Chapter 4 - A Call To Order

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Twisted Moon - Book 3 of the Black Moon series - Chapter 4: A Call To Order

(Camden's POV - Tue. 20 January 2015)

Unlike some of my friends, I am not a sleepless maniac and as much as Aaron, Mark or even Joshua can go with four or five hours of sleep, sometimes even less, I do need a minimum of six hours and I can even enjoy eight to ten hour nights sometimes. With less than six, I cannot guarantee my mood; and I swear that said mood can easily turn to atrocious when I only get three or four hours. Believe me...

Last night, I got barely four; that sets the scene. After I left the guest room, I went straight to bed and I was hoping for a good night's sleep but every fucking half-hour, I woke up with a startle, worrying about the young guy's state and wondering if he was still there and alive. I just couldn't fall back asleep until I would have gotten up to check up on him, making sure that he was warm enough and still breathing. At six, I give up on my sleep and go downstairs for a coffee.

I spend a good thirty minutes wondering what I should do with him. I obviously can't keep him here, my house is no permanent shelter and I don't have time to take care of a kid, but I still want to know more about the teenager and see if I can provide him with any help. For that, I will need to make him talk of course, and I might even offer him to stay for another night. I am even ready to cancel a few of my earliest appointments if necessary, but then, I remember that tonight is the evening I have scheduled my "reminder-session" with Aaron; as much as the thought of postponing it pisses me off, I am afraid that I will have to call my friend and reschedule our plans if the boy stays for another night.

Okay, so that actually really annoys me to be honest because, ever since Aaron and I agreed on the date last New Year's Eve, he has been trying to talk me into cancelling it, to reverse my decision. The only way to keep it on has been to insist on how much I need this reminder and to convince him that I am sure about my choice. Now if I call him and say that I want to postpone, he will believe that I am not so confident about my decision and will give me a hard time to plan for another date and time. Aaron is not someone you can easily lie to but I just can't tell him that I brought a young homeless to my house. He would think that I have gone crazy and he would get dubious about my intentions, even if they are perfectly honest and without ulterior motives.

However, first things first and my priority for now is to feed that young man because he truly needs it. Being single and kind of living like an old bachelor doesn't mean that my cupboards and refrigerator are filled with junk food and high calorie stuff. I actually lead a quite healthy life. I work out whenever I can to keep my body decently shaped; martial arts used to be some kind of salvation for me when I was a student, but between my crazy hours at the practice and all the nights I spend at the club now, I mostly run and do a bit of push-ups when I have time. I quitted smoking years ago and I rarely drink alcohol; I have enough difficulty controlling my urges so I don't need the latter to affect my self-discipline. Lastly, and it goes along with the rest, I have a very healthy diet, meaning that my fridge is filled with dairies, vegetables, fruits and meat while my cupboards are nearly empty of crackers, cookies, chips or sweets of any sorts. I know, I sound like a boring kind of person, but at the same time, I have never pretended to be a cool guy.

Anyway, I have gotten used to this healthy lifestyle. However, as much as I have become reluctant to buy junk food, I believe that this young man needs more than Greek yogurt and an apple for breakfast; I assume that donuts would sound more appealing to a teenager who looks like he has been starving for a while, so I end up getting dressed, put on my warm jacket and walk out, taking a bit of cash with me. I could take my car, but the roads haven't been cleared yet from the snow that fell last night in my residential neighborhood, and a good walk in the cold morning should help calming me down.

I know that there are several Dunkin stores in Lisle, the town where I live, just outside East of Chicago, and there is one on Ogden Avenue which I often pass by, so I slowly make my way there. The errand takes me a little over an hour since I take my time and more importantly pay a lot of attention in order not to skid on the snow-covered pavements. The young homeless was still asleep when I left, but now as I walk up Hatch Lane and am about to turn into the cul-de-sac where my house is, I wonder if he has woken up. I left a note for his attention before I left in case he would, but I hope he is still sound asleep so that I have more time to prepare coffee or whatever he may want to drink.

"Hey Camden!" I recognize my old neighbor's voice calling me from what I suppose to be his bedroom's window on the first floor.

