Chapter 37 - Master? No... Daddy!

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Twisted Moon - Book 3 of the Black Moon series - Chapter 37: Master? No... Daddy!

(Noah's POV - Thur. 31 March 2015)

"Those four hours of History killed me!!" Sean grumbles as we hurry through the corridors and head outside the building. The weather is rather pleasant for once so we are going to have lunch on the lawns outside, even if the weather is still a bit cold.

"I deal better with four hours of History than four hours of Math," I reply sourly. We continue to walk in silence until we reach our favorite spot under a huge oak tree in bloom.

"You were late this morning by the way! What happened to you?" Sean asks as we start digging into our respective backpacks for our lunch.

"Oh I just ran a bit late because... Jess decided to drag his feet during his walk..." I lie.

The truth is that when I woke up this morning and found the thick brown envelope for my attention on the kitchen counter, I spent too much time dwelling on its contents and wondering if I should breach the recommendation clearly written beneath my name. You are not allowed to open this envelope until tonight's homework is done, it said. For a long moment, my eyes tried to pierce through the paper of the wrapping and see what it exactly contained; knowing that it was the contract that Camden had told me about, I could hardly resist the temptation of ripping it open and read it right away.

In the end, the temptation was too strong and I did open it. I laughed hard when I saw a smaller, yet thick white envelope inside the bigger one and read the post-it note on this one. I SAID NOT BEFORE TONIGHT! And only once your homework is done! Now be a good boy, eat your breakfast, get ready and go to school if you don't want a similar punishment as the one you got last Thursday! Oh God! How could he know me so well already?

I was briefly tempted to open the white envelope too, but then I thought that being a good boy would be more prideful for me. Besides, Camden said we would finally have sex once I have agreed to the contract, so I certainly didn't want him to put me on edge like he had done a week ago. However, all this thinking got me running late in my usual schedule and I had to shamefully apologize to the History teacher for being ten minutes late into class, which earned me to go to the board and provide a long summary of the last lesson.

"I love dogs. You'll have to show me this little pet at some point!" Sean replies. "Hey, by the way! How did it go with Camden yesterday? Man!! He looked angry as hell... He's kind of the cold type of guy, right?"

"Oh... yeah... well no, he's not always so cold... I guess he was just in a bad mood yesterday..." I reply awkwardly.

"You bet he was! I thought his eyes were going to shoot daggers at us!" Sean exclaims, making me chuckle.

"Yeah, Camden can be a bit... impressive... but he's not as cold-hearted as he wants to show," I explain. "He's actually quite generous and very thoughtful."

"Is it me or you have a soft spot for him?" Sean suddenly chants.

"What? Are you crazy??" I exclaim, yet unable to avoid flushing red.

"You're blushing, Noah!!!" he teases me.

"I'm not blushing! I just put too many spices in my sandwich..." I grumble, taking another bite of my plain ham and cheese sandwich.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm just teasing you... Camden is much older than you anyway, right?" I would have normally risen up against such stupid argument, but I decide to use in it my favor for once.

"Of course he's too old for me! He's 29!"

"Well, at the same time, it's not that old... and he's super handsome!" he says dreamily. As much as I was feeling a bit guilty for using Sean and having ditched him so quickly yesterday evening, he is now getting a bit on my nerves. I don't want him to ever consider he may have a chance with Camden. That man is mine!

The rest of the afternoon goes well and I am glad that the teachers don't give us too much homework for once. As the hours pass, I get more and more eager to go back home. This state of excitement actually started this morning from the moment I woke up in Camden's bed and remembered what happened last night. I can't believe that after this endless struggle, I finally managed to make him yield to my pleas. I should have known that jealousy couldn't be the key! After all the research I made on the BDSM lifestyle, it was obvious that honesty was the key! Well, I have always been honest with him and never hid my feelings, so I guess that this is the result of everything, but last night, I really went with my guts.

When I heard those words he sang, I understood that I wouldn't be able to make him change and give up on his tendencies, and I don't want that either. I need him to remain the same. So what I had to prove him was that I could fulfill his needs exactly like he would mine; revealing him how I copped with my own urges the night before only served to prove him that he was what I needed. I simply let it all out to him and even went to the deepest truths of what I had imagined that night. I am not sure anymore that he would have exactly reacted like he did in my mind, but I don't really care because I know that we will work this out well.

