✕㊀ | The School Medic

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(dancing with a stranger- sam smith, normani)

The chime of dangling keys were the only sound to be heard in the empty hallway. A slouched figure was in front of a door, in the middle of locking it. He shoves them into the zip of his bag and walks off, with the leather strap nestled his shoulder.

Tap, tap, tap. His shoes made contact with the cement floor.

It's been a busy day; a group of rowdy students had somehow gotten into a physical fight. Fortunately, there were no major causalities suffered by both opposing groups. However he was the only one available at the time- his coworkers had finished their shifts.

"Going home already?" He turns around to the direction of the voice, and nods curtly without saying anything else. The man raises a hand and waves goodbye.

He continues on his way home. He has reports to write for the day tomorrow; mainly being what happened to the injured learners, then file them to be sent to the head nurse. He yawns upon reaching his doorstep, fumbling his keys out once more.

It gets boring sometimes. Living alone in a rented home that he can barely afford, and living off instant noodle cups instead of actual meals. How ironic, being a man nurse and all that. Wasn't he supposed to be leading the healthy lifestyle for his patients?

He twists the handle open, leaning on the door frame and takes his shoes off, placing them properly on the side wall. He closes the entryway, turning the lights on.

"Surprise!" He blinks at the intruder, not surprised.

"What are you doing here?" The teen scowls at the sight of his Wonder friend, who's lazing about on his couch without a single care in the world. His frown turns worse as his eyes catch bright, littered wrappers on the coffee table. "Didn't I tell you not to come?"

"You're so boring, Ice!" The Wonder appears suddenly in front of him, dangling from the ceiling with a vine to support his weight, "See? You're not even surprised!"

Ice takes a deep breath of patience and pushes the apparition away by his cheek, flopping onto the coldness of his couch. "What do you want, Thorn?" He asks rather coldly, taking out the files from his satchel, pushing the mess away and putting it on top of it.

The said spirit beams, reappearing behind the couch. "Well, I've been thinking~.. Why don't you and me," He wiggles his eyebrows, "Make a superpower potion?"

"You watch too much TV shows. Grow up."

"Urgh, come on~!" Thorn whines, zipping onto the spot next to Ice, his green eyes watching the latter write things he couldn't fathom. "That looks so boring, don't you have a life?"

Ice looks at him from the corner for his eye, then back to his work. He was busy prescribing a medication to one of his clients, but answers nonetheless, "Don't beat around the bush. What are you really here for?" He asks, pen against paper.

"To annoy you, obviously." The younger spirit huffs, repeatedly blowing into Ice's non-ticklish ear. "Everyone else is gone! Thunder's out for a mission, and he'll probably kill me if I did. Earthquake's.. well, she's dead so.. and Cyclone's in school! Can't you believe it? School?!"

"Get a life." Ice shoots back, snorting.

"I tried," Thorn groans, putting his head onto Ice's lap and poking the older apparition's cheeks persistently in hopes of gaining his attention, "But there's no one! Absolutely nothing! It's so boring, it's been a long time since I've granted any wishes!"

Boring, boring, boring. "You just did yesterday, Thorn."

"That guy doesn't count! His wish was too simple!"

Ice drags his hand over his face, losing his focus. He sets his pen down and exhales slowly, maintaining his coolness. "Alright," He smiles softly. Thorn's like a little brother to him that he can't ever neglect. "Let's play a game together."

"HELL YEAH!" Thorn shoots up from his position, excited. He runs to the front, grabbing the TV remote and the controllers, along with the cushions for him to sit on. "I knew that you'd say yes," He pats Ice's back, "Don't worry, I'll take you out for dinner tonight."

The dinner wasn't what mattered. In the end, it was the moment that they spent together. Despite the reports being due tomorrow, he could still call in late- after all, he deserves a little relax time.

Two hours pass, and Thorn kept on winning round after round. Ice was starting to get groggy from staring at the screen for 120 minutes straight, rubbing them red. Goal! The screen reads, in a very festive color much in contrast to Ice's dull, straight face.


"Can we go now?" He says sleepily, almost dozing off. Thorn pucks his lips, nodding solemnly whilst powering the monitor off. Together, they put on their outerwear and saunters out the doorway, not forgetting to switch the lights in the home off.

But right after they step out, rain pours on them, drenching them from head-to-toe. Thorn starts laughing, enjoying the little event while Ice looked like he was going to break down right then and there. Something caught his eye though.

Not far away from where they stood, was a body laying on the road. Ice narrows his eyes to take a second look at it, in case he's hallucinating.

He wasn't, though. Is that a human body?

Thorn notices this too and grins widely, "Woah! I think he's injured or something," He leans forward, taking a whiff of the air, smelling the rain and a much different, metallic tang. "He's bleeding too." The apparition knocks his head to the right.

"Should we help him?" He asks, Ice, who's debating the same question. In his heart though, the decision has been made ever since he laid his eyes on the silhouette.

With a heavy sigh, he nods. "Help me out."

The two of them made their way through the rain without shelter covering them from the rain. Ice drops onto his knees, grabbing the boy's wrist and checking for a pulse- sure enough, the guy was alive, just barely. He sees a stick poking out of the boy's collar.

Ah. He realizes, I'll have to avoid touching that.

"Up!" Thorn says, binding his vines around the fainted teen's body and in they went to Ice's home. Hurriedly, the school medic puts a thick blanket over the boy, sensing how cold the boy is instead of a human's familiar warmth. "Do you think he's dead?"

Ice puts a hand in front of the teen's nose.

"He's still alive and breathing, just abnormally."

"Oh~! Interesting.." Thorn pokes the human's nose and Ice swats his hand away. The green-eyed apparition smiles and unrolls the duvet, "Well, well! We should know his name and return him to his owner- I mean, parents." He chuckles, reading a pin that was attached to the boy's chest.

Thorn beams, "Another guy with a weird name like us. Coincidence, isn't it?" He turns to the blue-eyed boy, who looks at him in turn with indifference all over his face. "He's the opposite of your name!"

Ice scoots closer and reads the name tag, Blaze.

i'm sorry, did i say wednesday?
well here's a lil sneak peek for you :))
i bet you know the main charas now lol

note: no pics for now cuz im lazy and also its
hard to find manga pics of the minamoto bros :)

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