Chapter 61 - Worries

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Twisted Moon - Book 3 of the Black Moon series - Chapter 60: Worries

(Camden's POV - Wed. 1 July 2015)

Camden - Hi Baby Boy, I refused late appointments and will finish around 7:00pm. Don't bother cooking, I'll get some takeaway on my way back. See you tonight at home!

The truth is I cancelled my 7:00 and 7:30pm appointments and indeed declined further ones for the day. Noah has looked a bit anxious recently and I would like to spend the evening with him. I have noticed his nightmares usually occur on the evenings he needs to take the train back to Lisle and spends the evening alone at home. Well, they are not really nightmares since he doesn't thrash in bed or scream like he did two weeks ago; this hasn't happened again. But his sleep is definitely agitated, as he twists and turns all the time; not mentioning all the moans and whimpers. I talked it out with him yesterday morning and he only came up with explaining that he just prefers when he rides back with me in the evening and that he doesn't like to spend the entire evening on his own.

Unfortunately, there is not much I can do about our different schedules and I have really tried my best to adapt some of my work days to his. Things won't get any better when Noah starts college. I don't know yet what his schedule will look like, but October being the month when my activity starts increasing again, I bet it won't be so easy. Sometimes, I think it would be so much better if we moved into Chicago. Having an apartment downtown would help as we'd have less commute in the morning and evening; especially with my new practice soon being located a little further inside the Loop. We would also be closer to Mark's place and I'm pretty sure Noah would enjoy spending time with Alex and Shannon when they don't work.

The thing is that life is better outside of Chicago. I like my little town of Lisle; its quietness and safety. And so does Noah! The house is not huge, but it's nice and Jess definitely enjoys the garden. Would he even adapt if we moved to the city center and into an apartment? I guess so, but it would be less fun for him. So, I don't know. I need to check the pros and cons and discuss this with Noah. Then we can decide. In the meantime, we will have to deal with this and tonight, even if he still has to take the train back home, I will get to spend most of the evening with him.

But before that, I need to get on with my day and welcome my next patient. It is only eleven in the morning and I try to focus on my work throughout the entire morning, but my thoughts often stray back to Noah. My boy is so proud of having a job at the moment, but the most heartwarming is that he really enjoys it. This is such a great opportunity for him that I am sincerely thankful to Joshua for having offered it to him. He is happy with what he is doing there and he has shown such interest that the architects have even started to trust him with a few drawings since he can use the desk of a guy who is on vacation at the moment. Of course, this is never anything complicated and even if he believes he could do more, they force him to take one step at a time, but this is still a beginning and he clearly enjoys it a lot.

He was a bit less enthusiastic on Monday, knowing Liam wouldn't be in the office this week, but it turns out he has become quite comfortable around Joshua's personal assistant and the human resources coordinator, with whom he usually has lunch, as well as with a few young guys he works with. So, in the end, time seems to fly by rather quickly for him and I am confident he will be all the more happy to see his friend back on Tuesday next week.

Which makes me think, I hope these two lucky guys are enjoying their time in France at the moment! I can't wait for Josh to tell me about Liam's reaction when he will have proposed to him. My friend has planned to do this in the last two days of their stay, so we certainly won't hear about it until this weekend. In any case, I haven't mentioned it to Noah either, just to make sure he wouldn't repeat it to his friends – especially after the Subs' fuck-up ten days ago at the club. Well, Noah wasn't really responsible for anything since it was that little minx of Shannon who leaked information he shouldn't have and he paid a rather high price for his mistake.

Not only did he get punished by Aaron for eavesdropping on one of his conversations – and I doubt this particular spanking aroused him in any way – but he also heard back from Mark later. From what I heard, he didn't like being cock-caged for two days with a plug up his ass at regular intervals. In any case, I think it was better not to trust Noah with that sort of information and I wasn't going to try him with such a big thing, so he will find out when Liam tells him and not before.