And damn! The kiss that followed... the way he pinned me against the wall and talked to me in the huskiest voice I had ever heard... That was just amazing and simply remembering how I reveled in his strong arms and in the way his tongue dominated my mouth has me hard again. Oh shit! I really need to push these thoughts aside for now, I think to myself as I finally make it back home. I need to clear my head and focus on my homework first. The faster I get it over with, the sooner I will be able to finally open this envelope and read what Camden has planned for me. I really hope we can do this quick and then take the next step because it was frustrating enough last night to stop making out and get back to reading my book. Yeah, Camden can be that much of a party-pooper!

Much determined to respect his wishes, though, I quickly walk Jess out for a few minutes and set to my homework seriously. The History teacher asked us to start revising the current chapter we are working on and to write down the introduction for an essay for tomorrow because she thought that the introductions in our tests earlier this week were rather poor in technique. I still got a B+ for that one, so I am rather happy about it. The English teacher seemed to have similar thoughts and gave us the same assignment for tomorrow. Thank God, I did my Math exercises yesterday evening and my work in Science was done over last weekend, so within less than two hours, I am completely done with my homework.

Time for some fun!!

I first put one of the frozen meals that Camden cooked last weekend in the micro-wave to defrost, and it's a little after seven when I eventually open the envelope. With flutters in my stomach, I comfortably settle down in the large armchair and unfold the little stack of paper. I first read the note that Camden attached.

Noah, this is only a draft that I adapted to what I think would suit us both. Of course, there will be room to compromise on certain things. Just read it for now and we will discuss this tonight. Cam

Frame Agreement for a Dominant / Submissive Relationship

This document specifies the responsibilities and duties of Mr. Camden HALL, living on Hatch Lane, Lisle (hereafter "The Dominant") and Mr. Noah MITCHELL, living on Hatch Lane, Lisle, (hereafter "The Submissive") as part of a consensual BDSM agreement between them. This agreement is private and shall not be disclosed in any circumstances to anyone even if it is not legally binding. From the date of signing, the contract will take its full effect until either party decides to change its conditions or terminate it. All opinions have been taken into account in order to make this agreement a consensual one.

Article One: Duration of Agreement

This agreement shall be valid from Thursday 31st March 2015 and for an indefinite period of time. It shall become null and void should any of the following happen:

-          Either party decides to deliver notice to the other of his desire to terminate it, whatever the reasons shall be,

-          Either party is found guilty of cheating on the other,

-          Either party dies.

The last line makes me shiver. I just don't want to think about anything like that so I focus on the indefinite period of time. Last week, Camden explained to me that most Dominants offer contracts between one and six months. I like the idea of indefinite much better! Shall I understand that he considers keeping me forever?

Article Two: Responsibilities

2.1 The Dominant

-          The Dominant is responsible for his Submissive's safety and wellbeing. He is committed to treat his Submissive properly and respectfully.

-          The Dominant will do anything in his power to train, educate and mold his Submissive to become a better person and gain self-confidence. He shall discipline him should the latter disobey any order or rule.

-          Whereas the Dominant should have a right of inspection on his Submissive's friends, he will let the Submissive choose his own friends with the condition that the Submissive respects all the rules and duties.

-          The Dominant will not allow to or make his Submissive have sex with another partner without prior dialogue.

-          The Dominant being categorized as a Sadist, he shall always make sure that the Submissive remains comfortable with the proposed activities and accessories. The Dominant shall never miss to perform all the necessary aftercare after a scene.

2.2 The Submissive

-          The Submissive agrees to completely submit to his Dominant in all ways without any boundary of time, place or situation. The Submissive understands that in submission he shall find his true self. He agrees that his Dominant will use all his power to mold and shape him into a better person, and assist him to grow in strength, confidence and character.

-          The Submissive is responsible for achieving the goals fixed by the Dominant and in this respect, shall never hesitate to ask for the Dominant's advice and help. The Dominant has set the below goals for the Submissive:

o   The Submissive shall be able to graduate at the end of this school year and choose a career path in order to plan his higher education accordingly.

o   The Submissive shall completely give up on his self-harm tendencies.

Article Three: Duties

3.1 The Dominant

-          The Dominant will pay for all the bills and charges incurred by the Submissive to achieve his goals.

