㊉㊆ | Taming the Wildfire

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MADNESS, COLORFUL CHARADE. [ p!nk - just like fire ]

Three days, huh? Solar repeats it in his head as he slips a piece of paper into his pocket, zipping up his school bag. The day had just ended, with students filing out of the class as quick as they came in. He couldn't stop thinking about it.

The night before, Cyclone unexpectedly showed up in his room, wanting to talk to him. "I'm not as different as you are," He had said, as they sat on the table, a glass of warm tea in their hands. "Thunder was the one who made me."

"Made you?" He recalls asking, as he walks through the emptying corridor, a bunch of rowdy boys running past him. "What about him? Do you mean being a Wonder?"

"Ah, not that." Cyclone drops to a whisper, his blue eyes reflected against the rippling, scented substance. "Before I was reincarnated forcefully by Earthquake and Thorn.."

I was fully human, just like you! He exclaimed.

"Human." Solar mutters under his breath and took a detour to the school's library, wanting to return his book that's been overdue for days. He walks up to the 2nd floor.

Blaze was nowhere to be seen today. The usual, cheery element was gone for the entire time. There were two possible reasons why; one, he was caught up with his Wonder work with Ice. Or two, he was purposefully hiding.

He chose to not believe the last option.

On his way, he accidentally bumps into a certain purple-haired guy, who stumbles and falls onto his rear. "Oi!" He shouts, but then stops as he sees who it is.

"A-Ah.. sorry about that." The golden-orbed boy apologizes, offering a hand for the younger teen to take. "Fang! Hey, it's been a long time since we've talked together. How are you?"

"Just fine." The latter replies, "You look sick."

"Uh, thanks?" Solar responds, unsure.

"I meant in a literal way. I'm heading off to the infarmary. Ying's got a fever. Wanna come?" The junior asks, a brown totebag in his hand.Staring at the book in his hands, he nods curtly. The librarian would have to wait now.

"On second thought, sure. It's been a long time."

Blaze staggers onto his feet, blood dribbling down the side of his lips. Spitting out the dark, thick metallic liquid onto the dented floor, he falls onto his knees, coughing hard.

"You're still fighting on impulse."

His hands had been trembling for the last 10 minutes, the effects of pushing against his boundaries. The veins resurfaced on his skin, colored green and glowing orange, a marking of his burst veins once more.

Shoes stopped in front of his sight and he leans against the stone wall, breathing desperately. "Are you tired?" The voice asks, and he didn't have the time to answer before he was hit by something hard on his left cheek, falling to the floor.

"Like hell," He says, grinning lopsidedly from the pain that coursed through his vena cavas. "It hurts so bad."

"Is that all you have? Is that really how strong you are?"

"Shut the hell up." Blaze grunts, holding his abdomen that burned with pain, a new wave of blood surging up his throat as he chokes on it, spitting out the substance. "Oh, damn."

"Curse all you want, and it won't change a thing."

He stumbles to his feet, shoulders slacking, using his left hand to support him up and staining the grey concrete. "I'm not done with you. Not yet."

There was a snort, followed by a glinting flash that Blaze was able to avoid, swerving to the right as quick as possible. Another small cut was evident on his cheek, as he lands on his hands and knees.

"That was dirty." Blaze comments, his irises changing colors slightly, as fire starts to spark, igniting from his very palms. With every degree it soars higher, the cooler it is for him.

Perspiration, Solar told him, that's what its called.

He flings himself away from the area, almost one beat too late from the struck of red electricity, charged at where he stood a second before. Blaze lands onto the high table, and leaps again without missing a beat, as another lightning strikes it mercilessly, burning it to mere ashes.

He looks back, gritting his teeth, bouncing off the walls in a disoriented pattern, avoiding even the slightest sparks.

"What are you planning?" The Second Wonder says, his voice booming in the enclosed space. Red eyes dart around the place, trying to follow Blaze's unrhythmic moves.