Eventually, the day passes rather quickly, with a short half-hour break in the early afternoon to enjoy my lunch. This is when I found out Noah's wholehearted answer to my text, saying how happy he was I could finish earlier than planned tonight and how he hoped it wouldn't change anything to tomorrow's schedule. His message ended with tons of emojis that clearly showed his eagerness and a plea for some rough sex tonight in the playroom. That boy is really going to be the death of me, but I got the message.

Ever since his first public scene ten days ago, I must admit I have been a little less rough in the playroom with him. I do take his needs into account, but seeing how I manage to tame my own violent urges, I wish I could also dampen his, in a way. I guess we will always have that twisted bit inside our minds, and I doubt they will ever completely heal, but I am certain we could diminish our urges. Besides, after all the flogging during the public scene, some of the marks on his butt and his back took quite a few days to completely disappear.

Of course, that didn't bother him at all! When I showed him a picture of what it looked like on Sunday afternoon – after he begged me to take one for hours – he gushed over how great it was and when the last stripes disappeared by Thursday last week, he asked to do it all over again. However, I was firm on a negative answer, arguing that his skin needed to rest before we'd go that far again. That earned me a little sulking, which in his turn earned him a spanking, but he eventually came around it and I assume he will know better than to insist when I decide otherwise.

A little after, when I show my 5:30 patient out, I am glad to see that for once, I am right on time in my schedule. Knowing that the last two patients I have are regular persons I see for recurrent joint issues, I might even be able to finish a little earlier. However, as soon as I stop by the entrance of the waiting room, I quickly notice that there is one too many persons in here and the young dark-haired boy sitting sheepishly in a corner and reading a book should definitely not be here.

"Mr. Alberts, please proceed to my office, I'll be with you in a minute," I instruct the old man and move aside to let him pass. Once he has disappeared into my office, I quickly stride to Noah and squat in front of him. "What are you doing here, Baby? Is there anything wrong?" I whisper.

"No, I'm all good!" he murmurs cheerfully. "But well... I stayed a little longer than usual in the office and since you said you would finish at seven, I thought I could stay here and wait for you so that we can go back home together... I promise I will behave and not disturb you or your patients..." His tone is still cheerful but I think I decipher a little bit of tension in his voice. And his body definitely looks stiff.

"Fine... But you should have gone home, I still have two patients before I'm done here."

"That's okay, I only just started reading this," he replies with a small smile, showing me the cover of Brokeback Mountain he was hiding over his lap.

"Where did you get this book?" I ask, frowning.

"Liam lent it to me... Don't worry, I'll do that discreetly..."

"I'm not worried, Baby. Gotta go now, so be good and yeah... try to keep it discreet while in here. We'll discuss that later," I reply, ruffling his hair and going back to my office.

Like I said, as much as I don't feel ashamed by my homosexuality and am perfectly comfortable with it, the subject still remains sensitive as far as my professional career is concerned. Some men just can't deal being touched by gay men and that would certainly make a few patients of mine flee right away. I know I shouldn't care, and theoretically, I don't because I already have more patients than necessary. Mrs. Sanders apparently managed to convince two of her girlfriends who were also my patients to change for a new practitioner as a little vengeance after I turned her down, but I would prefer it stops there. So, for now, I'd rather avoid all hints at my homosexuality here, even if this book is not specifically aimed at a gay audience.

When the last patient of the day leaves the practice less than an hour later, I walk back to the waiting room where Noah is still deeply concentrated on reading and call for his attention by clearing my throat. Poor boy nearly jumps on his chair before he stands up and shoves his book into his messenger bag.

"Go to my office," I order, pointing in the right direction when he joins me at the door.

"Are you not ready to leave?" he asks in a small voice.

"Just obey already, Noah!" I follow him there and shut the door behind us, even locking it. I never do that, but I don't want to be disturbed while I'm with Noah. Ethan and Sarah have already left, but you never know.  "Strip down to your boxer briefs, Baby Boy, and sit on the table," I say as I walk to my desk to switch off my laptop and clear everything.