-          The Dominant shall always allow some time on a daily basis to listen to his Submissive's concerns and worries, provide advice and bring solutions in order to make his Submissive feel comfortable.

-          The Dominant shall honor and respect the invocation of the Submissive's safewords (yellow to slow down, red to stop).

-          The Dominant shall always ensure that the Submissive is on track as far as his education is concerned and provide him with all the necessary help he may need.

-          The Dominant will respect the Submissive's hard limits specified in the Appendix, but he will however strive to stretch them to help him grow in strength and progress.

-          The Dominant shall always inform the Submissive of the reason for any punishment and remind him of why he should be punished. See Article 5 for more details on Discipline.

3.2 The Submissive

-          The Submissive agrees to bring honor and respect toward his Dominant at all times. Sulking, defiance, swearing and talking back are strictly forbidden.

-          The Submissive must always express his worries and concerns to his Dominant in order to let the latter help him. The Submissive shall always reveal his feelings, thoughts and desires without hesitation or embarrassment. The Submissive is allowed to vow his opinions as long as this is performed in a correct and respectful manner. The Submissive shall never shut any of his mental pains to the Dominant so that the Latter may provide him with what he may need.

-          The Submissive shall always answer all the questions his Dominant may ask in all honesty and sincerity.

-          Education: in order to fulfill his educational goals, the Submissive shall:

o   Never slack on his homework, lessons and classes,

o   Always maintain a high level of involvement in his studies,

o   Make sure that all assignments are done with extreme seriousness and in due time,

o   Never hesitate to ask for his Dominant's help and support when necessary,

o   Should the Submissive fail a test, the paper should be redone until a decent result is achieved.

-          The Submissive is aware that he shall always inform his Dominant before he makes any major decision, either personal or professional, and listen carefully to the Dominant's advice.

-          The Submissive agrees to maintain his body in good shape by regular hygiene and all other routine body care (shaving, enema, perfect cleanliness, brushing teeth, etc...).

-          The Submissive shall never climax without the Dominant's permission. In this respect, the Submissive is forbidden to touch himself more than necessary or for pleasure - unless permitted by his Dominant, and even less have any intercourse with another person than his Dominant without the Latter's consent.

-          The Submissive shall not invoke his safewords unless necessary, be it during sexual intercourse, a punishment or in everyday life. One of the goals being to try and stretch his limits, he shall strive to go beyond what he can endure progressively.

Article Four: The rules

-          Always address the Dominant in a respectful manner. In public, the Submissive may address the Dominant as Camden or Cam. The same is tolerated in private, but in a scene or at the club, the Submissive shall address the Dominant as Master or Sir.

-          Always maintain honest and open communication with the Dominant.

-          Always be reachable by the Dominant when they are not together. The Submissive is responsible for always having his mobile phone charged and within reach to answer the Dominant's calls or texts immediately. Shall the Submissive be unable to do so, he should call or text back the Dominant at his earliest convenience and be prepared with a valid excuse.

-          Obey any command or order immediately and without hesitation.

-          Education:

o   Return home immediately after school, have a snack, set to homework until all assignments are completed,

o   Have all test papers ready to show them to the Dominant when he returns; never try to conceal a bad grade.

-          Hygiene: always keep private parts and armpits shaved and clean.

-          Health: the Submissive shall workout at least one hour once a week (this frequency might evolve in due time as the Dominant sees fit); shall have three healthy meals per day and avoid junk food as much as possible; is not allowed to drink alcohol until he reaches legal age and once twenty-one, shall always ask for permission to drink alcoholic beverages; shall sleep a minimum of seven hours on week nights and eight hours on weekend nights. All forms of drugs are forbidden (including tobacco).

-          Sexual activity:

·       Always comply immediately with any of the Dominant's requests, without hesitation,

·       Sex may occur at any time of day or night and at any place,

·       Always ask for permission before orgasming,

·       Do not masturbate,

·       Always swallow the Dominant's cum and lick him clean.

Article Five: Discipline

Shall the Submissive break any of the rules mentioned in Article 4 or disobey any of the Dominant's orders, the Dominant will discipline the Submissive. The Submissive accepts any punishment inflicted by the Dominant and that the Latter sees fit. Punishments are not intended to provide any pleasure - the Submissive has to feel uncomfortable - and aim at correcting the Submissive's bad behaviors and misdemeanors. They serve to demonstrate that the Dominant is displeased and disappointed; they help the Submissive to understand that his behavior has been unacceptable and serve as reinforcement for a change to a more proper behavior. Depending on whether the mistake was intentional or not, the punishment will vary in intensity and severity, but shall always take place as soon as possible after the misdeed. Punishments cannot incur any body harm or permanent marks, or any form of abuse such as burns, blood or loss of consciousness.

