I love you! I really do! Ever since I first laid my eyes on you I suddenly felt something in my heart! You're one of the reason why I joined the club in the first place!" Masaki shouted crying kneeling on the ground. Ranmaru looked horrified at Masaki's state.

"You're the first person to make me feel this way... You have no idea how much it hurt me when I realized that you and Shindou-sempai were lovers. It broke my heart, knowing the fact that the first person who I ever fell in love with is in a relationship with some one else!" Masaki sobbed hard.

"Ka-Kariya..."as much as Ranmaru want to say something he doesn't know what.

"Sempai... I love you! I really really love you! Unlike that bastard  who made you look like a fool! I'll treasure you like a fragile gem! I.. please.. give me a chance to show my love to you sempai!" Masaki suddenly looked up to Ranmaru pleading to him to give him a chance.

Ranmaru was shocked since it's the first time that he saw Masaki at that kind of state and for some unknown reason his heart ache at the state Masaki's in. Ranmaru walked towards him and knelled in front of him. Masaki's head hunged low and was crying his hands were clenching the ground. Ranmaru cupped his chin making him look up, once they were in an eye to eye contact Ranmaru smiled and kissed him.

"Kirino-sempai!?" Shocked that he would kiss him.

"I'm sorry Kariya, I didn't mean to ignore your feelings. I can't promise you that I would be able to reciprocate your feelings but I will try my best to love you" Ranmaru said gently smiling at him. Ranmaru linked his hand with Masaki.

"Can you wait for me till that time comes?" Ranmaru asked, and Masaki looked wide eye at him.

"Sempai..?" Not believing what he's hearing just now.

"Sempai... are you?.." 

"Yes, I ..... Kariya I would love to be your boyfriend" Ranmaru said and kissed him again.

"Sempai... I love you sempai and I'm going to nourish you with my love!" Masaki said wrapping his arms around Ranmaru's waist making him tumble a little forward onto Masaki and wrapping his arms onto his neck and the two started kissing.

Behind the tree a person was hiding and is silently crying clenching his hands at his side while leaning onto the tree.

Back at the Party

Tenma, Aoi and the others were talking with the third years saying their good luck and lets play soccer again, until Taiyou walked up to him.

"Hey, Tenma can I talk to you for a sec.?" Taiyou asked.

"Sure! What is it?" Tenma asked tilting his head at the side making him look cute, and Taiyou looked sideways to try and hide his blush.

"Not here, outside" Taiyou said seriously looking back at Tenma in the eyes.

"Okay..." Tenma answered confused and followed Taiyou, and the two of them went out of the room.

What they didn't know was that someone was watching them the whole time. Tsurugi was holding a plastic cup and unconsciously gripped it too hard spilling his drink on the ground.

'Tsurugi!? Are you alright? You spilled your drink?!" Aoyama said looking at his angry face.

"Yeah I am" Tsurugi answered irritatingly, and went out of the room

Matsukaze Tenma and Amemiya Taiyou

Taiyou led Tenma to the rooftop, ever since he transferred to Raimon for some unknown reason Taiyou's favorite place is the rooftop. Taiyou was holding the fence his back turned against Tenma and was looking at the sky. The sky was dark and full of stars, Tenma looked at Taiyou with a nervous look.

"So... Taiyou, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Tenma asked fainting innocence.

"Neh... Tenma, do you still love Tsurugi?" Taiyou asked without hesitation. Tenma looked at him with hurtful eyes.

Taiyou turned around and he saw Tenma looking at the ground his hands clench tightly at his side, his body shaking. Taiyou looked at him sadly and walked in front of him, he cupped his chin and saw that Tenma's eyes were close forcing himself not to cry. Taiyou sigh and hugged him.

"Neh, Tenma did you know that you were the first person who made me remember how fun soccer is" Taiyou started while petting Tenma's hair who leaned at his shoulder and hugged him lightly.

"Tenma, I thank you for coming into my life. You are something I never thought could exist for me. You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life, and I don't regret telling you how I feel" Taiyou said in a gentle voice hugging him more tightly. Tenma clenched his hands on Taiyou's shirt tightly and started shaking.

"Ta..Taiyou..." Tenma called in a shaky voice.

"At first I was confused. I didn't really know what I was feeling, I didn't understand what it was back then. At first I thought that I like you as a very  important person that I want to be with, so I decided to come close to you as a friend and find out who you truly were first and what you were really like. You were a really nice, kind, gentle, and sometimes a funny person. Before I know it I unconsciously fell in love with you" Taiyou continued and Tenma started crying silently.

"For me you're my best friend just as you tell me all your hopes and desires, I need to tell you what will make me happy. You have always been there for me through my ups and downs. you've listened to my problems and, most of all. I love being with you, because when I'm with you I can be who I am and wear no masks".

"You've walked into my life and totally turned it around. I was so depressed and torn up about what had happened to me that I was ready to give up. You gave me the hope that I needed to keep on going. I am so grateful for having you in my life. I've been waiting for someone just like you to walk into my life. Thank you for everything"

"For a very long time I have wanted to tell you something, but have not been able to bring myself to do so..." Tenma looked up to see Taiyou's face so close to him.

"I love you" Taiyou whispered kissing Tenma on the lips. Tenma's eyes widened but close it again and returned Taiyou's hugged.

"I should be the one thanking you Taiyou after all you were always there when I need you the most, you never left my side nor have you ever disappointed me" Tenma said smiling at Taiyou.

"I may not be able to say those three words yet, but I hope that I would be able to. It's the least that I could do for loving someone like me" Tenma admitted and the two kissed under the full moon.

They were so content with each other that they didn't hear the door of the rooftop closing nor the footsteps that was quickly fading away.

Tsurugi Kyosuke and Shindou Takuto

Takuto was sitting in one of the benches inside the school and was silently crying when he heard footsteps coming closer to him, he look up to see Kyosuke looking at the ground and walking aimlessly.

"Tsurugi?..." Takuto called making Kyosuke look up to see him.

"Shindou-sempai? What are you doing here?" Kyosuke asked.

"Same with you, I guess Taiyou confessed his feelings for Tenma?" Takuto guessed and making Kyosuke flinch remembering what happened in the rooftop.

"Did Kariya confessed to Kirino-sempai?" Takuto didn't answer instead just smiled at him.

Kyosuke look up at the sky, the moon was shining brightly the both of them were silent for a while.

"Hey, Shindou-sempai..." Kyosuke called making Takuto look at him.

"Want to be my boyfriend?" Kyosuke asked and Takuto's eyes widened.

"Tsurugi I don't-"

"What's the use sempai? Our lovers have found someone else to love, they've replaced us already? What's the use of wanting something that could never be yours?" Kyosuke stated looking towards Takuto smiling sadly.

"There's no harm in trying, if we fell in love then maybe we really are meant to be together, if we don't then we don't " Kyosuke stated walking in front of Takuto.

"I don't know Tsurugi..." Takuto said unsure.

"Come on sempai..." Kyosuke said persuading Takuto to agree with him. Takuto was silent for a while, until he look up and kissed Kyosuke. Kyosuke's eyes widened but closed it again. He wrapped his arms around Shindou's waist, while Takuto wrapped his arms around Kyosuke's neck.


"True love has a habit of coming back"

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