"Why...?" he whimpers, but a simple scowl has him finally comply. When I am ready, I go to stand behind him and start manipulating his body to look for all the tense points. And there are quite a few! After a good fifteen minutes of flexions and stretching, I make him lie on his stomach and start a relaxing massage, from his neck to his shoulders and down his back.

"Baby Boy, I need you to tell me if something is wrong. Your neck was really stiff and the muscles in your back all knotted. So, what's going on?" I ask as I am now insisting on his lower back after I pulled down his briefs a little.

"Nothing... Daddy," he replies firmly. That earns him a slap on his bum.

"Don't lie to me, Baby Boy, because you'll only make things worse. I know your body. I've seen it getting stiffer and stiffer recently, hence the short massages at night before you go to sleep. Don't forget I can recognize a tense body when I see one, and such tension doesn't come for no reason. So you'd better speak up, Boy!" I scold him. For a long minute, he remains silent but I give him the time he needs.

"I think... I'm just a bit tired..." he finally replies.

"Are you stressed at work?"

"No!! It's just... The last few months have been so intense... and I didn't really have a break... and... I don't know... I think it's playing on my nerves in a way..." he eventually admits.

"I don't want you to ruin your health or endanger yourself, Baby. I'll call Allan tonight and tell him you need a vacation," I inform him determinedly.

"Nooooo!! Please!!" Noah squeals, trying to sit up but I maintain him down on the table. "Please Daddy, don't do that!! I just started this job! I don't want to stop working!"

"But you are obviously tired and you could take a week of holidays before you return to work. I'm sure Allan would understand!" I argue.

"I don't need to... Plus there's a three-day weekend coming up! I'll be able to rest on Sunday and Monday!"

"Monday?" I ask, my fingers now kneading his exposed buttocks.

"Yes, HR announced today that due to the 4th of July being on a Saturday this year, the CEO agreed to offer next Monday as a compensation..." he explains.

Damn! I would have preferred they get their Friday off rather than Monday since it is my busiest day and we have a meeting with the movers. Unfortunately, I won't be able to cancel any of that, and my poor boy will have to spend the day alone at home. However, this is not the subject matter right now. I take a minute to think Noah's reasoning over. I know how eager he is to prove himself efficient but he actually looks really exhausted.

"Listen, I'll give you until the end of next week to recover from your tiredness, okay? Maybe we'll skip going to the club on Saturday evening, or if we go, we won't stay too late. In the meantime, I want you to rest as much as possible. Until you get better, I want you in bed and sleeping by 10 the latest in the evening. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Daddy... though, could we compromise to elev..."

"No, I said 10pm. That's firm until further notice."

"Okay..." he sighs.

"I think I didn't hear well..." I say, slipping a finger into the crack of his ass, causing him to startle.

"Okay, Daddy!" he squeals.

"Good boy..." I purr, still teasing his entrance. My cock twitches in my pants at the little moans of content escaping from his mouth. "Let's finish to relax you, Baby. Flip on your back... Hands beneath your head... Don't move an inch! I want perfect stillness!" I order.

Once Noah is in the right position, I lock eyes with him and with an extreme slowness, I pull down his boxer briefs, freeing his erection millimeter by millimeter. He is biting his lower lip and his look is full of lust now. At least, he seems to relax and his cock is resting on his lower belly, fully hard. After I have completely removed his underwear, I run the tips of my fingers from his toes, up his shins, his knees, his thighs, then carefully avoiding his groin, I continue up his hips, his sides, I stop by his nipples to tease them for a few seconds, pinching and twisting the little buds. Never breaking eye contact, I make my way back down but this time, I graze my nails on his skin. After the third round trip, his erection is oozing precum and I can see the red trails my nails have left all along his body.

"You may come when I pinch your right nipple, Baby."