The processing of discipline goes as follows:

-          Lecturing and scolding,

-          Momentary alone time to reflect on his wrong doing if necessary and if the Submissive still doesn't admit his mistake,

-          New lecture if necessary,

-          Punishment,

-          Moment to reassure the Submissive, to encourage him and to perform aftercare.

Examples of moral punishments are:

-          Corner time,

-          Early sleep,

-          Restriction of privileges,

-          Ignoring and refusing to let him pleasure his Dominant,

-          Orgasm denial.

Examples of corporal punishments are:

-          Spanking (hands, paddles, crops,...),

-          Flogging and whipping,

-          Use of instruments (cock-cage, plugs, etc...) without the purpose of pleasure.

Article Six: The Black Diamond

The Submissive shall respect all the terms and conditions that apply to the club's agreement once he has been certified as an official Submissive member. As a reminder, the Submissive will go through a training course with his Dominant and his certification will be approved by Mr. Aaron COX or any of his delegates. The Submissive will have to spend some time with other Submissives of the club who will be able to provide help and advice; the Dominant shall designate one or more Submissives who will take care of the Submissive and guide him through the first steps of Submission at the Club. The Submissive shall always ask for permission to spend time with other Submissives on the dancefloor and shall always remain in his Dominant's sight at all times. The Submissive shall kneel by his Dominant upon joining him at the VIP area and remain in the position unless the Dominant asks him otherwise. The Submissive shall always address the other Dominants respectfully.

Appendix: Soft and Hard Limits

The Dominant and the Submissive shall go through the below list of activities and accessories together and agree on which should be acceptable or not by rating each item on a scale from 0 to 3.

-          0 is considered as a hard limit and means that the Submissive is absolutely not willing to do this item in any circumstances.

-          1 indicates that this item is close to a hard limit but that should the Dominant be willing to try it, the Submissive may consider permitting the Dominant to do it in certain circumstances.

-          2 is considered as a soft limit and means that the Submissive has no extreme desire to do this activity but would willingly try it on occasion.

-          3 indicates a possible / huge turn-on and means that the Submissive is actually open to practice this activity on a regular basis.

This checklist shall be updated regularly in accordance with the changing tastes of the Submissive and as he discovers the various opportunities of the lifestyle.

1. List of activities

Anal penetration


Bondage (arms, legs...)

Bondage (balls)

Blow job (giving)

Blow job (receiving)

Cock slapping or flogging

Corner time


Electricity play

Enemas (for play)




Nudity (in private)

Golden showers         

Hand job (giving)

Hand job (receiving)


Orgasm denial

Pain (Severe)

Pain (mild)

Phone or internet Sex



Suspension (upright)

Suspension (inverted)

Swallowing semen


2. List of accessories

Anal plug (small)

Anal plug (large)

Anal plug (extra-large)



Cock cage / chastity cage

Cock plugs

Cock rings



Cat o' Nine



Collar (in private or at the club)

Collar (in public)


St Andrews Cross

Cuffs (leather)

Cuffs (metal)


Gags (ball gags or open-mouth gags)

Ice cubes

Nipple clamps




Spreader bar




Wow... Just wow... This is the first thing that comes to my mind after reading the whole document twice. Holy shit, this is fucking serious! This is actually far more serious than I would have thought!!

Don't get me wrong, it absolutely doesn't scare me or refrain my eagerness to enter the lifestyle. If anything, it rather increases my yearning to finally experience what I read about on the internet and saw live on Saturday evening. Besides it seems like the enthusiasm is gaining not only my brain but also my mini-me, considering the bulge in my pants. Pressing a palm to my groin, I try to will my penis to go down. Tonight, boy... Hopefully tonight... Just be a little more patient...