"Hi Silvio! Hope you and Maria stay inside today!" I call back at him with a warm smile. The old man and his wife are the kindest neighbors I could ever dream to have. In a way, they remind me of my friend Mark's parents; I can't say that we often hang out together, but we have had dinners together a few times, either at their place or mine, and they are extremely kind and very open-minded people, even if a bit too chatty for my taste when I am in a hurry to leave or go home; they are also very helpful and like to feel useful; despite my recurring complaints, they both keep on taking care of my garden when the season gets better, and in return, I have soothed old age aches a few times.

"You bet we will! Have you seen that load of snow we got again? Are you going to work today?" he asks.

"Yes Silvio, I have to!" I chuckle.

"Be careful and drive safe then, young man! And have a good day!"

"I will! You too have a good day!" I shout back before he shuts the window.

Well, that was quick for once but I suspect that Maria must have been scolding him for keeping the window open in this cold. As soon as I walk into the hall and close the door, I have this awful feeling that something is off here, but I can't pinpoint what gives me this impression. The house is quiet and I assume that the boy is still sleeping, so I quietly hang my jacket back into the closet and go to drop the box of donuts in the kitchen. As I head back to the entrance hall and to the staircase to go and check up on him, my eyes fall on the console by the door. I am a hundred percent certain that I had closed my wallet after I took a twenty dollar bill from it this morning, but it now lays open, and the two or three other notes I had in there are missing.

Fuck! I leap up the staircase and barge into the guest room where I settled him last night but unsurprisingly, the bed is empty and cold. How long ago did he leave? Did he hear me this morning and waited for my departure to run away? In that case, he must be far already! I hurry back downstairs and to the kitchen to try the sliding windows that lead to the terrace at the back of the house. The key is still in its hole, but as I thought, I don't need to give it a twist for the window to slide open; besides, the fresh footsteps in the snow on the terrace are more evidence that the young man fled this way. Shit!

Why the hell did he run away? Did I scare him? I know that my physical appearance can impress a little, but I am pretty sure that he had lost consciousness before he really got a chance to see me last night. Nevertheless, I can totally imagine how frightening it must have been for him to wake up in an unknown place. And yet, he must have realized that I didn't mean any harm to him and only aimed to help after I took care of his injuries.

Fuck! I should have stayed by his side and waited for him to wake up before I went out. I didn't even get to ask his name or why he was living out on the streets. He didn't even allow me to offer more help. I am honestly worrying because he will probably go back downtown, by whatever means he finds, and that might include hitch-hiking, which wouldn't be the best option in his state. Should he get lifted by some unhealthy bastard, I sincerely fear for his life because he wouldn't be able to defend himself, weak as he is. I would really have preferred that he stayed here for a while longer to get some food and rest to recover a bit.

Of course, it does simplify my agenda of the day; I won't have to cancel any of my appointments this morning or my plans for tonight with Aaron, but I am fucking pissed at myself for being such an idiot! I shouldn't have left him alone! I don't give a damn about the money he apparently stole in my wallet, and I actually hope it will allow him to feed himself well for a few days - that's if he not a junkie and doesn't waste it on drugs... damn, I should have checked his arms as well! - but I wish I could have done more.

I don't really understand where all this sudden sympathy comes from, but getting angrier with myself every minute, I go for a long relaxing shower to calm down my nerves and get ready for work. I am a bit early but I want to drive around the area where I picked him up last night with the hope to see him again, although I doubt that he would be stealing in the same district where he usually stays. I assume that he must be crashing in another part of the city.

Well, I knew that it was a lost battle indeed. After half an hour driving around the western side of The Loop, I finally head to South Clark Street and look for a spot to park my car; sadly, this is not an easy task. Damn! I really need to talk to Joshua about this idea that bloomed in my head a few weeks ago... That day, like too many others, I wasted about an hour looking for spot, almost missing my first appointment and ended up in one of those expensive parking lots; the building where two of my friends and I have our practice doesn't have a parking which means we have to park in the street, which can be clearly a pain in the ass when you start at later hours.