The said mortal didn't answer, rather busy analyzing Thunder's constant gaze. He's fast. He notes, as he leaps from the furthest corner of the room, bending his kneecaps as a propeller. The only way I can defeat him is..

Blaze bursts forward, channeling the energy from his flames as a headstart, shooting through the air.

Thunder glares at him, red against fire. "Got you."

A cunning smirk laces Blaze's lips, whilst he jabs his left arm forwards, increasing the heat of his flames as he slices through the air. "Who said?!" He yells with a grin.

"Tsk. So predictable." The other spirit forms a fist and punches Blaze on the left, plummeting his body onto the ground with a deafening crack. This was followed by a rotating spin and a straight downwards kick, directed at him.

With a pained yowl, Blaze turns on the floor to the right, avoiding Thunder's leg that slammed onto the concrete, making a cracked dent on the surface.

Plan's canceled, they thought simultaneously. He read me.

Thunderstorm jumps away, his coat fluttering close behind him and settles a few metre's distance between them.

"You're improving." He says, coldly. Blaze holds his chest, sputtering with an arm extended on the ground. "Get up. The Ice I know would never raise a quitter."

"Urgh.." The opposing boy groans, doing as said.

They could both see the bloody practice room, covered mostly in Blaze's, as the boy was slithering with black soot from head to toe. Cinder lodged onto him like glue, not going away. One could say that he looked entirely beaten.

The red-eyed spirit harrumphs with deviant haste in his orbs, "Let's see how long you can hold this."

An ear-splitting crack fills the air, similar to a whip's cutting edge. Blaze blinks for a slow second, and to his surprise, the latter had disappeared. Crap, he mouths to nothing, readying himself into a stance and turns around.

Nobody's there, but he did manage to catch a blur, along with a whiff of the older apparition's perfume. Lowering himself to the ground, he stays still.

Ice's voice came to his mind, another speck of advice that often appears out of the blue. You're slower than the most of us. You might think of it as a major disadvantage, but that would be wrong.

Breath in, breath out. Repeat. Calm down. Slowly.

Blaze closes his eyes, inhaling and exhaling slowly, controlling the beats of his heart and focusing on his surroundings. Think of it like slowing down time. That, and pay attention to your current situation. Forget your thoughts.

He could sense it clearer now, the whirr of the wind that's starting to pick up, with him being the centre of it all. A strong gush of air moved in a repeating clockwise motion, indicating Thunder's movements, which is encircling in a perfect radius.

I want you to think and feel, Something warm and imaginary pressed onto his left chest, right above his pumping organ. Judge, based on your senses.

Mustering all the energy in his body, Blaze puts all his fingers down on the floor, eyebrows furrowing in focus, resisting against the flurry of heat that came along with the adrenaline coursing suddenly through his veins.

"You said that you wanted to become the best of the best out there?" Bingo. He could locate the running Wonder now, his coordinates not to far from where he's at.

He could feel it now. His eyes snapped open.

Just don't give up, the words resonated in his head.

Right in front of him, was the advancing Thunderstorm, who held a spear in his hand, the metal tip at the edge ready to pierce into his body. His red eyes reflected the flames that had somehow exploded from the ground.

"GO TO HELL!" They jinxed together with a ferocious shout, as the sky outside became dark and furious, the flames licking up their outfits, burning it black.

Their fists collide, and both figures crashed onto the wall behind them upon impact, resulting it a large explosion that went through the roof. Claps of thunder could be heard, along with a colorful hue that surrounded them.

Thunderstorm raises his head, slightly, touching his right eye that's been injured badly. All around him were blue flames, in replacement of their original color.

"You're one crazy guy." He croaks, earning a maniacal grin.

Before all vision turned dark, he could see Blaze's middle finger raised, a shadow cast behind the very teen.

filler chapter, also note : this book might have
more than 20+ chapters idk thooooo :)))
might update more today!!

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