Honestly, I don't know what arouses me the most between the list in the Soft and Hard Limits and the whole concept of surrendering all my powers to Camden. To be honest, there are some activities and accessories that I have never heard of, but I can easily guess the purpose of a majority. I have to admit that some of them are surely a huge turn-on to me like the clamps, the floggers, the canes and even the plugs; there are others that highly arouse my curiosity, like the cock cage - don't ask me why, because I don't fucking know! - or the gags. Eventually, there are only but a few items that don't appeal to me at all, like the electricity play or the golden shower, but I don't worry about these since Camden said there was room to compromise.

So that part clearly turns me on, but I must confess that the rest of the document surprisingly attracts me as much and I am discovering a completely new side of me here. I realize that I can't wait to become Camden's Submissive because I want to submit to him. I want to belong to him. I want him to claim me as his. I want him to use me as he wants and to treat me like something he owns. I want him to consider me as the most precious thing he would own. But I also want him to treat me with respect, to cherish me, to take care of me, to guide me, to protect me. I want to submit to each of his desires, each of his commands, each of his orders. I want to trust him and entrust my life and future with him because I am certain that under his control, I will grow stronger and reach higher expectations.

I am fully aware that this is not going to be a walk in the park because my rather defiant personality will probably not help me, but I am dearly willing to try my best. Camden may have set me some reasonable goals to achieve, but I am determined to set an additional target that I will keep to myself; one that aims at helping and supporting him in every possible way to fulfill his own needs and soothe his inner violence. I know now that this is what has been worrying him for days and weeks, because he is afraid to hurt me, and I certainly don't want him to completely give up on his sadistic tendencies, but I am confident that we can reach a decent level that will make him feel comfortable with me.

So all in all, I am truly satisfied with what I have just read. It seems like Camden knows me better than he thought because there is not much that I would like to compromise on. Having crammed on the subject by reading a lot about the roles of the Dominant and the Submissive, I expected all these rules and so on. At the end of the day, there is just one rule that I will beg him to change, hoping that he will accept my request...

Lost in my thoughts and still comfortably seated in the large armchair, I didn't hear the SUV park in front of the house, so when the entrance door suddenly opens and shuts behind me, I jump and scream in surprise, trying to hide the sheets of paper between my thigh and the armrest. Shit!!! I haven't even set the table and our meal still needs to heat up! What a nice start!

"Hey! You're already back?" I exclaim, flipping around and kneeling on the armchair to face Camden who is already hanging his jacket in the closet.

"Good evening, Noah. It's almost eight..." he replies, turning back to face me. I watch him slowly walk toward the living room and rest his long hands over mine on the back of the armchair. "I was expecting to be home much earlier actually," he then adds, looking down at me.

"Sorry... I didn't see the time pass... and... dinner's not ready... and..."

"It's okay, Noah... We just need to heat up something in the microwave anyway," he chuckles, raising a hand to catch my chin between his fingers to lift it up. My eyes meet his smoldering gray eyes and my heart starts beating faster in my chest. "How did school go?" he then asks, squinting at me.

"Good... It went very well... I got a B+ in History..." I stutter, disturbed by his unreadable expression.

"That's nice! Well done! Anything else?"

"No... just the usual..." I reply after a few seconds of hesitation, trying to remember if I got any other results, but the intensity in his eyes seems to have my neurons melt down.

"Are you sure? Were you not late in class this morning?" he asks sternly, his expression getting really dark now.

"How... how do you know!?" I exclaim, now worried that the evening might not go as planned if he gets angry.

"I was notified for your late arrival. You know that they call the register electronically, so when the teacher noted you as late, it automatically sent me a text," he exclaims. Fucking technology!!

"But I was only ten minutes late!!!"

"That's still late, Noah," he says with a chuckle that somewhat makes me relax a bit, especially when I see him lean down to brush his lips against mine. "Relax, Noah, I was just teasing you. But don't make it a habit!" he then warns me, murmuring against my lips. "Being late in class would definitely earn you a punishment."

"It won't happen again..." I promise, as he leans back up and walks toward the kitchen, leaving me feeling out of sorts in the living room. Holy crap! How can he affect me like this all of a sudden? It takes a couple of minutes for my heart to finally slow down and damn! It was only a light kiss! Once I have recovered from my little high, I get up from the armchair and join him in the kitchen where he has already restarted the microwave oven and taken out the necessary dishes. I grab them and carry everything to the dining room and as I am displaying them on the table, Camden suddenly crashes his body behind mine, circling his arms around my waist.