Standing on his right side, I bend over and, firmly gripping his hips, I catch one of his nuts in my mouth, gently sucking on it before I proceed similarly with the other one, then I run my tongue along his shaft a few times, but always stopping beneath the mushroom head. My Baby Boy has become really good at containing his moans and he remains silent as I begin to tease the sensitive skin of his frenum. Finally, I use my index finger at the base of his length to pull it up and, still staring at him, I lap the pearls of precum escaping. His eyes roll back when I eventually swallow him whole but he still manages to hold back his moans.

I bob my head up and down, swirling my tongue around his girth and sucking hard on the head, enjoying every drop of precum I get. I keep it going for as long as I can, but the goal is not to edge him to no end tonight. It's just about relaxing him and giving him pleasure, so I quickly reach for the hard little bud with my left hand and squeeze it hard enough between my thumb and my index finger, causing Noah to finally let go of a low whimper as his body tenses.

Several streams of sweet salty cum hit the back of my throat and I swallow all his juices. I keep up my bobbing, making his orgasm last longer and milking him dry until nothing comes anymore. I let go of his limp cock with a loud pop and lick my way up his chest to reach his mouth. For once, we share a gentle and soothing kiss, just to end this relaxing session with a soft finish.

I can tell that the massage and the orgasm have done their job because Noah looks much more quiet and peaceful than when he arrived. It's getting late though, so my own erection will have to wait. When we get home, we will go for a long walk with Jess, have a quick dinner, and then, we will enjoy a bath together. Yeah, bath sex sounds good...

* * *

"Do you want to stay with me and Aaron for a while?" I ask Noah as we get closer to the club on Saturday evening.

None of his best friends are here and I don't want to force him to go to the Subs' Room if he doesn't want to. Last weekend, Shannon and Alex were there, only Liam was missing, but not tonight. Mark has taken his boys to New York for a few days. This is actually the trip they should have done in April to celebrate Alex's birthday, but that was until the little creep ran away. So, with these three in New York and Joshua in France with Liam, that only leaves Aaron and me of the usual group, which is not a first for me, but it definitely is for Noah.

"No, I need to go prep..."

"You can prep in my playroom as well. There are all the necessary things for that!"

"I know, but I'd like to do it with the other Subs. I think at least Ed and Mick will be there, as well as Chris," he argues with a genuine smile. True. Even if Noah spends most of his time with Alex, Shannon and Liam, there are still the other guys and it might be good for him to have fun with them.

"That's up to you, Baby Boy," I reply.

The rest of the week went pretty well. After Wednesday evening, Noah's sleep was a little less agitated and it seems he was less anxious as well. I just hope he is not getting good at acting or it might become a problem for me to help him with his worries if there are any. At least, he has been looking calmer so that's a good start. Now only remains his problem of tiredness but this is slightly getting better too. Noah has managed to sleep early enough since then, either after a relaxation moment with massages and cuddles like on Thursday or a short reassuring phone call last night just before bed while I was still at the practice, so I am confident he will recover shortly, which is why I accepted we go to the club tonight.

When we reach the Black Diamond, Noah first follows me to Aaron's office to say hi but he leaves almost right away to the Subs' Room when Aaron starts teasing him on his hair cut. True, it has become a bit long and I make a mental note to send him to the hairdresser sometime next week. I'm really glad there wasn't any awkwardness between them after that little scene in Joshua's playroom last month.

I took the time to discuss it with my boy and he knows it was just a one-time thing. Well, at least for now. This little minx confessed something I had already guessed, though, so his words didn't really surprise me. "Daddy, the first time we have a real threesome... like you know... with a double penetration or whatever... could we have it with Aaron?" he asked, flushing to the deepest red. He then explained how he feels comfortable around my friend and would really appreciate to do it with him. I don't mind that at all of course, but I'm still firm on waiting for a few more months for that.