Joshua's company is based in the Pierce Construction Building - that he owns, of course - and as ambitious and optimistic as he may be regarding the development of his business, I doubt that he will ever be able to populate all the unoccupied floors with subsidiaries or whatever. I remember he once considered opening a few floors to smaller companies for rental and I wonder if my colleagues and I could settle down on one of these. The building is just outside on the border of The Loop, so it wouldn't make a big change for our clientele; but most importantly, it does have one of the rare underground floor for cars, which would mean the end of parking issues. My colleagues Ethan and Sarah keep complaining about these problems as well, so it shouldn't be too difficult to convince them to move out of here, but I first need to discuss this with Josh.

The day at work goes uneventful but feels like an eternity to me. I manage to focus on each of my patients, but in between appointments, my mind keeps straying back to the young homeless. For some reason, I truly worry for him and I hope that he made it back alright and safe to the city; I just can't help feeling guilty for having given him the opportunity to run away before I could take care of him. It is 6:00pm when I walk my last patient to the entrance door, feeling grateful for this fairly short day, and I immediately feel the tension rise within me; this time, it has nothing to do with what happened this morning; or at least not completely.

I first stop by the little kitchen I share with my colleagues to heat up my soup before I go back to my office to get rid of my daily accounting, sipping on my warm beverage. I know better than to eat too much just in case Aaron can't refrain himself from his own need for release; to be honest, had it been on another day, I would have been deeply annoyed at the thought of being used as a receptacle for his pleasure, but tonight, I am just ready to take whatever punishment he decides on; including the punishment fuck. So I mentally prepare myself for what is coming up tonight, knowing that I need it more than ever this year. The young guy from this morning is obviously no submissive but I can't help myself from making a parallel. I didn't harm him in any way, but I still fucked up because I should have taken better care of him. Even if this ordeal is absolutely not related to my lifestyle, it highly increases my need for a punishment.

Less than an hour later, I am parking at the back of the club next to Aaron's car. I like coming here on Tuesdays because the Black Moon is closed and there are fewer people at the Diamond too. Tuesdays are also when you get to see a bit more SM during the show because the sadist Doms usually prefer smaller audiences when they perform. At least I do. It reminds me that I haven't done a public scene in a while... Now certainly won't be a good time to do one if Aaron decides to have fun with his whip tonight - this has to remain between him and me, so there is no way I am going to expose a striped back; but I shall consider this for in a few weeks, maybe with Chris.

It is over half past seven and Aaron might be doing his usual tour of the premises to make sure that everything is ready before the club opens at eight, but I still try my luck and first stop by his office. I knock once on the door and don't even wait for an answer before I walk in.

"Hey! Oh sorry to disturb... I'll come back later," I say when I realize that someone is sitting across from Aaron at his desk.

"Come in, Cam! Shannon was about to leave anyway," he replies, throwing a strict and knowing look to Mark's Sub. Oops, someone is in troubles, it seems. Shannon became Mark's Submissive back in August last year, before Alex joined them later in November, but Shan is also one of Aaron's employees. He works at the bar at the Black Diamond and I have to admit that he does a great job there, very respectful to the Doms and playful with the Subs. Before he entered the lifestyle, he was kind of a lost guy, with a poor education or no stability of any sort. Mark has been fantastic in taming him, and even if he still has a lot to do with the young man, Shannon is barely recognizable - dixit his old friend Liam. He hasn't lost his peachy temper and still finds opportunities to disobey, but he is willing and at the end of the day, this is what matters.

"Good evening, Shannon," I greet him from the entrance. I hear him sigh lightly before he stands up and turns toward me, keeping his eyes cast down.

"Good evening, Master Camden," he replies gloomily, obviously annoyed by the conversation he just had with his boss, and heads to the door that I am keeping open for him.

"Shannon," Aaron calls out. "Make sure you come here half an hour in advance tomorrow so that you can finish with the stock, understood?"

"Yes, Master Aaron, I will..."

Once he has left, I shut the door and go to sit where he was just a few seconds ago. "Having a problem with the little terror?" I ask Aaron as he shakes his head.

"No, not really a problem. Shannon hates tidying up the stock room and he always takes all his sweet time to do it. There wasn't much today and he only did half, so I just reminded him that this is part of his job and asked him to come earlier tomorrow so that he can finish off..." Aaron explains.