"So you couldn't resist, this morning, could you? You opened the envelope..." he whispers with a husky voice above my head; that sends shivers down my spine, making my muscles freeze right away. How the fuck would he know that too? "It's only a guess, but seeing how your body is getting tense now, I assume I was right, so don't try to lie... Besides, I saw the brown envelope on the island counter in the kitchen whereas the white envelope and the document are in the living room." Busted!!! Crap! How could I be so stupid?

"I swear I only read the contract tonight!!" I exclaim weakly, trying to turn around to face him but his arms hold a firm grip on my waist.

"But you still had the intention to read it this morning when you opened the first one, didn't you?"

"Yes, that's true... but I only read it tonight..." I promise again.

"Good... I didn't want you to look at it this morning, so that you could focus on your classes," he explains. Well, seeing how I zoned out after reading the whole thing, I guess it was best indeed that I waited for tonight... A beeping sound echoes from the oven at that moment and Camden walks back there, leaving me feeling cold in my back from his sudden absence. I sit down on my chair as Camden brings our meal to the table, but he first walks back to the living room and fetches the document before he takes a seat at the end of the table. "So? Have you read the whole contract?" he asks.

"Yes of course! Twice!"

"Good boy!" he smirks. "What did you think?"

"It sounds... really good but I was wondering... Is everything... firm and definitive?" I ask sheepishly.

"No, like I told you on the note, this is just a draft. You have to know that one essential idea of the BDSM lifestyle is communication. Without this, the relationship cannot work. So this is what we are going to do now. This paper is nothing but a frame, but it cannot reflect my sole desires. The purpose of this agreement is to compromise. It obviously fits what I exactly expect of our relationship, but if there are things that really disturb you and if you provide me with valid reasons, I can amend a few paragraphs. And of course, if you have questions, feel free to ask."

Well... I guess this is my turn to speak...

"To be honest, there is not much I'd like you to change... Everything sounds fair to me..." I start hesitantly. I should have thought about it more seriously. I just don't know how to broach this particular subject, which is stupid because that's really something I want to discuss with him. I'm not embarrassed but I'm just afraid he might refuse...

"I hear a but in here... Go ahead, Noah! You can talk!" he encourages me gently after a few seconds of silence.

"It's about... it's about a rule... the first one..." I stutter, feeling myself blush, which makes him chuckle and look at me with a smug expression.

"Continue..." he whispers, bringing a piece of meat to his mouth, that he chews very slowly. He keeps staring at me, still bearing that self-satisfied smile. Damn him! I'm sure he knows what I mean!

"Ugh... You know what I'm talking about!" I accuse, also picking food in my plate.

"Mmm... I do!"

"So? Do you agree on this?" I ask shyly.

"On what?" he replies, arching his eyebrows.

"Ughhhhh Camden!!! You just said you know what I'm talking about!!" I exclaim with irritation because there is still that smirk on his lips. He puts his fork down and crosses his arms, resting his elbows on the table.

"I'm not going to do all the talking, Noah, and I need you to speak openly. I want to hear you say it, Baby Boy." Oh my goodness! My mini-me twitches in my pants when I hear the last two whispered words and I almost melt under his brazing gaze.

"I... I'd like... I'd like to... I'd like to address you as Daddy rather than Master..." I eventually blurt out, flushing red and casting my eyes down. "Please..." My chair is suddenly pulled closer to him and his fingers raise my chin, tilting my head until my eyes meet his.

"Why all this awkwardness suddenly?" he asks in a whisper.

"I was afraid you'd find it... silly..." I admit.

"Noah, never be afraid to speak your mind, as long as you do it with respect; even if it sounds stupid to you. I'll always listen, okay?"

"Okay... So... do you agree?" I insist.

"I'll think about it," he replies with a smile, letting go of my chin and pulling my dishes in front of me. Ugh damn! I was hoping for a firm yes! "Is there anything else that you would like to compromise on?"

"Not really... but I do have a few questions indeed," I say with a small voice, and he only hums in answer. "When it says that I should submit at any time, place or situation... Does it mean that you may ask for sex at any moment and anywhere?" I ask, feeling myself blush again.

"As I already told you, Submission is not only about sex, Noah. So that rule applies to any kind of situation. Let me think of an example... That could be... Imagine you're hanging out with some friends at a park and I decide that you have spent enough time having fun because you need to do other stuff at home. If I call you to go home, you cannot do a scene or protest. You must obey and get back home without whining or arguing."