I am really happy about how we now easily communicate about sex. Noah has clearly understood that if he wants me to fulfill his desires, he needs to speak up. He uses a lot of the green word for instance, but he also never hesitates to express ideas or suggestions. Our relationship is consensual so I only yield to what I am comfortable with too, but at least I am staying open-minded and honest. Like that Sunday after we had Ethan and Anthony's visit and Noah asked me about Aiden... and Zach. Well, I just told him the truth. And I swear my Baby Boy is much greedier than I thought!

Anyway! Once he has left, Aaron shows me the final plans of the new Black Diamond. This is going to make him the hell of a big apartment there on the first floor, even if most of the space will be used for the private rooms and the Subs' Room. The works on the first floor should last from mid-July to mid-August give or take, and once that part is ready, he will close the club to do all the works on the ground floor, which shouldn't last for more than three weeks.

I actually like the idea of better defined areas in the club, with one main room for the dance floor and the largest stage for the shows, then one private area dedicated to more hardcore things – in other words SM since there have been two Sadists and three Masochists among the new members recently – and one room that will be used for demonstrations on specific disciplines or private orgies. There have been several Dominants asking for those demonstrations and considering the always increasing number of members, this sounds like a good idea as there is always something new to learn.

"Also, I hope you guys won't take offense, Cam, but I have decided to appoint another Master Dom in September to help me with the trainings," Aaron says almost apologetically.

"Hey, why would we take offense? We have already had this conversation and you should be the one upset with our lack of presence..." I reply, feeling guilty for having neglected my friend over the past few months.

"Stop that, Cam. The point is not to make you feel guilty and that's the same for Mark and Josh. You guys have settled down and you have responsibilities toward your Subs that are much more important than spending every night here! I wouldn't even tolerate it if you did come here too often to train Subs and Doms, knowing that Noah is alone at home. Or if you brought him here too often. What I mean is I have managed to handle all the trainings and I've had help from a few other Doms too, but I'd really like to have some sort of second-in-command. I need more time to work on other aspects of the club, and there's the online store as well... So I really need help here."

"That makes sense... Do you already have any idea who you will appoint? Is it a Dom we know?"

"I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll go for someone who has been a member for a long time or someone new. Either way, I will have to train him to become a Master Dom so it probably won't be until October. But I'll let you know in any case. And that doesn't mean you guys aren't welcome to help once in a while, of course!"

"If I lived closer or downtown, I would surely be at the club more often since it wouldn't take so long to drive here. I have been considering moving back to Chicago actually..." I reply before I explain my whole reasoning for next year. The other thing I hadn't thought about is that I would need to sell the house first and then buy an apartment closer to the Loop.

"I have a solution for that if you want..." he says, reclining in his chair and wriggling his eyebrows. "I'm not going to sell my apartment downtown, so you and Noah can use it! And that's for free!"

"No way!" I laugh out. "I'm not using your apartment for free! Why don't you rent it?"

"I might end up renting it at some point, but you and Noah can definitely use it in the meantime," he says with a shrug. "Here's what I suggest! You guys move in for a few months. It will be a good way for you to see if it helps in your schedules, and then, if you and Noah like it, you can consider selling your house and buying a new place in Chicago. And if that makes you more comfortable, you can pay for the general charges. I think that would be a good opportunity to try living there. Besides, it will definitely make things easier for Noah. He'll be closer to the College and won't spend so much time commuting. Same for you!" Aaron insists with a cheerful tone.

"There's Jess too..."

"He'll get used to it! And there are parks nearby to walk him!"

"I don't know... I'll think about it. It's just an idea I've had but I haven't mentioned this to Noah yet. But thanks anyway!" I reply gratefully. "Do you have a Sub for tonight?" I then ask, smiling mischievously.

"Yup! Nigel!!" Aaron replies, wriggling his eyebrows.

"Nigel as in... Nigel? Is he back?" I ask, clearly picturing the little cutie trained a few years ago. I can't help a chuckle when I remember how I had caught him eavesdropping on Aaron and Gary who were having a private conversation in the meeting room. At the time, Gary had compared him to a Jeremy number 2, but it seems like Shannon is number 3.