"Mark will love that..." I comment with a chuckle.

"Not my problem... he can sweet-talk or lie to him on why he needs to be here earlier tomorrow, that's not my business, and I won't tell Mark either. What happens at the club is dealt with at the club, but he'd better be prepared with a good excuse, otherwise Mark will definitely not like the slacking. Anyway! How are you? Are you sure you still want to do that?" he then asks.

"More than sure," I reply firmly and looking straight into his chocolate eyes.

"That's what I would call... determination. Did you have a bad day?" he asks suspiciously.

"Kind of... but that doesn't change a thing."

"Okay..." he sighs. "I'll see you in your room in about an hour if that's fine with you? I'll open the club and make sure that Mike is supervising everything for the evening before I join you."

"Perfect. See you in a bit!" I reply, standing up and leaving him to his tasks.

Half an hour later, I am lying on the bed in my private room; freshly cleaned, in and out; only wearing my leather trousers; eyes closed and concentrating. Images of the young guy from last night pop into my head but I quickly push them aside and another young man shows up. A young blond-haired twink, named Corey. He is one of the first Subs I ever worked with.

I had finished my training as a Dominant a few weeks before, learning from Aaron and another sadistic Dominant. Aaron taught me a lot on the BDSM lifestyle, but the other Master trained me to other techniques about indulging pain without leaving permanent damage and without extreme sufferance; how to read a Submissive's body in order not to go beyond his limits. He also taught me how to use more torturous instruments, how to inflict - and play with - mental pain, how to manipulate floggers and whips, and so on.

And I learned fast; maybe too fast. Back then, Aaron said that I was the one of the Dominants who obtained his certification in the shortest time and that I certainly had it in me, but the truth is that I was at the club every single night that it was open, observing the best in action and practicing as much as I could. I was purely reveling in this new activity because it was exactly what I needed: it fulfilled both my urge to indulge pain to people and my eagerness to provide them with care. And yet, I messed up.

Oh, it didn't go as far as it went with Chris about a year ago when Master Andrei whipped him to the point that the boy bled and even kept a mark on his back. Corey didn't get any permanent scars, but it took him some time to recover his trust and come back to the club. He had been a Submissive for a few years already, but recently decided to try more hardcore stuff and verse into masochism, so he was a newly appointed Masochist. My first mistake was to accept an evening with him when he had performed only a few scenes with other Sadists. I hadn't planned anything complicated and it mostly implied some rope bondage and extreme edging; Corey had already experienced this kind of play and I had trained a lot as well; but maybe not enough.

Half-way through the scene, Corey started panicking and didn't safeword as he should have; then came my second mistake. It took me a tad bit too long to read his body and understand his distress. When I realized that his muscles had gone too tense and that he was slightly shaking, it was too late; he was already into his panic attack, though still conscious. I immediately pressed the alarm button that we all have in our private rooms and within the next minute, Aaron and Mike, the security manager, barged into the room and helped me to disentangle him from all the ropes. Those were my third mistake.

When you play with ropes - or bondage in general, there are so many parameters that you need to take into account; the type of cord and its quality; the tightness of the bondage; the solidity of the equipment; and one major point, the knotting. In order to guarantee the Submissive's safety, you cannot afford to mess up with any of these details, but most importantly, if anything happens, you have to make sure that you will always have an easy way to untie the knots and free the Sub from his restraints. This is where I fucked up big time. I don't know how I managed, but the ties were nearly impossible to release and we ended up cutting the ropes. I rarely saw Aaron in such a fury.

Fuck! It was scary to see! Corey eventually managed to relax and the first words that this idiot said were an apology for not safewording! Like it was his fault! Well, there certainly was a bit of that, but I had done far worse and I took all the blame on me. I can still picture him, lying on the floor and shivering like a leaf while Aaron and I were trying to soothe him. I made him sit up, his legs folded to his chest and his head between his knees, urging him to take deep breaths.

Once Corey had calmed down, Aaron helped him to dress up and drove him back home, but not before he addressed me a spiteful You'd better be in my office at ten tomorrow, Camden. And I don't give a fuck if you need to cancel some appointments. The following day, I was in his office as requested and I got the lecture of my life, I think, and I also willingly took my punishment.