"I don't whine!!!" I exclaim with a voice I wish was lower.

"You just did!!" he chuckles. "And that was just an example, but you get the idea. It just means that wherever we are, in whatever company and at whatever moment, if I give you an order, you must obey and comply, that's it. It can be for any matter, sex included. You need to trust me that I would always take the right decisions and that I would never get you into troublesome or embarrassing situations. And you should never forget that you have a say in everything. If one of my decisions doesn't suit you, you can always ask for permission to speak and if you give me some good arguments and express your opinion with due respect, I might reconsider my decisions. It's the same during sex. Is this clear enough?"

"Yes, all fine with me."

"Besides, you must have read that part about safewords, right? These are very important in any Dom/Sub relationship, but even more in ours."

"Yes, I have... And I had read something about this anyway," I reply, shrugging my shoulders.

"It's serious, Noah. Whether in everyday life, during a scene or a punishment, things might get a bit too intense for you. One of my roles as your Dominant will be to stretch your limits, and trust me I will. Whatever the situation, you will protest at some point; you will beg to stop." He pauses for a few seconds; the intensity of his tone and his stare makes me shiver as he speaks. "I won't listen to your pleas, Noah. I won't loosen up on what I'm doing to you or what I'm expecting you to do at that moment. I won't stop." This second interruption has me gape. His dark look is almost scary, and yet I completely feel at ease around him. "Unless you use your safewords."

"So if I say red, you will stop whatever you're doing?" Now that's interesting indeed...

"Exactly. If you say yellow, I will slow down or loosen whatever we are doing at that moment; and if you say red, I will stop everything.  These two words are the most commonly used in the lifestyle, but you may choose something else if you prefer. What you need to understand is that these safewords are the only words that would make me react to your begging. Do you understand this?" he asks very seriously.

"Yeah, yeah, got it! And I'm fine with yellow and red!" I reply nonchalantly, wishing to move on to the next subject, but it seems like someone doesn't take it very well.

"Noah! I'm not joking about this! This is really crucial here!" he says dryly, his face becoming much more somber now. "I need to make sure you understand this. I told you already how demanding I will be; and as far as sex is concerned, some things might get intense. I will also have to learn with you until I know your reactions and your body much better. But before I get there, I need to be sure that you will safeword if you need it. Is this clear?" he says sternly again and I only nod in answer. I see what he means now and I know that I have to be serious about it. Camden has been rejecting me because he is afraid to hurt me; or to be too much for me. I understand his need to make sure that I will stop him if things become too intense. "The goal is not for you to safeword at every opportunity of course. You have to stretch your limits, but I don't want you to go beyond them. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do... Sorry... I understand your point. But I also trust you a lot. I know you won't go too far," I reply honestly, hoping that it will reassure him. "And I know you're not talking only about sex here."

"Good boy! You need to understand that you can talk and argue, as long as you remain respectful and polite. Dominants are normal persons, with their own flaws and they're just human; they can make mistakes too. I promise that I will try to take things easy on you in the beginning, but I will be strict. So if you think that I am going overboard or if you believe that I am being unfair, I want you to tell me. The idea is not for you to protest against all my decisions of course, and it doesn't mean that I would change my mind either, but you have to tell me. Communication is really essential. Alright?"

"Yes, it's perfectly clear," I reply eagerly, reassured that he will always be open to discussion.

"Is there anything else?"

"About the duties..." I start saying, hesitating on how I should bring this up.

"I guess you're going to mention the sulking, talking back and such?" he encourages me.

"Well, you know I have quite a temper..."

"And you'll learn to tame it," he replies firmly. "You remind me so much of Shannon, sometimes..." he then chuckles. "Shannon has quite a strong personality too. Besides he's hyperactive, so it doesn't help. He still sometimes gets in trouble for his behaviors, but Mark, with Alex's help, has managed to teach him respect and to moderate himself. It will be the same with you, Noah. You'll have to learn to tone down your character."


"Or you'll be punished. It's as simple as that," he chuckles. "Let's move to the living room to finish this conversation," he then suggests.