"Yep! That Nigel! He's just back from his second schoolyear in Spain and took a new membership at the club. Tonight will be his first night back at the club, so we'll celebrate in my playroom later," he replies with a smug smile. I have a feeling some boy will have difficulty to walk tomorrow!

Once we are done eating our sandwiches, I go to my playroom to change into my leather pants and boots, then meet Aaron at the VIP area as usual. The dark-haired cutie is kneeling by Aaron's feet already. He hasn't changed much in two years and still bears that mischievous expression on his face when I greet him. Aaron treats all the Submissives equally and even if he tries to care for all of them in the same way, there are a few he prefers to others. Nigel was one of them, exactly like Jeremy was.

"Nigel, go enjoy the dance floor for a bit with your friends," Aaron kindly offers. "But be back by 10:30 the latest to watch the second show with me, understood?"

"Yes, Master Aaron! Thank you!" the young man replies eagerly before he runs off to meet a group of other Subs.

I am glad to see Aaron has also invited Master Donovan to spend the evening with us. Of course, he is accompanied by Harry, who has apparently been a naughty boy considering his contrite face. The man is kneeling beside Donovan's legs, with his hands tied in his back and a very blatant erection, certainly the result of a long edging coupled with a cock ring. I have known them for long enough to know that Harry must have fucked up big time, because Donovan may be a Sadist, his fondness for his Submissive outside of a playroom is usually really sweet. He never ignores him, whereas tonight, the Dom hasn't even allowed his Submissive to rest his head on his thigh.

We discuss for a while but my attention is quickly caught toward the dance floor where Noah has just arrived with Ed and Chris, soon followed by the twins and Mick. Noah briefly peeks in my direction and gives me a happy smile as he is led by the others to join the other dancers. He still has an hour before the first show begins so I just let him enjoy himself, only keeping an eye on him at regular intervals. Soon enough, I notice that the twins walk out of the club with a Dominant, and a while later, I see that Noah sticks with Chris while Ed and Mick apparently try to get hooked for the night. The two boys sometimes disappear from my sight, mingling in the crowd, but they always resurface on the side rather quickly.

Donovan is telling us about a recent trip he made to South America and recounting some of the stories he heard about sex slavery while he was there, saying that in some parts of the world, this is sadly a reality. At some point, Aaron goes to order some drinks at the bar and I am focused on some rather horrific details Donovan is telling me when a young man who I recognize as Chris suddenly stumbles on his knees beside me.

"Master Camden... Sorry to interrupt..." he blurts out, a bit out of breath. "Noah... I think he's in trouble... Master Martin... there!!" he finally manages through his heavy panting, pointing toward an isolated corner far behind the crowd. I don't need more details to rush to my feet and hurry to the dance floor, quickly able to see what is going on from my convenient height. And to say I see red when I catch sight of the tall man who has cornered my Sub is worse than an understatement. Those hands on my boy's body... My violent urges are resurfacing all at once and they are shouting with raging angst. Nobody dares touching the little man I love!

Published on 8 August 2017

It had been a long time I hadn't finished a chapter with a cliffhanger... There might be a few more in the next chapters, though not that many, I think. But be ready for a bunch of painful chapters. In the next one, you'll get Noah's thoughts on the evening of his first public performance (have to go back there since he didn't have a chap in his POV since then), then what happens at the club that night and the long awaited (or not) and infamous Monday 6th July...

You've had plenty of hints of what's going to happen in the epilogue and bonus chapter of I Was Shooting For The Moon, I Hit Two Stars, then in the epilogue of I Would Give Him The Moon and finally the prologue here, so hopefully you're prepared. If you don't deal well with suspense, feel free not to come back until chapter 74 is published, I'll understand! For the more eager ones, I'll see you on Friday with the next update!

And if you don't remember Nigel, go reread the one-shot called A Training Going Out Of Control ;)

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