After that, I took another long training with a Dominant specialized in bondage and regained my confidence, but it took me a bit of time. Like Aaron said, it wasn't a huge fuck up, but it could have been much more serious, and as much as Corey said it was a forgotten story, I never really forgave myself. Ever since then, I have paid more attention to my Subs' expressions and the way their body reacts. I am also very cautious as to the Subs I use; I refuse to deal with these Subs who sometimes want to try to play a little rougher than usual if I am not sure that my mood can handle this; and there are only a few Subs with whom I accept to go into extreme scenes, but these are real Masochists. It was exactly four years ago and I have never messed up again or gone over a Sub's limits since that day. Corey is still a member of the club but he has been in a long-term contract with the same Dominant for nearly three years now and they don't come here very often anymore. However, my memories of that night are still vivid and I want to keep them as such; I don't want to forget how I messed up and this is the reason why I ask Aaron for a call to order every year.

"Are you sleeping or are you still up for it?" Aaron's voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"Up and ready," I reply with determination as I open my eyes and get up from the bed.

"Alright... Let's get this over with..." he sighs, shutting the door. The uneasy expression on his face soon turns into one of determination; the Master Dominant takes over the friend; I am now facing Master Aaron, the one that all the members of the club respect and fear, including the Dominants. "Strip and go to stand beneath the grid," he orders firmly.

Without hesitation, I take off my leather pants and walk to the corner of the room where a large metal grid has been fixed to the ceiling. While he lectures me on the mistakes I made four years ago, he restrains my wrists and forearms into long leather cuffs that he secures with five buckles each; he then uses a snap link to tie them together and attach them to a short chain above my head, stretching my arms. My ankles get wrapped into other restraints that he also binds to big D rings embedded in the floor, forcing me to spread my legs. All through the preparation and Aaron's speech, I have let all the guilt and self-anger of that night invade me, allowing it to mix with those of this morning, and anticipating the punishment.

"Are you ready to take your punishment, Master Camden?" Aaron asks, looking straight into my eyes before I lower my head.

"Yes, Master Aaron."

"Before I gag you," Aaron announces in a seething tone, pulling out a padded pillow mouth gag from his pocket and shifting to stand on my left side, before he tilts my head backward by pulling on my hair bun. "I warn you, Master Camden," he whispers in my ear, "we're still in January and I can still take resolutions. I swear, Cam... you'd better enjoy this and take good advantage of it, because this is the fucking last time I punish you. Don't even ask for it next year, because I won't do it. Understood?"

"Yes, Master Aaron."

"Good! Anyway, I promise you're going to learn your lesson once and for all this time... Drop that if you need me to slow down," he says, putting a small metal bar between my hands then stuffing the little padded pillow between my teeth and that he fastens by a loop through D ring strap at the back of my head.

The purpose is not to muffle my potential screams but more like to prevent me from breaking teeth through strong clenching or biting my inner cheeks. I know now that he is not going to take it easy on me. I hear him fumble with accessories, dropping some of them on a side table before he comes back to stand behind me. I can feel the tension building in the room and the excitement at what is coming up. I don't know if all the sadists have a little masochistic side, but I think I do, so when Aaron grabs my semi hard-on and begins to stroke it, my cock quickly hardens, and he swiftly wraps a leather strap that he buckles tightly at the base of my shaft and behind my balls, making me groan in frustration.

"You wanted it the hard way, Master Camden... you get it the hard way!" he then whispers, pressing his body against my back side and allowing me to feel his erection through his leather pants. "Forty with the flogger, thirty with the cat o'nine and twenty with the whip, Master Camden," he announces. Without any further delay, Aaron starts whipping the flogger, counting down from forty, and increasing his strength gradually as the lashes fall all over my back and my backside. The flogger is gentle enough and after forty lashes, it has only warmed up my skin. "Are you okay to continue, Master Camden?" Aaron asks but I am only allowed to groan in answer.