We make it a quick task to clean up our dinner and take care of Jess and moments later, we go to sit on the couch with the document. For another half hour, we continue to read through the agreement, and I simply agree to all his requests while he answers to my questions about the rules he has fixed, be it about hygiene, health or sexual activities. We also broach the goals he has set up for me. He makes it clear that education will come first and that I will have to be really serious and efficient if I want us to spend time playing or at the club during the weekends. He mentions my urges to self-harm as well, saying that I must never hesitate to reach out to him if I suddenly feel the need to cut.

We also discuss the article on discipline and he reminds me that punishments are not always related to sex and that physical pain is not always involved. Once again, he insists a lot on the importance of safewords, saying that I can use them during a punishment, but only if I can no longer bear with it. The pain doesn't scare me at all and I think I will like it but he then explains that most of the masochistic Subs at the club know full well the difference between receiving pain for their pleasure and receiving pain as a punishment, and that I should quickly learn about it. That somewhat quietens a little my eagerness but I quickly forget about it as we finally reach the last part about the soft and hard limits.

"It's getting late, I think we should keep that part for tomorrow..."

"What? No!!! Please, let's finish... And it's only ten!!!" I beg him, moving to kneel on the couch beside him and trying to catch the sheets of paper but he stretches his arm to the left, blocking me with his right arm.

"Why such eagerness, we have time!!" Ugh, yes we have time but I'm horny as hell, and he also said that we would have sex only once I have signed the damn document!

"But there's only the last part to check and I already know the grades I want to put!" I argue. "Please... Daddy..." I add in whisper, giving him the puppy dog face and that makes him chuckle.

"It's Master, Pet..." he says, playfully scowling at me.

"Ugh!! I prefer Daddy..."

"Master..." he insists, but there is this glint of humor in his eyes that tells me he is only trying to provoke me. Or to change the subject.

"Daddy..." I persist all the same.

"Okay! Daddy it is!" he sighs with mock irritation and I lean forward to kiss him, but his tongue obviously takes control of my mouth.

"Thank you, Daddy..." I whisper against his lips before I pull back and look at him pleadingly. "Please let's finish this, I really know what grades..."

"You think you know, but we'll need to discuss those limits seriously, that should take us at least an hour! And as you said, it's almost ten." I fold my arms across my chest and lean against the back of the couch. "I might remove that part about the sulking. You're real cute when you pout... Baby Boy..." he laughs out. Bastard!! He wounds an arm around my waist and to my surprise, he pulls me to straddle his lap. My mood immediately brightens. Damn! That's where I have craved to be for so long! "I slept barely two hours last night, Noah, so I don't want to go to sleep after midnight tonight..." he then adds, wrapping his arms around my waist while my hands move to his shoulders.

"So we do have time to look at that list!!" I say in a begging tone, witnessing how his eyes are suddenly getting darker, filling up with... holy crap!!! Is that lust?

"I was thinking we could maybe use these two hours differently..." he says in the huskiest tone I have ever heard, wiggling his eyebrows; his deep voice sends pleasurable waves to my groin and my semi-erection gets at full attention. Or maybe is it due to those darkening eyes? Whatever it is, my cock twitches in my pants and I am suddenly aware of another huge bulge pressing against mine.

Holy. Fuck.

Published on 6 June 2017

Ayyyyyy! Time to go on vacation for me, guys!!!
Sorry to leave you with a cliffhanger but I'll be back in about a month!!

Joooooking! The full smut chapter will come up on Thursday at 6am Paris time, as usual! I wouldn't be surprised if Wattpad makes it private, but like in I Was Shooting For The Moon, I Hit Two Stars and I Would Give Him The Moon, I'll add an author's note if that's the case. Don't expect a BDSM scene though, right? That will come in a very few chapters ;)

Sorry for being late posting this chapter. I usually don't pay attention to mild or mean comments (they are so few!!) but something I read about Twisted Moon bothered me than it should have and I just couldn't focus on editing yesterday evening. Now that wouldn't be fair to let that impact you, the nice readers, so I've just done the proofreading and here's the chapter. And if a person thinks that Twisted Moon is unrealistic, not well written and that it romanticizes self-harm (😳 never was my intention), well it doesn't matter because I like what I write and as I often said, I do it for fun and I'm not a professional writer.

On that note, I want to thank Fhanth for his never ending support and for always having the right words. I love you so, so much, and I can't wait for The Phoenix's Hypothesis and Twisted Moon to have their crossover 😘😘😘

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