The Master Dominant resumes the punishment with the cat o'nine. This is quite similar to a flogger except that the lashes are longer and braided to form several tails that usually end up with either knots or larger bands. They also offer a brighter sting than the usual flogger and as Aaron counts up, I can feel my skin warming even more. Sweat is forming on my body as I willingly take in the pain of each strike, sending mental apologies to the young man I didn't care enough for this morning. Aaron makes sure to cover the whole surface of my back as well as my bottom, and this is another kind of warm-up for the last part. When he finally reaches thirty, my jaw is already aching from biting into the little pillow; my cock is hard as fuck; my breathing is panting.

"Are you ready for the last part, Master Camden?" Aaron asks.

"Yes, Master Aaron," I seethe through my teeth but it only comes out as a muffled sound. I can't help a startle when I hear the whip crack against the floor for the first time and I close my eyes when he repeats the action a few more times in a row to get a grip on his strength. Then there is silence. Just silence and I brace myself for the first whiplash on my back. "Twenty!" When it strikes across the muscles of my back, my teeth sink deeply into the pillow and I accept the pain that comes with it. As Aaron counts down, I repress tears in my eyes, but they don't come so much from the painful strikes. Each time the lash of the whip kisses the skin of my back or my buttocks, images of Corey shaking on the floor appear in front of my eyes, and with every sting, I send him a silent apology.

However, a different image soon shows up before my eyes; one that I wish I could forget; one that I haven't thought of in a long time and makes me think that tonight is the night to atone for all my guilty regrets; one that shows one of my dearest friends being harmed on a dirty soil while I was watching, helpless and powerless and by then, I no longer try to withhold my tears. My groans get louder and louder and my body is drenched in sweat as I try to shove this image away. When I hear the wooden stick of the whip hit the floor, the image immediately disappears, but the emotions enhanced by the memory are here and they don't go away as Aaron quickly frees me from all my restraints and the gag. My knees are wobbling, making it hard for me to stand, so Aaron helps me to the bed where I lay face down, completely worn out. My weariness doesn't come so much from the physical pain in itself because I can take it; no, it has more to do with all the tension and emotions triggered by all these souvenirs.

"How are you feeling?" Aaron gently asks after long minutes of massaging some soothing lotion and more ointment into my skin while he is sitting on the top of my thighs. I can still feel the warmth all over my back side, but it already feels better. And I do feel a bit better; just a tad bit, though.

"I'm good..."

"Cam... It was the last t..."

"I know, Bro... I know..." I sigh. Aaron bends over to rest his forehead at the back of my head and I can feel his erection on my hip.

"Get over this, Cam... There wasn't anything you could do about it..." he whispers; I know that he is not speaking about Corey this time.

"Fuck me, Aaron!" I groan and I can feel him tense above me. "Aaron... Fuck me! I know you want it!" I growl again.

"This is not necess..."

"Aaron, now!!!"

I hear him sigh, but then he bites my neck and the next second, he gets up from the bed to take off his pants. I hear the noise of a condom package being ripped open and obviously slipped over his erection... then the cap of a bottle being opened... the cold lube is dropped at the crack of my ass before my legs are spread open. I take a deep breath when I feel his cock being rubbed at my entrance, smearing the lube. I know how Aaron likes it. He likes it rough, exactly like I do with my Subs, so I brace myself for the sting. The head of his shaft probes my orifice and when it goes past the ring of muscles, he pauses for a long moment, waiting for my hole to loosen.

"That too is the last time, Cam... I swear..." he growls bitterly before he slams into me in one go. "Oh fuck!!!! You're so tight!!!" You bet I am, dumbass! I usually don't take cocks up my ass! Aaron is the only one I ever agreed to, anyway. He lets me adjust to his fat cock for another couple of minutes, nibbling on my shoulders while I try to relax my muscles. Fuck! It hurts!

"Move, Ron!" I growl when I feel ready.

Aaron pulls us back, making me rest on all fours, and then he begins to slam in and out, making me see stars every time he hits my prostate. As much as I don't like to be fucked, I can't deny the huge pleasure resulting from a rubbed prostate. Kneeling up, I grab the headboard of the bed with my hands and hold on to it for support while Aaron firmly grips my hips. He slightly pulls out and thrusts back into me, making me groan from both pleasure and pain. He pauses for a few seconds, before he pulls back and slams back in again. He keeps the same rhythm again and again, roughly slapping his hips against my bottom; and as it goes on and on, my orgasm builds stronger and stronger in my balls. After a while, one of his hands reaches for my bun and pulls on it, thus making my head tilt backward.

"Fuck... this is almost incestuous, Bro..." he whispers in my ear, nibbling on my earlobe.

"I'll pretend I don't know who's fucking me..." I seethe between two pounds.

"Yeah... you just do that..." he says, reaching for my shaft with his other hand and giving it a hard stroke as he slams back into me; his cock aims again at my prostate, making me feel like I am about to explode.

"What the fuck, Ron! Take the damn ring off!" I growl, now really needing some release.

"Not yet, Cam..." he replies mischievously as he picks up his rhythm. I fall back on the mattress, and Aaron lies down on my heated back, accelerating the pace of his pounding, his hips rocking back and forth at full speed. "Enjoying this, Cam?" he asks as I feel the rubber band in my hair being removed; he takes a handful of my long hair and pulls on it, forcing me to lift my head up.

"Just shut the fuck up..." I grunt.

"Don't cut that hair, Cam... it really looks good..." he growls as his other hands slips beneath me, fumbling at the base of my cock.

"Fuck you, Ron... Take the ring off!!"

"Fuck you, Cam!! I'm the one fucking you..."

"That could change, jerk!"

"Not likely..." he chuckles. I try to shove him off my back but he was expecting this move and rests his full weight over me. "I said not likely, Cam!" he growls, and as soon as the pressure of the cock ring is released, I feel a fiery sensation burn in my balls, resulting in an explosion of cum spurting from my cock and into Aaron's hand as he was about to stroke me again. All my muscles tense from the huge pleasure and before I know it, two fingers covered with my semen are shoved in my mouth, making me taste my own essence. "I knew you'd like that..." Aaron says, as he resumes his pounding, punctuated with groans.

"Oh fuck, Aaron..." I growl, feeling my cock recover its full hardness already.

"Yeah Cam... Come on..." he says, tightening his hold on me and picking up speed again. "You wanted it rough, you get it rough... You're going to take it deep, Bro... C'me on, Cam... Cum for me again..." he adds, reaching for my cock and stroking it fast. "Cum and let that ring of muscles tighten around me..." His dirty talk is my undoing and I feel myself explode again, each of my muscles tensing from my head down to my toes, including the muscles of my asshole that squeeze around his erection, making him climax in a loud growl.

Aaron finally slowly pulls out of my ass and lies down beside me, allowing us to recover from our heavy breathing. Now that the adrenaline has left, I feel all my limbs getting limp and I just lay there, closing my eyes. Damn... I needed that, but tomorrow, I will certainly feel the consequences... At least my mind is in peace now, all the memories finally pushed aside.

"We're really fucked up..." Aaron whispers a very long moment of silence. That, we are!

"Twisted souls..." 

"You need to get over the past, Cam..." he adds after a long silence. "You're an excellent Dom, and you can't go on punishing yourself for a mistake you made four years ago... And you need to forgive yourself for the past... and forget about it once and for all... I could do it, so you can do it..."

"I will..."

Aaron then proceeds with another session of aftercare as I slowly drift to sleep.

"I have to go and close the club... You have the keys, so don't forget to lock the door when you leave in the morning..." he then says, pulling a bedsheet over my limp body. I barely groan in answer as I fall into a deep slumber, all memories from the past now pushed at the far back of my brain while more recent images flood back in... that of a dark-haired young man shivering in the cold of the night.

Published on 20 Mar 2017

Hope you enjoyed this...^^

A few things... First, thank you so much for all the votes and comments on the previous chapters! I'm trying to reply to as many as possible but with Wattpad messing up with the comments, it's not always easy. Then, there will be some questions I won't be able to answer for obvious reasons, either in this chapter or the rest of the book, sorry about that...

Few other things:
I updated the character chapter with a picture of Jess, since he will be a full secondary character of this story (this should reassure those who were worrying at the end of last chapter).
About updates, I'll use the first line of my bio to say when the next chapter is going to be published from now on, so you can check there, although it should be every 2/3 days ;)

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